The workflow calulates the overlap and intersections between VCFs based on a common list of samples. It also calculates the novelty by comparing the overlap and intersections with dbSNP.
Specify the two VCFs to compare: vcf_1
and vcf_2
. Specify the common set of samples: sample_list
. Specify the dbSNP VCF: dbsnp
See example nextflow.config
Run nextflow -log nextflow.log run /users/gerrit/projects/refimpute/varcall/compare-vcf/ -w /scratch3/users/gerrit/projects/refimpute/v6.high-cov.sentieon/compare-vcf-work -c /users/gerrit/projects/refimpute/varcall/compare-vcf/nextflow.v6.high-cov.sentieon.config -profile ilifu -resume
Final output is in final.stats.txt
NRD SNPs (%)
- Non-reference discordance % between SNPs for samples in vcf_1
and vcf_2
- Non-reference discordance % between INDELs for samples in vcf_1
and vcf_2
Records unique to 1st VCF
- Number of records unique to vcf_1
Records unique to 2nd VCF
- Number of records unique to vcf_2
Records that overlap
- Number of records that overlap between vcf_1
and vcf_2
Records in 0000.sorted.vcf.gz_vs_dbsSNP.bcftools.stats that are not novel
- Number of records that are unique to vcf_1
that are found in dbSNP
Records in 0001.sorted.vcf.gz_vs_dbsSNP.bcftools.stats that are not novel
- Number of records that are unique to vcf_2
that are found in dbSNP
Records in 0002.sorted.vcf.gz_vs_dbsSNP.bcftools.stats that are not novel
- Number of records that are in overlap with vcf_1
and vcf_2
that are found in dbSNP
Records in 0003.sorted.vcf.gz_vs_dbsSNP.bcftools.stats that are not novel
- Number of records that are in overlap with vcf_1
and vcf_2
that are found in dbSNP (should be same as one above)