Edit files inside ts/ folder
my-directive.ts - Example Angular2 Directive
my-pipe.ts - Example Angular2 Pipe
my-service.ts - Example Angular2 Service
NPM dependancy installer / typescript compiler
go into your source folder ts
npm install, while inside you ts folder, grabs all dependancies in ts/package.json.
afterwards, as a package.json prepublish command, runs the typescript compiler on this module
your compiled .js files can be found one directory up
the folder holding the compiled .js files is where you point the npm install path
NPM install your new package into your project
Install from Local folder
npm install <path to angular2-typescript-npm-template folder> --save
Install from Public / Private Git Repo
npm install git+http://<url to git repo of root angular2-typescript-npm-tempalte>.git --save
import module into project component
import { MyDirective } from 'angular2-typescript-npm-template/my-directive';
import { MyPipe } from 'angular2-typescript-npm-template/my-pipe';
import { MyService } from 'angular2-typescript-npm-template/my-service';
Run a fresh npm install inside the ts/ folder
update the main folder package.json version number by a tick
copy my personal modules to a private git server
for semi-private work i will add ts/ to my .gitignore, and not upload my typescript source
public work I leave everything in tact