To run a test migration, the Github Test
workflow downloads a preinstalled database of the previous version from
This database has all Odoo core modules installed with demo data.
- Checkout a clean Odoo up-to-date base code
- Make sure your addons_path only contains odoo repo, (if it contains OCA / custom repo) the modules will be installed.
- Configure your instance without any non-Odoo addons paths.
- Odoo version 11.0 may require this patch: odoo/odoo#28620
The 14.0 database was created as follows:
# Install account module first to ensure that the chart of accounts of l10n_generic_coa
# is installed instead of the chart of accounts of the first localization module that is encountered.
odoo-bin -d 14.0 -i account --stop-after-init --without-demo=
# Mark all interesting modules as installable
echo "update ir_module_module set state = 'uninstallable' where name like 'test%' or name like 'hw_%';" | psql 14.0
echo "update ir_module_module set state = 'to install', demo=true where state = 'uninstalled';" | psql 14.0
# Install all modules
odoo-bin -d 14.0 -i dummy --stop-after-init --without-demo=
# put the attachment in database
odoo-bin -d 14.0 shell
>>> env['ir.config_parameter'].set_param('ir_attachment.location', 'db')
>>> env['ir.attachment'].force_storage()
# Install an additional language (optional, e.g. 15.0)
>>> lang = env.ref('base.lang_fr')
>>> lang._activate_lang(lang.code)
>>> env['ir.module.module'].search([('state', '=', 'installed')])._update_translations(lang.code, True)
# Export database
sudo su postgres -c "pg_dump -d 14.0 --format=c --file=/tmp/14.0.psql"
Upload the database here.
To check if all is ok, you should before migrate the openupgrade_scripts
module (first) and then the openupgrade_framework
module, and check if the CI is OK.