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grantfirl committed Feb 16, 2024
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Showing 8 changed files with 4,597 additions and 350 deletions.
200 changes: 200 additions & 0 deletions physics/Interstitials/UFS_SCM_NEPTUNE/UFS_rad_time_vary.fv3.F90
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@@ -0,0 +1,200 @@
!>\file UFS_rad_time_vary.fv3.F90
!! Contains code related to GFS radiation suite setup (radiation part of time_vary_step)
module UFS_rad_time_vary

implicit none


!> new data input control variables (set/reset in subroutine radupdate):
integer :: month0 = 0
integer :: iyear0 = 0
integer :: monthd = 0

!> control flag for the first time of reading climatological ozone data
!! (set/reset in subroutines radinit/radupdate, it is used only if the
!! control parameter ntoz=0)
logical :: loz1st = .true.

public UFS_rad_time_vary_timestep_init


!>\defgroup mod_UFS_rad_time_vary GFS Radiation Time Update
!! This module contains code related to GFS radiation setup.
!> @{
!> \section arg_table_UFS_rad_time_vary_timestep_init Argument Table
!! \htmlinclude UFS_rad_time_vary_timestep_init.html
subroutine UFS_rad_time_vary_timestep_init (me, idate, jdate, ictm, isol, iaermdl, ico2, ntoz, deltsw, deltim, con_pi, aeros_file, co2dat_file, co2glb_file, ozphys, lrseeds, rseeds, &
lslwr, lsswr, isubc_lw, isubc_sw, icsdsw, icsdlw, cnx, cny, isc, jsc, &
imap, jmap, sec, kdt, imp_physics, imp_physics_zhao_carr, ipsd0, ipsdlim,&
ps_2delt, ps_1delt, t_2delt, t_1delt, qv_2delt, qv_1delt, t, qv, ps, &
slag, sdec, cdec, solcon, errmsg, errflg)

use module_radiation_astronomy, only : sol_update
use module_radiation_aerosols, only : aer_update
use module_radiation_gases, only : gas_update
use module_ozphys, only : ty_ozphys
use mersenne_twister, only : random_setseed, random_index, random_stat
use machine, only : kind_phys
use radcons, only : qmin, con_100

implicit none

! Interface variables
integer, intent(in) :: idate(:)
integer, intent(in) :: jdate(:)
logical, intent(in) :: lrseeds
integer, intent(in) :: rseeds(:,:)
integer, intent(in) :: me, ictm, isol, iaermdl, ico2, ntoz
integer, intent(in) :: isubc_lw, isubc_sw, cnx, cny, isc, jsc, kdt
integer, intent(in) :: imp_physics, imp_physics_zhao_carr, ipsd0, ipsdlim
logical, intent(in) :: lslwr, lsswr
integer, intent(inout) :: icsdsw(:), icsdlw(:)
integer, intent(in) :: imap(:), jmap(:)
character(len=26), intent(in) :: aeros_file, co2dat_file, co2gbl_file
real(kind_phys), intent(in) :: deltsw, deltim, con_pi
real(kind_phys), intent(in) :: sec
real(kind_phys), intent(inout) :: ps_2delt(:)
real(kind_phys), intent(inout) :: ps_1delt(:)
real(kind_phys), intent(inout) :: t_2delt(:,:)
real(kind_phys), intent(inout) :: t_1delt(:,:)
real(kind_phys), intent(inout) :: qv_2delt(:,:)
real(kind_phys), intent(inout) :: qv_1delt(:,:)
type(ty_ozphys), intent(inout) :: ozphys
real(kind_phys), intent(in) :: t(:,:), qv(:,:), ps(:)
real(kind_phys), intent(out) :: slag
real(kind_phys), intent(out) :: sdec
real(kind_phys), intent(out) :: cdec
real(kind_phys), intent(out) :: solcon
character(len=*), intent(out) :: errmsg
integer, intent(out) :: errflg

! Local variables
integer :: iyear, imon, iday, ihour
integer :: kyear, kmon, kday, khour
logical :: lmon_chg ! month change flag
logical :: lco2_chg ! cntrl flag for updating co2 data
logical :: lsol_chg ! cntrl flag for updating solar constant

type (random_stat) :: stat
integer :: ix, j, i, ipseed
integer :: numrdm(cnx*cny*2)

! Initialize CCPP error handling variables
errmsg = ''
errflg = 0

! Set up time stamp at fcst time and that for green house gases
iyear = jdate(1)
imon = jdate(2)
iday = jdate(3)
ihour = jdate(5)

! Set up time stamp used for green house gases (** currently co2 only)
! get external data at initial condition time
if ( ictm==0 .or. ictm==-2 ) then
kyear = idate(1)
kmon = idate(2)
kday = idate(3)
khour = idate(5)
! get external data at fcst or specified time
kyear = iyear
kmon = imon
kday = iday
khour = ihour

if ( month0 /= imon ) then
lmon_chg = .true.
month0 = imon
lmon_chg = .false.

!> -# Call module_radiation_astronomy::sol_update(), yearly update, no
!! time interpolation.
if (lsswr) then
if ( isol == 0 .or. isol == 10 ) then
lsol_chg = .false.
elseif ( iyear0 /= iyear ) then
lsol_chg = .true.
lsol_chg = ( isol==4 .and. lmon_chg )
iyear0 = iyear

call sol_update(jdate,kyear,deltsw,deltim,lsol_chg,me, & !inputs
slag,sdec,cdec,solcon,con_pi,errmsg,errflg) !outputs

!> -# Call module_radiation_aerosols::aer_update(), monthly update, no
!! time interpolation
if ( lmon_chg ) then
call aer_update (iyear, imon, me, iaermdl, aeros_file, errflg, errmsg)

!> -# Call co2 and other gases update routine:
!! module_radiation_gases::gas_update()
if ( monthd /= kmon ) then
monthd = kmon
lco2_chg = .true.
lco2_chg = .false.

call gas_update ( kyear,kmon,kday,khour,lco2_chg, me, co2dat_file, &
co2gbl_file, ictm, ico2, errflg, errmsg )
if (ntoz == 0) then
call ozphys%update_o3clim(kmon, kday, khour, loz1st)

if ( loz1st ) loz1st = .false.

if (lsswr .or. lslwr) then

!--- call to GFS_radupdate_timestep_init is now in GFS_rrtmg_setup_timestep_init

!--- set up random seed index in a reproducible way for entire cubed-sphere face (lat-lon grid)
if ((isubc_lw==2) .or. (isubc_sw==2)) then
!NRL If random seeds supplied by NEPTUNE
if(lrseeds) then
do ix=1,size(jmap)
icsdsw(ix) = rseeds(ix,1)
icsdlw(ix) = rseeds(ix,2)
ipseed = mod(nint(con_100*sqrt(sec)), ipsdlim) + 1 + ipsd0
call random_setseed (ipseed, stat)
call random_index (ipsdlim, numrdm, stat)

do ix=1,size(jmap)
j = jmap(ix)
i = imap(ix)
!--- for testing purposes, replace numrdm with '100'
icsdsw(ix) = numrdm(i+isc-1 + (j+jsc-2)*cnx)
icsdlw(ix) = numrdm(i+isc-1 + (j+jsc-2)*cnx + cnx*cny)
end if !lrseeds
endif ! isubc_lw and isubc_sw

if (imp_physics == imp_physics_zhao_carr) then
if (kdt == 1) then
t_2delt = t
t_1delt = t
qv_2delt = qv
qv_1delt = qv
ps_2delt = ps
ps_1delt = ps


end subroutine UFS_rad_time_vary_timestep_init

!> @}

end module UFS_rad_time_vary

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