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388 lines (269 loc) · 16.2 KB

File metadata and controls

388 lines (269 loc) · 16.2 KB




  • Dependencies (@grafana/faro-web-tracing): upgrade otel deps (#670)

    • Note: some attributes have been changed due to otel semantic attributes spec or are now aligned with it. For the web-tracing package we provide both attribute versions for now:
      • deployment.environment is now deprecated and will be replaced by
      • session_id is now deprecated and will be replaced by
  • Dependencies (@grafana/faro-core): upgrade otel deps (#670).

  • Dependencies (@grafana/faro-transport-otlp-http [experimental]): upgrade otel deps (#670)

    • Note: some attributes have been changed due to otel semantic attributes spec:
      • is replaced by
      • is replaced by user.username,
      • is replaced by,
      • enduser.attributes is replaced by user.attributes,
      • http.url is replaced by url.full
      • deployment.environment is replaced by
  • Change (@grafana/faro-web-sdk): don't automatically send a view_change event for the default view (#647)


  • Fix (@grafana/faro-transport-otlp-http [experimental]): Properly consume response body (#664).


  • Enhancement (@grafana/faro-web-sdk): Provide and option to pass a correction timestamp via the Faro API (#658).

  • Fix (@grafana/faro-web-sdk): Adjust the timestamp of a navigation or resource event to reflect the actual time the event occurred, rather than the signal creation time. (#658).

  • Change: (@grafana/faro-web-tracing) The underlying XHR and Fetch instrumentation are now configured to ignore network events by default. This behavior can be enabled back through the options in the WebTracing class.


  • Enhancement (@grafana/faro-web-tracing): ensure that span status is always set to error for erroneous xhr requests (#644).


  • Enhancement (@grafana/faro-web-tracing): ensure that span status is always set to error for erroneous fetch requests (#641).


  • Feature (@grafana/faro-web-sdk): track web vitals attribution (#595).

  • Feature (@grafana/faro-web-sdk): set span context for navigation events (#608).

  • Feature (@grafana/faro-react): add helper functions to initialize React Router integration (#622).

  • Enhancement (@grafana/faro-web-sdk): Auto extend a session if the Faro receiver indicates that a session is invalid (#591).

  • Enhancement (@grafana/faro-web-tracing): provide the app.namespace attribute in the app meta which is attached as service.namespace to the resource attributes object (#627).

  • Dependencies (@grafana/faro-web-tracing): upgrade otel deps (#621).

  • Dependencies (@grafana/faro-core): upgrade otel deps (#621).

  • Dependencies (@grafana/faro-transport-otlp-http [experimental]): upgrade otel deps (#621).

  • Fix (@grafana/faro-react): Mark react-router-dom peer dependency as optional (#617).


  • Feature (@grafana/faro-core): source map uploads - add bundleId to the MetaApp Meta object (#476).
  • Feature (@grafana/faro-web-sdk): track window dimensions via the browser meta (#594).
  • Feature (@grafana/faro-web-sdk): If logArgsSerializer is set in the config of initializeFaro, it will be forwarded to the core (#589).


  • Fix (@grafana/faro-react): Fixed a type issue in react v6 router dependencies (#585).


  • Enhancement (@grafana/faro-core): Config has now a parameter logArgsSerializer to set a custom serializer for log arguments (#564). This is useful if log message args are complex and might produce [object Object] in the logs.
  • Fix (@grafana/faro-web-tracing): Fix an import issue causing builds to fail (#581).
  • Fix (@grafana/faro-react): Fix type issues in react data route wrapper withFaroRouterInstrumentation (#584).


  • Enhancement (@grafana/faro-web-sdk): provide option to globally exclude endpoint URLs from being tracked. This applies to the following instrumentations: performance, xhr, fetch and web-tracing (#554).
  • Update (faro demo): Update Demo to pin docker images and replace Cortex by Mimir (#563).
  • Enhancement (faro demo): Migrate demo Grafana agent to Grafana alloy


  • Docs(@grafana/faro-web-sdk, @grafana/faro-web-tracing): Remove pre-release warning (#550).
  • Change (@grafana/faro-web-tracing): Remove redundant DocumentLoadInstrumentation. Faro tracks page load data by default (#551).
  • Change(@grafana/faro-web-sdk): Performance instrumentation only tracks resource entries initiated by calls to the fetch method or xhr-html requests. To track all resource entries set trackResources: true (#560).


  • Feature(@grafana/faro-web-sdk): Add parsing time to FaroNavigationTiming (#541).
  • Change ()(@grafana/faro-web-sdk): Get rid of structureClone. It caused breakage in some sandboxed environments because of injected proxy objects (#536).
  • Feat(@grafana/faro-web-sdk): Add K6 test ID to K6 meta if available in window.k6 object (#531).


  • Feat(@grafana/faro-web-sdk): Add responseStatus to performance events (#526).
  • Fix (@grafana/faro-web-sdk): Faro updates sessions in an infinite loop if DOM Storage is not available (#519).
  • Feat (@grafana/faro-react): Support instrumenting React Router v6 data routers (#518).


  • Fix (@grafana/faro-web-sdk): Session started timestamp was reset on page-loads (#513).
  • Fix (@grafana/faro-web-tracing): faro.trace.* attached spanContext from active span instead of the respective child span (#510).
  • Feat (@grafana/faro-web-sdk): Faro APIs now support adding a custom traceId and spanId to signals (#510).


  • Enhancement (@grafana/faro-web-tracing): Dedupe Faro trace events (#507).


  • Feat (@grafana/faro-web-sdk): Enable Faro Navigation and Resource timings instrumentation by default (#482).
  • Enhancement (@grafana/faro-web-tracing): Send a dedicated Faro event for traces of kind=client (#499).


  • Enhancement (@grafana/faro-web-sdk): add duration property in faro.performance.resource timings and rename property totalNavigationTime to duration in faro.performance.navigation timings (#490).
  • Fix (@grafana/faro-web-sdk): crash when navigator.userAgentData is undefined (#494).


  • Deps (@grafana/faro-web-tracing, @grafana/faro-core): Update OpenTelemetry dependencies (#475).


  • Enhancement (@grafana/faro-web-sdk): add response time to performance timings (#465).
  • Deps (@grafana/faro-web-tracing): Update instrumentation-document-load which prevents build. from breaking (#467).


  • Feature preview (@grafana/faro-web-sdk): instrument navigation and resource timings. As long as this feature is in preview it is disabled by default (#434)
  • Enhancement (@grafana/faro-web-tracing): Automatically add the value of the MetaApp environment property to the resource attributes deployment.environment property (#453)
  • Change (@grafana/faro-web-sdk): change storage key prefix for Faro session to use reverse domain notation (#432)
  • Fix (@grafana/faro-core): make check for presence of Event more robust (#436)


  • Fix (@grafana/faro-web-sdk): Multiple session_extend events were emitted if multiple browsing contexts were open when a session was auto-extended (#428)
  • Fix (@grafana/faro-web-sdk): guard against missing isSampled (#425)


  • Fix (@grafana/faro-web-sdk): generateSessionId() was executed twice (#423)


  • Fix (@grafana/faro-web-sdk): user defined session attributes added during initialize were not picked up (#420)
  • Feat (@grafana/faro-web-sdk): provide custom generateSessionId() function which Faro will use instead of the internal sessionId generator if configured (#421).


  • Fix (@grafana/faro-web-sdk): Fixed an issue where the session meta was missing in session lifecyle events sent during the init phase (#417).


  • Fix (@grafana/faro-web-sdk): Fixed an issue where the first calculated session was always part of the sample (#415).


  • Deps (@grafana/faro-react): add missing peer dependency on react-dom (#400).
  • Deps (@grafana/faro-core): remove unused @opentelemetry/api-metrics dependency (#401).
  • Deps (@grafana/faro-web-tracing): remove unused @opentelemetry/sdk-trace-base dependency (#401).
  • Fix (@grafana/faro-web-sdk): fixed a issue where session based sampling combined with batched mode lead to dropped items, even if they were part of the sample (#402).
  • Fix (@grafana/faro-web-sdk): Cleanup up session meta before sending it to not include Faro specific attributes (#408).
  • Breaking❗️ (@grafana/faro-web-sdk): The new volatile session manager is enabled by default. The old legacy session object is removed. This change is only breaking if you customized the old default session management (#412).


  • Deps: upgrade OTEL dependencies, remove outdated resolutions (#391).
  • Fix (Web Tracing): send otel timings, like timeUnixNano, as string instead in LongBits format (#391).
  • Feat: session based sampling (#385).
  • Change: Send better attributes with the view and route transition events to contain information about the previous route or view (from*) and the destination route or view (to*) (#397).
  • Breaking❗️: React Instrumentation, the route transition event is renamed from routeChange to route_change. The url and route attributes sent with the event are renamed to toRoute and toUrl.(#397).


  • Change: Custom x-faro-session-id header will now be added to legacy sessions as well (#384).
  • Change: Lower maxSessionPersistenceTime for tracked sessions and export tooling to make it easier to manually remove a persisted session (#387)


  • Hotfix: disable custom x-faro-session-id header for legacy sessions (#383)


  • Feat: Add x-faro-session header to identify client session id to server for fetch and xhr instrumentations (#377)
  • Change (): Always send x-faro-session-id header, independent of the chosen session management (#381).
  • Change: If new session management is used, send dedicated session lifecycle events to reflect if a new session is started, a session is resume or extended (#380)


  • Feat: New session tracking capabilities (optional, disabled by default) where users can choose to use tracked or volatile sessions (#374).



  • Fix: Disable keepalive in web-sdk fetch transport when the payload length is over 60_000 (#353).
  • Fix: Add 'isK6Browser' field to k6 meta object (#361).

1.2.0 - 1.2.2

  • Feat: Detect if Faro is running inside K6 browser to distinguish between lab and field data (#263).
  • Feat: Enable users to configure per-error boundary pushError behavior.
  • Deps: Upgrade project to use the current Node LTS version (lts/hydrogen, v18)
  • Deps: Dependency updates
  • Deps: CVE-2023-45133 - Babel vulnerable to arbitrary code execution when compiling specifically crafted malicious code


  • Feat: Enable users to add contextual attributes to measurement API payload (#254)


  • Fix: CVE-2022-25878 - protobufjs Prototype Pollution vulnerability (#249)


  • Fix: Update opentelemetry packages used by the Web-Tracing-Instrumentation to address CVE-2023-38704 (#242)


  • Fix: fix CVE-2023-32731 by forcing all dependencies to use grpc-js ^1.8.17.


  • Remove: Remove OTel user-interaction instrumentation from the default set (#215)


  • Add: add option to provide additional error context in pushError api.
  • Fix: Use globalThis instead of global or window in case the SDK is used in webworkers.
  • Add: Add batch execution support for transports in core.
  • Add: Transport.send now accepts a list of items to be sent instead of a single item.
  • Update: Update Vite version in Demo app
  • Add: Experimental instrumentation package for fetch

1.0.3 - 1.0.5

  • Add: Config option to include URLs for which requests shall have tracing headers added.
  • Fix: TracingInstrumentation broke fetch requests with relative URLs are broken on sub-pages.
  • Fix: Missing destructuring assignment in Browser quick start tutorial.
  • Fix: Demo app crashes when user has an ad-blocker activated.

1.0.1 - 1.0.2

  • Have FetchTransport consume response body. Otherwise requests are not considered closed
  • Fix a bug where View and Session Instrumentation had wrong version applied
  • Use Change to use the new functions names from WebVitals instead of the deprecated ones


  • Fix circular dependency in the core package
  • Added export for the Extension interface in core, web-sdk and react packages
  • Added export for genShortID function in core, web-sdk and react packages
  • Fixed span timings
  • Updated dependencies
  • Remove started property from MetaSession interface


  • Breaking change Instrumentations and transports no longer receive a faro instance and they should not rely on the global faro instance as it would break the isolation mode. Various APIs are passed individually (i.e. this.api vs this.faro.api, this.unpatchedConsole vs this.faro.unpatchedConsole)
  • Remove internal references to global Faro object
  • Add view meta
  • Updated dependencies


  • Remove type module from package.json in web-tracing package


  • Add support for CDN
  • Updated dependencies
  • Boilerplate updates
  • Improve final build


  • Breaking change No longer supports sending traces to Grafana Agent < 0.29.0.
  • Fix bug where if multiple instances of a transport class where configured, only one would be used
  • Added EventAttributes export
  • Updated dependencies
  • Enabled inline source maps

1.0.0.beta1, 1.0.0.beta2 (2022-10-31)

  • Rename to "Faro Web SDK"

0.5.0 (2022-10-25)

  • Added basic session tracking: web SDK automatically creates new session id when agent is initialized. SessionInstrumentation that sends session_start event on initialization or when new session is set. SessionProcessor for OTel that will add session_id attribute to every span if available.
  • Added agent.api.pushEvent method for capturing RUM events.
  • FetchTransport will back off after receiving 429 Too Many Requests response. Events will be dropped during backoff period. Backoff period respects Retry-After header if present.
  • Limit the number of spans sent by OpenTelemetry at once to 30.
  • Updated dependencies.
  • React basic instrumentation via @grafana/agent-integration-react.
  • Added a deduplication filter to prevent same message being reported multiple times.
  • Added debugging features to the agent.
  • initializeAgent was renamed to initializeGrafanaAgent.
  • Re-export everything from @grafana/agent-core to @grafana/agent-web and @grafana/agent-integration-react.
  • Prevent multiple global instances of the agent from running at the same time.

0.4.0 (2022-06-30)

  • Added agent.pause() and agent.unpause() to be able to temporarily stop. ingesting events.

0.3.0 (2022-06-16)

  • Updated build: packages will be published with a build targeting es5 with common-js modules, and a build targeting ES6 with ECMAScript modules.
  • agent.api.pushError method to push Error objects directly.

0.2.0 (2022-06-03)

  • Open Telemetry tracing integration via @grafana/agent-tracing-web.
  • Option to filter errors using ignoreErrors configuration option.
  • Simplified initializeAgent() method specifically for web apps in @grafana/agent-web.

0.1.2 - 0.1.6

  • Messing about with CI/CD :-).

0.1.1 (2022-05-06)

  • Update readme for core and web packages with relevant info.

0.1.0 (2022-05-06)

  • Initial development version.