# H1 Headline
## H2 Headline
### H3 Headline
- Bullet
- Points
(code can't be embedded below bullet points so this parentetical is necessary to both explain that but also to make the below code embed work)
* Bullet
* Points
- Numbered
- Lists
(code also can't be embedded below numbered lists)
1. Numbered
1. Numbered
2. Subpoints
2. Lists
* Bullet
* Subpoints
In-line embeds
can be done
In-line `embeds` can be done
Here is a link to one of my favorite albums of all time
Here is a link to one of my [favorite albums of all time](https://youtu.be/IUVmcKcTZ4A)
Italics, bold text, and strikethrough
_Italics_, __bold__ text, and ~~strikethrough~~
> Blockquotes
Horizontal rule