-- Check the position of an item
-- in an array.
on listPositionChecker(theItem, theList)
repeat with i from 1 to the count of theList
if item i of theList is theItem then return i
end repeat
return 0
end listPositionChecker
-- Check if a number has a leading zero,
-- add it if not.
on leadingZeroChecker(checkNumber)
if the length of (checkNumber as string) is 1 then return ("0" & checkNumber)
return checkNumber
end leadingZeroChecker
-- Convert date object to unix timestamp
set unixTimeStamp to my unixDate(current date)
on unixDate(datetime)
set command to "date -j -f '%A, %B %e, %Y at %I:%M:%S %p' '" & datetime & "'"
set command to command & " +%s"
set theUnixDate to do shell script command
return theUnixDate
end unixDate