casync - a webstore for casync with building facilities
make [TARGET...]
Cleaning targets
clean Remove most generated files but keep the chunck store and casync local build
mrproper Remove all generated files + chunk store
distclean mrproper + remove casync local build
Generic targets:
all Run the chunk webstore (http://localhost/)
httpd fedora-httpd
fedora-httpd Run fedora copy of nginx
debian-httpd Run debian copy of nginx
Build targets
*.catar Create the .catar archive of the /
*.caidx Create the .caidx index and its associated chunk store of the /
*.caibx Create the .caibx index and its associated chunk store of the file
Test targets
shell Run shell in Docker
fedora-httpd Run shell in fedora docker image
debian-httpd Run shell in debian docker image
extract_*.catar Extract the contents of .catar archive to .
extract_*.caidx Extract the contents of .catar index to .
extract_*.caibx Extract the contents of .caidx index to .extracted
list_*.catar List all files and directories from .catar archive
list_*.caidx List all files and directories from .caidx index
Written by Gaël PORTAY
Copyright (C) 2019 Gaël PORTAY
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.