Releases: gpodder/gpodder-osx-bundle
This release updates youtube-dl + many gtk stack updates
Updated libraries
- cairo 1.16.0 (changed checksum), harfbuzz 2.7.1, pango 1.46.2
- glib 2.66.0
- html5lib 1.1, mutagen 1.45.1, podcastparser 0.6.6, youtube-dl 2020.11.1.1
- python3 3.8.5
circleCI build 123
This release updates youtube-dl + many gtk stack updates
Updated libraries
- adwaita-icon-theme 3.36.1, atk 2.36.0
- freetype 2.10.2, fribidi 1.0.9, harfbuzz 2.6.4
- gettext 0.20.2, readline 8.0
- glib 2.64.2, gobject-introspection 1.64.1, gtk+-3.0 3.24.20, pixman 0.40.0
- libffi 3.3, libjpeg 9d
- openssl 1.1.1g
- podcastparser 0.6.5
- youtube_dl 2020.6.16.1
- xz 5.2.5
circleCI build 107
This release updates python version to 3.8.
Updated libraries
- atk 2.34.1
- libepoxy 1.5.4, libpng 1.6.37,
- libxml2 2.9.9, openssl 1.1.1f, python3 3.8.2
- mutagen 1.44.0
- youtube_dl 2020.3.8
circleCI build 104
This release introduces a native launcher to comply with macOS Catalina new access restrictions.
It also moved to the new pipenv based gtk-osx build, with some libraries built with meson. And the icon theme is now Adwaita instead of Tango.
It seems a bit bloated compared to previous releases. This will be ironed out in next releases
Updated libraries
- cairo 1.16.0, fontconfig 2.13., harfbuzz 2.5.3, pango 1.44.7, pixman 0.38
- atk 2.32, gdk-pixbuf 2.40.0, glib 2.62.4, gobject-introspection 1.60.2, gtk+ 3.24.10, libcroco 0.6.13, libepoxy 1.5.3, libjpeg 9c, librsvg 2.40, libtiff 4.1.0, libxml2 2.9.8
- adwaita-icon-them
- pycairo 1.12.0, pygobject3 3.22.2,
- mutagen 1.43.0, youtube_dl 2020.01.01
circleCI build 94
This release adds the youtube_dl python package + a few dependency updates.
Updated libraries
- python stack: openssl 1.1.1c, python 3.6.8, xz 5.2.4
- python modules: added youtube_dl
circleCI build 64
This is an bugfix release missing no context menu on secondary monitor on macOS.
Updated libraries
gtk-stack: glib 2.58.3, gobject-introspection 1.60.0, gtk+ 3.24.7
no libxml2, libcroco, librsvg
circleCI build 55
This is an updated deps release.
Updated libraries
deps: gettext 0.19.8, openssl 1.1.0j
gtk-stack: atk 2.28.1, cairo 1.16.0, fontconfig 2.13.0, freetype 2.9.1, fribidi 1.0.5, gdk-pixbuf 2.36.12, glib2 2.58.1, gobject-introspection 1.58.0, gtk+ 3.24.1, gtk-mac-integration 2.1.3, pango 1.42.4,
python deps: mutagen 1.42.0, shared-mime-info 1.9, six 1.12.0
circleCI build 47
This is an updated deps release.
Updated libraries
deps: openssl 1.1.0i
gtk-stack: glib2 2.56.1, pygpobject3 3.28.3
python deps: mutagen 1.41.1, podcastparser 0.6.4
circleCI build 44
This is a bugfix release for certificate bundle generation (bundle is now (re)generated iff it's missing or more than 7 days old).
circleCI build 41