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Digital Identity IPV Core Back

This the back-end code for the core of the Identity Proofing and Verification (IPV) system within the GDS digital identity platform, GOV.UK One Login.

The following projects are related to the di-ipv-core-back, providing additional functionality:

  • di-ipv-core-front - Front end code for the core of the Identity Proofing and Verification (IPV) system.
  • di-ipv-core-tests - Feature tests for the core of the Identity Proofing and Verification (IPV) system.
  • di-ipv-core-common-infra - Infrastructure and configuration values for the core of the Identity Proofing and Verification (IPV) system.
  • di-ipv-stubs - Stubs for IPV Core dependencies (i.e. CRIs), used for testing in dev/build and occasionally higher environments.


The di-ipv-core-back is a mix of Java and Node.js AWS Lambdas. The following section should give you a guide how to get started developing functionality for di-ipv-core-back.


We mainly use Mac and Linux environments when developing di-ipv-core-back. Most of the tools can be installed through Homebrew using the following:

brew install --cask intellij-idea
brew install --cask docker
brew install jq
brew install alphagov/gds/gds-cli
brew tap aws/tap
brew install awscli
brew install aws-sam-cli

We use pre-commit to help with linting. This configured through the .pre-commit-config.yaml configuration setup in this repo, this uses pre-commit to verify your commit before actually commiting, it runs the following checks:

  • Check Json files for formatting issues
  • Fixes end of file issues (it will auto correct if it spots an issue - you will need to run the git commit again after it has fixed the issue)
  • It automatically removes trailing whitespaces (again will need to run commit again after it detects and fixes the issue)
  • Detects aws credentials or private keys accidentally added to the repo
  • Runs Cloud Formation linter and detects issues
  • Runs checkov and checks for any issues.

You can install pre-commit using Homebrew:

brew install pre-commit ;\
brew install cfn-lint ;\
brew install checkov

or via Python

sudo -H pip3 install checkov pre-commit cfn-lint

And initialising pre-commit by running the following:

pre-commit install

To update the various versions of the pre-commit plugins, this can be done by running:

pre-commit autoupdate && pre-commit install


To set up secrets, copy the secrets.gradle.template to secrets.gradle and enter values for each variable.

The DI data-vocab classes are published to a GitHub maven repository ( and you require a personal access token to download these.

See Managing your personal access tokens for instructions on creating a token. The token must have the read:packages permission.


See the Deployment Documentation for information on building the di-ipv-core-back project.


See the Deployment Documentation for information on deploying the di-ipv-core-back project.


The di-ipv-core-back has a number of different tests:

  • Unit Tests - Each lambda contains unit tests which test a classes functionality in isolation. These tests can be found within the lambda\*\src\test folder.
  • Feature Tests - Cucumber feature tests for the core of the Identity Proofing and Verification (IPV) system reside in the di-ipv-core-tests project. The tests run against a deployment of di-ipv-core-back and di-ipv-core-front and test the IPV Core user journeys.
  • Pact tests - Contract tests that ensure that we're providing and consuming the correct JSON in our integrations with other services

Running provider pact tests locally

To run provider pact tests locally you will need to have a local copy of the pact file. You will need an account with the pact broker - ask in the #introduce-contract-testing Slack channel for help with this.

  1. Visit the production pact broker at
  2. Find the row for the Consumer/Provider combination you're interested in
  3. View its pact matrix (small grid icon)
  4. Click the timestamp in the "Pact Published" column
  5. Click the three dots icon and "View in API Browser"
  6. Copy the JSON in the "Response Body" section
  7. Save it in a file with a .json suffix in lambdas/<lambda-name>/pacts
  8. Ensure the test class is annotated with @PactFolder("pacts") and any @PactBroker annotation is removed
  9. Run the tests

Code structure

The application is configured as a Gradle project with a sub-project for each Lambda. The following are the main folders and their use:

Folder Description
deploy Contains the AWS Resources such as Cloud Formation Templates and Step Function Definitions required to build and deploy the di-ipv-core-back component.
lambdas Source code to the Java and Node.js AWS Lambdas which come together to form di-ipv-core-back
lib & libs Shared sources used by each of the Lambdas
openAPI Open API Definition used by the Internal and External API Gateway

DynamoDB table name variables:

Each environment has a specific table name prefix e.g. dev-{dynamo-table-name}

These values are automatically assigned by terraform within the aws_lambda_function resource


SAM (Serverless Application Model)


sam build --cached --parallel


sam deploy --debug --config-file ./samconfig.toml --config-env dev-{{environment}}


sam sync --watch --config-file samconfig.toml --config-env {{environment}} --stack-name core-back-dev-{{environment}} --region eu-west-2


When deploying using dev-deploy, the canary deployment strategy which will be used is set in LambdaDeploymentPreference and StepFunctionsDeploymentPreference in template.yaml file.

When deploying using the pipeline, canary deployment strategy set in the pipeline will be used and override the default set in template.yaml.

Canary deployments will cause a rollback if any canary alarms associated with a lambda or step-functions are triggered and a slack notification will be sent to #di-ipv-core-non-prod-alarms or #di-ipv-core-prod-alarms.

To skip canaries such as when releasing urgent changes to production, set the last commit message to contain either of these phrases: [skip canary], [canary skip], or [no canary] as specified in the Canary Escape Hatch guide. git commit -m "some message [skip canary]"

Note: To update LambdaDeploymentPreference or StepFunctionsDeploymentPreference, update the LambdaCanaryDeployment or StepFunctionsDeploymentPreference pipeline parameter in the core-common-infra repository. To update the LambdaDeploymentPreference or StepFunctionsDeploymentPreference for a stack in dev using sam deploy, parameter override needs to be set in samconfig.toml:

--parameter-overrides LambdaDeploymentPreference=<define-strategy> \ --parameter-overrides StepFunctionsDeploymentPreference=<define-strategy> \