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Folder Factory

This is a template for a DevOps folder factory.

It can be used with and is intended to house the folder configurations:

Screenshot 2023-03-10 at 02 52 08

Using Keyless Authentication the project factory connects a defined Github repository with a target service account and project within GCP for IaC.

The idea is to enable developers of the "skunkworks" repository to deploy into the "skunkworks" project via IaC pipelines on Github.

Setting up folders

The folder factory will:

  • create a folders with defined organisational policies

It uses YAML configuration files for every folder with the following sample structure:

parent: folders/XXXXXXXXX
    constraints/compute.disableGuestAttributesAccess: true
    constraints/iam.disableServiceAccountCreation: false
    constraints/iam.disableServiceAccountKeyCreation: false  
    constraints/iam.disableServiceAccountKeyUpload: false
    constraints/gcp.disableCloudLogging: false 
      inherit_from_parent: null
      status: true
      suggested_value: null
    - serviceAccount:XXXXX@XXXXXX

Every folder is defined with its own yaml file located in the following Folder. Copy "folder.yaml.sample" to "folder_name.yaml"; Name of the yaml file will be used to create folder with the same name. Once folder_name.yaml file is created update yaml file

  • parent - can be another folder or organization
  • ServiceAccount data/folders can have multiple yaml files and a folder will be created for each yaml file.

How to run this stage


Workload Identity setup between the folder factory gitlab repositories and the GCP Identity provider configured with a service account containing required permissions to create folders and their organizational policies. There is a sample code provided in “folder.yaml.sample” to create a folder and for terraform to create a folder minimum below permissions are required. “Folder Creator” or “Folder Admin” at org level “Organization Policy Admin” at org level

Installation Steps

From the folder-factory Gitlab project page

  • CICD configuration file path Navigate to Settings > CICD > expand General pipelines Update “CI/CD configuration file” value to the relative path of the gitlab-ci.yml file from the root directory e.g. .gitlab/workflows/.gitlab-ci.yml

  • CI/CD variables Navigate to Settings > CICD > expand Variables Add the variables to the pipeline as described in the table below. The same can be accessed from the file under .gitlab/workflows in folder-factory.

Terraform config validator

The pipeline has an option to utilise the integrated config validator (gcloud terraform vet) to impose constraints on your terraform configuration. You can enable it by setting the CI/CD Variable $TERRAFORM_POLICY_VALIDATE to "true" and providing the policy-library repo URL to $POLICY_LIBRARY_REPO variable. See the below for details on the Variables to be set on the CI/CD pipeline.

Variable Description Sample value
GCP_PROJECT_ID The GCP project ID of your service account sample-project-1122
GCP_SERVICE_ACCOUNT The Service Account to be used for creating folders
GCP_WORKLOAD_IDENTITY_PROVIDER The Workload Identity provider URI configured with the Service Account and the repository projects/${PROJECT_NUMBER}/locations/global/workloadIdentityPools/${POOL_NAME}/providers/${PROVIDER_NAME}
STATE_BUCKET The GCS bucket in which the state is to be centrally managed. The Service account provided above must have access to list and write files to this bucket. Use a seed project if running this as part of Foundations or create a new GCS Bucket. sample-terraform-state-bucket
TF_LOG The terraform env variable setting to get detailed logs. Supports TRACE,DEBUG,INFO,WARN,ERROR in order of decreasing verbosity WARN
TF_ROOT The directory of the terraform code to be executed. Can be a path string or also a pre-defined gitlab CI variables $CI_PROJECT_DIR
TF_VERSION The terraform version to be used for execution. The specified terraform version is downloaded and used for execution for the workflow. 1.3.6
TERRAFORM_POLICY_VALIDATE Set this value as true if terraform vet is to be run against the policy library repository set in $POLICY_LIBRARY_REPO variable true
POLICY_LIBRARY_REPO The policy library repository URL which will be cloned using git clone to run gcloud terraform vet against.
  • Once the prerequisites are set up, any commit to the remote main branch with changes to .tf, .tfvars, data/, modules/ files should trigger the pipeline.

  • .gcp-auth before-script should run successfully in the pipeline if the workload identity federation is configured as required.

Pipeline Workflow Overview

The complete workflow comprises of 4-5 stages and 2 before-script jobs

  • before_script jobs :
    • gcp-auth : creates the wif credentials by impersonating the service account.
    • terraform init : initializes terraform in the specified TF_ROOT directory
  • Stages:
    • setup-terraform : Downloads the specified TF_VERSION and passes it as a binary to the next stages
    • validate: Runs terraform fmt check and terraform validate. This stage fails if the code is not run against terraform fmt command
    • plan: Runs terraform plan and saves the plan and json version of the plan as artifacts
    • policy-validate: Runs gcloud terraform vet against the terraform code with the constraints in the specified repository.
    • apply: This step is currently set as manual to be triggered from the Gitlab pipelines UI once the plan is successful. Runs terraform apply and creates the infrastructure specified.