- remove commented code
- Context.Start: improve rebuild time on watch by building changed file's package only instead of using -a flag
- update README
- fix godoenv parsing on rebuild [x] Tasks have Src -> Dest to more efficiently watch and rebuild
[x] Run dependencies in Parallel or Series
[x] Godo will search up dir tree for nearest Gododir/main.go
[x] Namespaces to better manage or import tasks
[x] Optimize watch algorithm
[x] Allow exec commands to be teed, print or captured
[x] More efficient file watcher
[x] Externalize glob
[x] Deprecated
c.Args.ZeroString -> c.Args.AsString
[x] Set environment variables via key=value pairs
[x] Watches Godofile (Gododir/main.go) automatically (buggy)