The integration of Cilium and Istio requires building artifacts from several repositories in order to build Docker images. Some of those artifacts require changes that have not yet been merged upstream.
This document provides the instructions to build the Cilium-specific Istio images.
Build the Istio pilot docker image modified to configure Cilium
filters in every HTTP filter chain. This work is being developed in
cilium/istio inject-cilium-filters-1.5.9
branch, which is based on
Istio's release 1.5.9 branch. Make sure that when you build the Istio
binaries that you are using a Linux box meeting the requirements of
mkdir -p ${GOPATH}/src/
cd ${GOPATH}/src/
git clone
cd istio
git checkout inject-cilium-filters-1.5.9
docker build -t cilium/istio_pilot:1.5.9 .
make -f cilium-istioctl.Makefile
mkdir -p ${GOPATH}/src/
cd ${GOPATH}/src/
git clone
cd proxy
git checkout istio-1.5.9
make docker-istio-proxy
docker login -u ...
docker image push cilium/istio_pilot:1.5.9
docker image push cilium/istio_proxy:1.5.9