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192 lines (148 loc) · 6.63 KB

Better Buttons for GridField


Modifies the detail form of GridFields to use more user-friendly actions, including:

  • Save and add another: Create a record, and go right to adding another one, without having to click the back button, and then add again.
  • Save and close: Save the record and go back to list view
  • User-friendly delete: Extracted from the tray of constructive actions and moved away so is less likely to be clicked accidentally. Includes inline confirmation of action instead of browser alert box.
  • Screenshot
  • Cancel: Same as the back button, but in a more convenient location
  • Previous/Next record: Navigate to the previous or next record in the list without returning to list view
  • Frontend Links: If your DataObject has a Link() method, get links to the draft site and published site to view the record in context in a single click
  • Screenshot
  • Versioning: Save, Save & Publish, Rollback, Unpublish
  • Screenshot
  • Configurable UI: Add buttons to the top (utilities) or bottom (actions).
  • Disambiguated tabs: In model admin, the top tabs toggle between the models. On the detail view, they toggle between the groups of fields, creating a confusing user exierience. Better Buttons groups the fields as they are in CMSMain, using a tabset within the main editing area.
  • Screenshot
  • Add your own custom actions!

Create custom actions the detail view



SilverStripe 3.1 or higher


composer require unclecheese/betterbuttons:1.2.*

Customising the button collections

Preferences for which buttons should appear where will vary from user to user. BetterButtons comes with a default set of button collections for the "create" and "edit" views in a GridField detail form, but these can be easily overridden in a config.yml file.

The default configuration:

    BetterButtonPrevNextAction: true
    BetterButton_New: true
    BetterButtonPrevNextAction: true
    BetterButton_New: true

    BetterButton_Save: true
    BetterButton_SaveAndClose: true

    BetterButton_Save: true
    BetterButton_SaveAndClose: true
    BetterButton_Delete: true
    BetterButtonFrontendLinksAction: true

    BetterButton_SaveDraft: true
    BetterButton_Publish: true
    BetterButton_SaveDraft: true
    BetterButton_Publish: true
    Group_Versioning: true
    BetterButton_Delete: true
    BetterButtonFrontendLinksAction: true

    label: Save and...
      BetterButton_SaveAndAdd: true
      BetterButton_SaveAndClose: true
      BetterButton_SaveAndNext: true
      BetterButton_SaveAndPrev: true
    label: Versioning...
      BetterButton_Rollback: true
      BetterButton_Unpublish: true

Each button type is assigned a symbol in the YAML definition. It can be placed anywhere any number of times. Further, it can be placed in a named group, provided that group has been defined in the BetterButtonsGroups node. A button group is a single button with a label that exposes a series of options on click.

Because of the idiosyncracies of the Config layer merging arrays, the buttons must be defined as on or off (true or false). To remove a button from the default configuration, you must explicitly set it to false in your project configuration. Here is an example custom configuration.

    BetterButton_Save: false
    Group_SaveAnd: false
    Group_MyGroup: true
    label: This is a group
      BetterButton_Save: true
      BetterButton_SaveAndNext: true

When creating groups, be sure not to duplicate any buttons that are outside the group, as form fields with the same name cannot appear twice in a form.

Creating a custom action

In the example below, we'll create a custom action in the GridField detail form that updates a DataObject to be "approved" or "denied."

We can add the action in one of two places:

  • Actions at the bottom of the form (e.g. save, cancel)
  • Utils at the top right of the form (e.g. new record, prev/next)

First, we'll overload the model's getBetterButtonsActions or getBetterButtonsUtils method, depending on where we want the button to appear in the UI.

    public function getBetterButtonsActions() {
        $fields = parent::getBetterButtonsActions();
        if($this->IsApproved) {
            $fields->push(BetterButtonCustomAction::create('deny', 'Deny'));
        else {
            $fields->push(BetterButtonCustomAction::create('approve', 'Approve'));
        return $fields;

The BetterButtonCustomAction object takes parameters for the method name ("deny" or "approve") to invoke on the model, as well as a label for the button.

Now let's add the methods to the DataObject.

    public function approve() {
        $this->IsApproved = true;

    public function deny() {
        $this->IsApproved = false;

Lastly, for security reasons, we need to whitelist these methods as callable by the GridField form. This works a lot like $allowed_actions in controllers.

    private static $better_buttons_actions = array (

Now we have a new button in the UI!


Customising the user experience

Let's ensure that the form refreshes after clicking "approve" or "deny". Additionally, we'll add a success message that will render on completion of the action.

    BetterButtonCustomAction::create('deny', 'Deny')
      ->setSuccessMessage('Denied for publication')

The redirect type can use the constants:


To refresh the form, or go back to list view, respectively.

Defining arbitrary links

Sometimes, you might not want to sent a request to the controller at all. For that, there's the much simpler BetterButtonLink class.

        new BetterButtonLink(
          'View on',
