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In this short tutorial, we provide the code that reproduces the results
of the application section of our article entitled “Visualizing the
Feature Importance for Black Box Models”. We used
batchtools to run our
experiments. The files
contain the batchtools code to reproduce the expermients and can be
found in this
The directory also includes the results of both files in an .Rds file
which is used in the code below to produce the figures and tables.
res= readRDS("application_shapley_simulation.Rds")
# use shorter learner nameres[, learner:=factor(gsub("regr.", "", learner))]
# compute ratio of the importance values w.r.t feature "V3"res[, ratio:=mse/mse[feature=="V3"], by= c("method", "learner", "repl")]
### Plot simulation results of all 500 repititionsshap= subset(res, method%in% c("pfi.diff", "pfi.ratio", "shapley") &feature!="V3")
new.names= setNames(expression(X[1]/X[3], X[2]/X[3]), c("V1", "V2"))
pp= ggplot(data=shap, aes(x=feature, y=ratio)) +
geom_boxplot(aes(fill=method), lwd=0.2, outlier.size=0.8) +
facet_grid(.~learner, scales="free") +
scale_fill_grey(labels= c("PFI (Diff.)", "PFI (Ratio)", "SFIMP"), start=0.4, end=0.9) +
scale_x_discrete(labels=new.names) +
labs(title="(b) Simulation with 500 repetitions",
x="Features involved to compute the ratio", y="Value of the ratio")
### Plot example of an individual repetition (2nd replication)shap2= subset(res, repl==2&method%in% c("shapley", "geP"))
# reorder features for plottingfeat.order= c("V3", "V2", "V1", "geP")
shap2$feature=factor(shap2$feature, levels=feat.order)
# change signshap2[, mse:= round(ifelse(method=="geP", mse, -mse), 2)]
# add column containing proportion of explained importanceshap2[, perc:= ifelse(feature=="geP", NA, mse/sum(mse[feature!="geP"])), by="learner"]
# add column containing drop in MSE + proportion of explained importanceshap2[, lab:= ifelse(feature=="geP", mse, paste0(mse, " (", round(perc*100, 0), "%)"))]
col= c(gray.colors(3, start=0.4, end=0.9), hcl(h=195, l=65, c=100))
col= setNames(col, feat.order)
legend= c("V1"= bquote(phi[1]), "V2"= bquote(phi[2]),
"V3"= bquote(phi[3]), "geP"= bquote(widehat(GE)[P]))
pp2= ggplot(shap2, aes(x=learner, y=mse, fill=feature)) +
geom_bar(stat="identity", colour="white", pos="stack") +
geom_text(aes(label=lab), position= position_stack(vjust=0.5), size=3) +
coord_flip() +
scale_fill_manual(values=col, name=" performance \n explained by", labels=legend) +
labs(title="(a) Comparing the model performance and SFIMP values across different models",
x="", y="performance (MSE)")
grid.arrange(pp2, pp, heights= c(3, 5))
Application on Real Data
Produce Table
pfi= readRDS("application_importance_realdata.Rds")
# get index for LSTAT <= 10 in order to keep those observationspi.ind= unique(pfi[features=="LSTAT"&feature.value<=10,])
# compute integral of each ICI curve and select observations with positive ICI integralici= subset(pfi, features=="LSTAT")
ici.area=ici[, lapply(.SD, mean, na.rm=TRUE), .SDcols="mse", by=""]
ici.ind= which(ici.area$mse>0)
# produce tableimp= getImpTable(pfi)
imp.pi= getImpTable(pfi, pi.ind)
imp.ici= getImpTable(pfi, ici.ind)
kable(rbind(imp, imp.pi, imp.ici))