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Welcome to Open Tweet Search!

You can join the Open Tweet Search Community now ported from Google Plus to the new WordPress site!!! Just follow the link

Hosting tweets in Google Drive as html with my Android app OpenTweetSearch on Google Play !

Here is my drive’s example 

Minimal Light Twitter Editor: you can store a list of tweets to your Google Drive or search tweets by tags using recent, popular, mixed options or by a username. 
After install: “authorise my app” from the Setting tabbed view. 
Usage suggestion: try a popular search and you’ll be able to immediately translate a Japanese tweet to “ru” (Russian) or to “en” (English) , “it” (Italian), etc…
Finally save the tweets (from searches, home, mentions or lists) to your Google Drive as a .txt file :-)

It is an open source project. 
The app has been ported to the “new” Twitter integration layer (Twitter discontinued the old APIs):
get my lists, home view and twitting activities are working again :-)

Tabbed view for status update (a.k.a. twitting) and authomatic callback settings.
Tweet search is plain Json, while Oauth is implemented via Signpost


Learn, use and benefit from this project only if:

- You condemn Russia and its military aggression against Ukraine
- You recognize that Russia is an occupant that unlawfully invaded a sovereign state
- You support Ukraine’s territorial integrity, including its claims over temporarily occupied territories of Crimea and Donbas
- You reject false narratives perpetuated by Russian state propaganda

Otherwise, leave this project immediately and educate yourself.

Putin, idi nachuj.