def binary_search(array, target):
An iterative implementation of binary search.
(recursive takes extra space, so solving it iteratively is better -- constant space.)
Returns index of the target if found
or -1 if it isn't.
O(log (n)) time - since we split the search space by half every time
we shift the left or right indexes.
O(1) space
left = 0
right = len(array) - 1
while left <= right:
middle = (left + right) // 2
if target == array[middle]:
return middle
elif target < array[middle]:
right = middle - 1
left = middle + 1
return -1
def recursive_binary_search(array, target):
A recursive approach to implementing binary search algorithm.
NOTE: Less efficient when it comes to space complexity.
O(log(n)) time
O(log (n)) space.
return binary_search_helper(array, target, 0, len(array) - 1)
def binary_search_helper(array, target, left, right):
if left > right:
return -1
middle = (left + right) // 2
potential_match = array[middle]
if target == potential_match:
return middle
elif target < potential_match:
return binary_search_helper(array, target, left, middle - 1)
return binary_search_helper(array, target, middle + 1, right)