We followed this tutorial: https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/deploying-an-express-application-on-a-kubernetes-cluster
To build the docker images:
docker build -f Dockerfile.index -t indexer/index . docker build -f Dockerfile.web -t indexer/web .
To push the images to docker hub:
docker tag indexer/index:latest gitcoinco/indexer-index:latest docker push gitcoinco/indexer-index:latest docker tag indexer/web:latest gitcoinco/indexer-web:latest docker push gitcoinco/indexer-web:latest
Created a config map:
kubectl create configmap indexer-web-config --from-env-file=.env
Reference the config map in kb-deployment.yml with:
envFrom: - configMapRef: name: indexer-web-config
NOT DONE - For sensitive data we could have creaded a secret with:
kubectl create secret generic indexer-web-secrets --from-env-file=.env
NOT DONE - And referenced the secret in kb-deployment.yml with:
envFrom: - secretRef: name: indexer-web-secrets
Get the current instances of server:
kubectl get pods
Possible response:
indexer-web-554574455d-lg98l 1/1 Running 0 41m
indexer-web-554574455d-t4tgj 1/1 Running 0 41m
Then to see the logs of the first instance:
kubectl logs indexer-web-554574455d-lg98l