diff --git a/src/Giraffe/Helpers.fs b/src/Giraffe/Helpers.fs
index bb7ba7e1..80ae55fc 100644
--- a/src/Giraffe/Helpers.fs
+++ b/src/Giraffe/Helpers.fs
@@ -34,3 +34,44 @@ module Helpers =
use reader = new StreamReader(filePath)
return! reader.ReadToEndAsync()
+ ///
+ /// Utility function for matching 1xx HTTP status codes.
+ ///
+ /// The HTTP status code.
+ /// Returns true if the status code is between 100 and 199.
+ let is1xxStatusCode (statusCode : int) =
+ 100 <= statusCode && statusCode <= 199
+ ///
+ /// Utility function for matching 2xx HTTP status codes.
+ ///
+ /// The HTTP status code.
+ /// Returns true if the status code is between 200 and 299.
+ let is2xxStatusCode (statusCode : int) =
+ 200 <= statusCode && statusCode <= 299
+ ///
+ /// Utility function for matching 3xx HTTP status codes.
+ ///
+ /// The HTTP status code.
+ /// Returns true if the status code is between 300 and 399.
+ let is3xxStatusCode (statusCode : int) =
+ 300 <= statusCode && statusCode <= 399
+ ///
+ /// Utility function for matching 4xx HTTP status codes.
+ ///
+ /// The HTTP status code.
+ /// Returns true if the status code is between 400 and 499.
+ let is4xxStatusCode (statusCode : int) =
+ 400 <= statusCode && statusCode <= 499
+ ///
+ /// Utility function for matching 5xx HTTP status codes.
+ ///
+ /// The HTTP status code.
+ /// Returns true if the status code is between 500 and 599.
+ let is5xxStatusCode (statusCode : int) =
+ 500 <= statusCode && statusCode <= 599
diff --git a/src/Giraffe/HttpContextExtensions.fs b/src/Giraffe/HttpContextExtensions.fs
index 7e069fc9..5b97ae29 100644
--- a/src/Giraffe/HttpContextExtensions.fs
+++ b/src/Giraffe/HttpContextExtensions.fs
@@ -334,7 +334,13 @@ type HttpContextExtensions() =
- /// Writes a byte array to the body of the HTTP response and sets the HTTP Content-Length header accordingly.
+ /// Writes a byte array to the body of the HTTP response and sets the HTTP Content-Length header accordingly.
+ ///
+ /// There are exceptions to be taken care of according to the RFC.
+ /// 1. Don't send Content-Length headers on 1xx and 204 responses and on 2xx responses to CONNECT requests (https://httpwg.org/specs/rfc7230.html#rfc.section.3.3.2)
+ /// 2. Don't send non-zero Content-Length headers for 205 responses (https://httpwg.org/specs/rfc7231.html#rfc.section.6.3.6)
+ ///
+ /// Since .NET 7 these rules are enforced by Kestrel (https://github.com/dotnet/aspnetcore/pull/43103)
/// The current http context object.
/// The byte array to be send back to the client.
@@ -342,7 +348,15 @@ type HttpContextExtensions() =
static member WriteBytesAsync (ctx : HttpContext, bytes : byte[]) =
task {
- ctx.SetHttpHeader(HeaderNames.ContentLength, bytes.Length)
+ let canIncludeContentLengthHeader =
+ match ctx.Response.StatusCode, ctx.Request.Method with
+ | statusCode, _ when statusCode |> is1xxStatusCode || statusCode = 204 -> false
+ | statusCode, method when method = "CONNECT" && statusCode |> is2xxStatusCode -> false
+ | _ -> true
+ let is205StatusCode = ctx.Response.StatusCode = 205
+ if canIncludeContentLengthHeader then
+ let contentLength = if is205StatusCode then 0 else bytes.Length
+ ctx.SetHttpHeader(HeaderNames.ContentLength, contentLength)
if ctx.Request.Method <> HttpMethods.Head then
do! ctx.Response.Body.WriteAsync(bytes, 0, bytes.Length)
return Some ctx
diff --git a/tests/Giraffe.Tests/HttpContextExtensionsTests.fs b/tests/Giraffe.Tests/HttpContextExtensionsTests.fs
index 4b1c688a..5655af27 100644
--- a/tests/Giraffe.Tests/HttpContextExtensionsTests.fs
+++ b/tests/Giraffe.Tests/HttpContextExtensionsTests.fs
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ module Giraffe.Tests.HttpContextExtensionsTests
open System
open System.IO
+open System.Text
open System.Threading.Tasks
open Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http
open Microsoft.Extensions.Primitives
@@ -175,6 +176,102 @@ let ``WriteTextAsync with HTTP HEAD should not return text in body`` () =
| Some ctx -> Assert.Equal(expected, getBody ctx)
+let ``WriteBytesAsync should not return Content-Length in header on 100`` () =
+ let ctx = Substitute.For()
+ let testHandler =
+ fun (_ : HttpFunc) (ctx : HttpContext) ->
+ ctx.WriteBytesAsync (Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes "")
+ let app = route "/" >=> testHandler
+ ctx.Request.Method.ReturnsForAnyArgs "GET" |> ignore
+ ctx.Request.Path.ReturnsForAnyArgs (PathString("/")) |> ignore
+ ctx.Response.StatusCode.ReturnsForAnyArgs 100 |> ignore
+ ctx.Response.Body <- new MemoryStream()
+ task {
+ let! result = app (Some >> Task.FromResult) ctx
+ match result with
+ | None -> assertFail "Result was expected to be non-empty"
+ | Some ctx ->
+ Assert.Empty(ctx.Response.Headers["Content-Length"])
+ }
+let ``WriteBytesAsync should not return Content-Length in header on 204`` () =
+ let ctx = Substitute.For()
+ let testHandler =
+ fun (_ : HttpFunc) (ctx : HttpContext) ->
+ ctx.WriteBytesAsync (Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes "")
+ let app = route "/" >=> testHandler
+ ctx.Request.Method.ReturnsForAnyArgs "GET" |> ignore
+ ctx.Request.Path.ReturnsForAnyArgs (PathString("/")) |> ignore
+ ctx.Response.StatusCode.ReturnsForAnyArgs 204 |> ignore
+ ctx.Response.Body <- new MemoryStream()
+ task {
+ let! result = app (Some >> Task.FromResult) ctx
+ match result with
+ | None -> assertFail "Result was expected to be non-empty"
+ | Some ctx ->
+ Assert.Empty(ctx.Response.Headers["Content-Length"])
+ }
+let ``WriteBytesAsync with HTTP CONNECT should not return Content-Length in header on status code 200`` () =
+ let ctx = Substitute.For()
+ let testHandler =
+ fun (_ : HttpFunc) (ctx : HttpContext) ->
+ ctx.WriteBytesAsync (Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes "")
+ let app = route "/" >=> testHandler
+ ctx.Request.Method.ReturnsForAnyArgs "CONNECT" |> ignore
+ ctx.Request.Path.ReturnsForAnyArgs (PathString("/")) |> ignore
+ ctx.Response.StatusCode.ReturnsForAnyArgs 200 |> ignore
+ ctx.Response.Body <- new MemoryStream()
+ task {
+ let! result = app (Some >> Task.FromResult) ctx
+ match result with
+ | None -> assertFail "Result was expected to be non-empty"
+ | Some ctx ->
+ Assert.Empty(ctx.Response.Headers["Content-Length"])
+ }
+let ``WriteBytesAsync should return Content-Length 0 in header on 205`` () =
+ let ctx = Substitute.For()
+ let testHandler =
+ fun (_ : HttpFunc) (ctx : HttpContext) ->
+ ctx.WriteBytesAsync (Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes "Hello World")
+ let app = route "/" >=> testHandler
+ ctx.Request.Method.ReturnsForAnyArgs "GET" |> ignore
+ ctx.Request.Path.ReturnsForAnyArgs (PathString("/")) |> ignore
+ ctx.Response.StatusCode.ReturnsForAnyArgs 205 |> ignore
+ ctx.Response.Body <- new MemoryStream()
+ task {
+ let! result = app (Some >> Task.FromResult) ctx
+ match result with
+ | None -> assertFail "Result was expected to be non-empty"
+ | Some ctx ->
+ Assert.True(ctx.Response.Headers["Content-Length"].ToString() = "0")
+ }
let ``WriteHtmlViewAsync should add html to the context`` () =
let ctx = Substitute.For()