!!! warning
The Planetary Computer [has retired](https://github.com/microsoft/PlanetaryComputer/discussions/347) its computing environment,
which this extension helped Prefect users to work with. Therefore, the repository has been archived, and it is recommended to
directly use [pystac_client](https://pystac-client.readthedocs.io/en/stable/) to interact with the Data Catalog, which remains openly available.
Visit the full docs here to see additional examples and the API reference.
Prefect integrations with the Microsoft Planetary Computer (PC).
This collection includes a Credentials Block 🔑 to store and retrieve a PC subscription key and Jupyter Hub token, with convenience methods to easily interact with the PC Data Catalog 🌍 and Dask Gateway 🚀 server.
For more information about:
- using Azure services with Prefect and the Planetary Computer, check out the
collection. - the integration between Prefect and Dask, check out the
collection. - taking advantage of the Planetary Computer data catalog and compute resources, check out the Planetary Computer documentation.
For more tips on how to use tasks and flows in a Collection, check out Using Collections!
Install prefect-planetary-computer
with pip
pip install prefect-planetary-computer
Requires an installation of Python 3.8+.
We recommend using a Python virtual environment manager such as pipenv, conda or virtualenv.
These tasks are designed to work with Prefect 2.0. For more information about how to use Prefect, please refer to the Prefect documentation.
!!! note * The following Examples are adapted from Planetary Computer - Scale with Dask.
- Require the following additional packages:
pip install xarray zarr adlfs netcdf4 prefect_azure
- Make sure to share the same python dependencies - in particular `dask` and `distributed` - between the flow execution environment, the Dask Scheduler and Workers, [as explained in the Dask docs](https://docs.dask.org/en/stable/deployment-considerations.html#consistent-software-environments).
Dask collection computations, such as Dask DataFrames, can be supported from within a Prefect task by creating a Dask Gateway cluster using the credentials block within the main flow or task itself.
# Prefect tasks are executed using the default ConcurrentTaskRunner
# Dask Collections tasks are executed on a new temporary Dask cluster
import xarray as xr
from prefect import flow, task, get_run_logger
from prefect_planetary_computer import PlanetaryComputerCredentials
from prefect_azure import AzureBlobStorageCredentials
from prefect_azure.blob_storage import blob_storage_upload
pc_credentials = PlanetaryComputerCredentials.load("PC_BLOCK_NAME")
bs_credentials = AzureBlobStorageCredentials.load("BS_BLOCK_NAME")
def compute_mean(asset):
logger = get_run_logger()
with pc_credentials.new_gateway_cluster(
) as cluster:
cluster.adapt(minimum=2, maximum=10)
client = cluster.get_client()
ds = xr.open_zarr(
logger.info(f"Daymet dataset info\n: {ds}")
timeseries = ds["tmin"].mean(dim=["x", "y"]).compute()
logger.info(f"Mean timeseries info\n: {timeseries}")
return timeseries
def pc_dask_flow():
# get a configured PySTAC client
catalog = pc_credentials.get_stac_catalog()
# compute the minimum daily temperature averaged over all of Hawaii,
# using the Daymet dataset
asset = catalog.get_collection("daymet-daily-hi").assets["zarr-abfs"]
prefect_future = compute_mean.submit(asset)
timeseries = prefect_future.result()
# save NetCDF timeseries file
# upload to 'my-container' blob storage container
with open("timeseries.nc", "rb") as f:
blob = blob_storage_upload(
# return the blob name of the uploaded timeseries object
return blob
Prefect's prefect_dask.DaskTaskRunner
automatically instatiates a temporary Dask cluster at flow execution time, enabling submission of both Prefect and Dask Collections tasks.
!!! warning
- prefect-dask
distributed==2022.2.0; python_version < '3.8' distributed>=2022.5.0,<=2023.3.1
- It requires less configuration on the Dask Workers side when using Prefect Cloud, you can get started for free.
# Both Prefect tasks and Dask Collections task are executed
# on a new temporary Dask cluster
import xarray as xr
from prefect import flow, task, get_run_logger
from prefect_planetary_computer import PlanetaryComputerCredentials
from prefect_azure import AzureBlobStorageCredentials
from prefect_azure.blob_storage import blob_storage_upload
from prefect_dask import get_dask_client
pc_credentials = PlanetaryComputerCredentials.load("PC_BLOCK_NAME")
bs_credentials = AzureBlobStorageCredentials.load("BS_BLOCK_NAME")
pc_runner = pc_credentials.get_dask_task_runner(
"image": "pangeo/pangeo-notebook:latest",
adapt_kwargs={'minimum': 1, 'maximum': 10, 'active': True}
def compute_mean(asset):
logger = get_run_logger()
with get_dask_client() as client:
ds = xr.open_zarr(
logger.info(f"Daymet dataset info\n: {ds}")
timeseries = ds["tmin"].mean(dim=["x", "y"]).compute()
logger.info(f"Mean timeseries info\n: {timeseries}")
return timeseries
def pc_dask_flow():
# get a configured PySTAC client
catalog = pc_credentials.get_stac_catalog()
# compute the minimum daily temperature averaged over all of Hawaii,
# using the Daymet dataset
asset = catalog.get_collection("daymet-daily-hi").assets["zarr-abfs"]
mean_task = compute_mean.submit(asset)
timeseries = mean_task.result()
# save NetCDF timeseries file
# upload to 'my-container' blob storage container
with open("timeseries.nc", "rb") as f:
blob = blob_storage_upload(
# return the blob name of the uploaded timeseries object
return blob
If you encounter any bugs while using prefect-planetary-computer
, feel free to open an issue in the prefect-planetary-computer repository.
If you have any questions or issues while using prefect-planetary-computer
, you can find help in either the Prefect Discourse forum or the Prefect Slack community.
Feel free to star or watch prefect-planetary-computer
for updates too!
If you'd like to help contribute to fix an issue or add a feature to prefect-planetary-computer
, please propose changes through a pull request from a fork of the repository.
Here are the steps:
- Fork the repository
- Clone the forked repository
- Install the repository and its dependencies:
pip install -e ".[dev]"
- Make desired changes
- Add tests
- Insert an entry to CHANGELOG.md
- Install
to perform quality checks prior to commit:
pre-commit install
git commit
,git push
, and create a pull request