- New chapter: Dread (p23-31)
- New PDF sheet: Trials (p172)
- New chapter: Trials (p7-12)
- Restored chapter: Quick Reference (p48-51)
- New chapter: Creating Adventures (p7-12)
- New chapter: Active Crafting (p48-51)
- New chapter: Gemstones (p52)
- New chapter: Arcane Jewels (p53-60)
- Total rewrite: Active Inventory (p52)
- Total rewrite: Oils (p61-64)
- Total rewrite: Potions (p65-69)
- Full visual update, higher-quality page art and layout.
- Minor text tweaks and corrections across the document.
- New chapter: Class Changes for barbarian/druid/fighter/monk/paladin/ranger/sorcerer/warlock/wizard (p17-24)
- New chapter: Light & Shadow, rules to manage light without distance tracking (p67-72)
- New content: Added variant options to Wear & Tear (p35)
- New content: Added example consumables to Potions (p39)
- New content: Added variant options to Dangerous Magic (p59)
- New content: Added consumables and variant options to Stress & Afflictions (p93-94)
- Fixed: Corrected animal slots and equipment pack sizes (p28)
- Fixed: Darkened grey text on character sheets (p115-127)
- Revised rookies chapter and added 10 adventure seeds (p11-13)
- New chapter: Potions (p29-30)
- New chapter: Flasks (p31-32)
- New chapter: Oils (p33-34)
- Added grid-equipment pages (p101-103)
- Reduced stress healing from camp activities
- Removed automatic rations from long rest
- Revised mana potion costs to be inline with healing potions
- Various typo and example corrections.
- Update page and table styles.
- Layout and Art: Full revamp of page layout, font styles, and art.
- Character Creation: Added low/average/high starting wealth options.
- Moved feature changes into "feature changes" chapter.
- Added a new page of creation options for customisation (roll options/arrays/feats/etc).
- Rookie characters: New chapter, rules for level-0 characters.
- Feature changes: New chapter, collection of feature/spell tweaks.
- Race changes: New chapter, collection of race tweaks for dragonborn/human/halfling/lizardfolk/yuan-ti.
- Class changes: New chapter, collection of class tweaks for druid/paladin/ranger/warlock.
- Inventory Space: New chapter, moved from old "Equipment" chapter.
- Armor expertise now uses proficiency bonus (credit LeVentNoir).
- Added costs and basic armor/weapon details to equipment tables.
- Wear and Tear: New chapter, moved from old "Equipment" chapter.
- Added shattering mechanic and maximum notches.
- Improved/clarified functionality of mending spell.
- Ammunition: New chapter, moved from old "Equipment" chapter.
- Active defence: New chapter, moved from old "Taking Action" chapter.
- Added notes on using portent.
- Added smaller defence variant.
- Added massive damage variant to saving attacks.
- Active Initiative: New chapter, moved from old "Taking Action" chapter.
- Clarified how a round works with extra details.
- Degrees of Success: New chapter, moved from old "Taking Action" chapter.
- Added table of boons.
- Added table of offerings for success-at-a-cost.
- Dangerous magic: Updated consequences.
- Making a Journey: Added random tables of 10 skill challenges and 50 discoveries.
- Wounds & Injuries: New chapter, contains wound effects.
- Simplified wounds, now based on exhaustion.
- Added rules/support for prosthetics.
- Death & Resurrection: New chapter, added "Dying" condition.
- Added milestone variant for funeral rewards.
- Cheating Fate: New chapter, expanded details on spending/gaining fate.
- Survival Conditions: Added temperature variant.
- Stress & Afflictions: Reduced stress from 200 points to 40.
- Reduced stress penalties from 5/10/20/40 to 1/2/4/8.
- Added roll variants.
- Revised afflictions table with brand new effects.
- Short Rest: New chapter, contains short rest and camping details.
- Long Rest: New chapter, contains long rest details.
- Added example random rumor table.
- Leveling Up: Added faster training variant.
- Added variant locations as a mentor replacement.
- Random Tables: Added animals for Wild Shape reference.
- Sheets & Trackers: New chapter, collection of sheets, trackers, and reference pages.
- Added brand new character sheet.
- Added new equipment tracker.
- Added new journey tracker.
- Added new calendar.
- Added quick reference.
- Clarified language/intelligence restrictions on character generation (p8).
- Equipment now uses item slots as a base measurement, not containers (p14).
- Added a quickdraw rules variant (p17).
- Added a containers rules variant. Container size can now be specified by the player. Removed the purse container type (p18).
- Potion toxicity now drains hit dice instead of applying Stress (p20).
- Conditions has had a full rewrite: removed health/light/temperature conditions and connected hunger/thirst/fatigue directly to exhaustion (p27).
- Clarified how to improve/afflict conditions (p28).
- Made stamina checks a variant rule. Checks are now based on the character's best condition DC (p28).
- Clarified language around Stress; characters now gain and heal stress (p29-32).
- Added Stress heal to Calm Emotions spell (p31).
- Rewrote the dangerous magic burnout table: added more possibilities and removed stress/condition assumptions (p34).
- Added a section on custom burnout effects (p35).
- Full rewrite of the camping phase (p45).
- Added a setting-up-camp group skill check that determines the difficulty of all in-camp activities (p45).
- Added brewing as a camp activity (p46).
- Hit dice can now be restored by cooking/brewing/sleeping (p46).
- Some camp activities now reward inspiration (p46).
- Clarified that the lookout has time to sleep (p47).
- Added a section to clarify ambushes during camp (p47).
- Moved conditions/stress into defined variants (p48).
- Added notes on camp-relevant magic spells (p48).
- Decreased lifestyle costs per week a fraction (p49).
- Lifestyle now affects maximum HP (p49).
- Added a section on property ownership affecting lifestyle costs (p50).
- Added exhaustion to character sheet (p66).
- Added a simplified inventory character sheet (p67).
- Added extra fields to the magic character sheet (p69).
- Health/Light/Temperature conditions removed, to be reworked in 1.7.1.
- Added chapters: Active XP, Changelog.
- Complete rewrite and update of all styles and artwork. Removed all Darkest Dungeon artwork as I don't own it.
- Ammunition & Burnout die now trigger on 1 or 2.
- Negative STR modifiers now affect inventory capacity.
- All medium and heavy armor now reduces non-magical damage.
- Renamed Stygian mode to Astral.
- Added an example for rolling ability scores.
- Added random generators for family and memories.
- Added tables and examples for known languages.
- Split leveling chapter into two chapters to better focus on training and XP. Added examples to generate XP.
- Added mentor response generator.
- Initiative now uses INT instead of DEX.
- A helping player now rolls one of the two d20.
- When using Active Initiative, taking damage allows you to interrupt for free.
- Added an example for using Open Skills.
- Added chapter: Deadly Diseases.
- Added new races and subraces from MToE.
- Added equipment tempering.
- Added encounter seeds to "Making a Journey".
- Added an inventory page to the character sheet.
- Added chapter: Dangerous Magic.
- Added quick reference guide.
- Added examples to Life & Death and Rest chapters.
- Added guidelines for resurrection magic.
- Ammunition is now tracked using ammunition dice.
- Grouped main features into different modes of play: Radiant, Dark, and Stygian.
- Separated Conditions from Stress & Afflictions.
- Added new equipment examples and guidelines for magical containers.
- Added examples to the action changes in Chapter 4.
- Added missing XGtE spells to the tables in Appendix A.
- Expanded FAQ with some new questions.
- Added chapters: NPC Economy, FAQ.
- Added new races and specialisations from XGtE & VGtM.
- Magic users can now chose their spells manually as usual for their class.
- Inventory size is now modified by character size.
- Added equipment size tables.
- Added spells, notes, and templates to character sheets.
- Added examples for equipping characters and conditions.
- Added chapters: Preface, Making a Journey.
- Magic users can now chose one cantrip and one spell when generating their first-level spell list.
- Added experience tables to help calculate discovery and treasure XP rewards.
- Fate points are now capped at 3.
- Split lingering physical effects into minor wounds and major injuries—dragons and other vicious creatures now stand a chance of tearing off a character's limb.
- Added descriptions to the categories of Stress.
- Characters now gain an Affliction at 100, 150, and 175 Stress—up from just 100.
- Reaching a sanctuary now automatically reduces and caps Stress to 75.
- Greater Restoration spells can now be used to help remove character Afflictions.
- Made Intelligence and Wisdom more useful in social situations by focusing on the context of the interaction—similarly, de-emphasised Charisma.
- Added inventory container categories.
- Added vehicle inventory capacities.
- Item quality now affects item resale value.
- Clarified the timing of events during the long rest phase.
- Added character sheets with new sections to accommodate the stress and inventory systems.
- Added chapters: Character Creation, Leveling Up, Equipment, Taking Action, Stressing Out, Life & Death, Rest & Downtime.
- Added appendix: Random Tables.