quantum computation simulator
pure golang implementation
no external library used
qsim := q .New ()
// generate qubits of |0>|0>
q0 := qsim .Zero ()
q1 := qsim .Zero ()
// apply quantum circuit
qsim .H (q0 ).CNOT (q0 , q1 )
for _ , s := range qsim .State () {
fmt .Println (s )
// [00][ 0]( 0.7071 0.0000i): 0.5000
// [11][ 3]( 0.7071 0.0000i): 0.5000
m0 := qsim .Measure (q0 )
m1 := qsim .Measure (q1 )
// if m0.IsZero() is true, m1.IsZero() is also true
// if m0.IsOne() is true, m1.IsOne() is also true
for _ , s := range qsim .State () {
fmt .Println (s )
// [00][ 0]( 1.0000 0.0000i): 1.0000
// or
// [11][ 3]( 1.0000 0.0000i): 1.0000
qsim := q .New ()
// generate qubits of |phi>|0>|0>
phi := qsim .New (1 , 2 )
q0 := qsim .Zero ()
q1 := qsim .Zero ()
// |phi> is normalized. |phi> = a|0> + b|1>, |a|^2 = 0.2, |b|^2 = 0.8
for _ , s := range qsim .State (phi ) {
fmt .Println (s )
// [0][ 0]( 0.4472 0.0000i): 0.2000
// [1][ 1]( 0.8944 0.0000i): 0.8000
qsim .H (q0 ).CNOT (q0 , q1 )
qsim .CNOT (phi , q0 ).H (phi )
// Alice send mz, mx to Bob
mz := qsim .Measure (phi )
mx := qsim .Measure (q0 )
// Bob Apply X and Z
qsim .ConditionX (mx .IsOne (), q1 )
qsim .ConditionZ (mz .IsOne (), q1 )
// Bob got |phi> state with q1
for _ , s := range qsim .State (q1 ) {
fmt .Println (s )
// [0][ 0]( 0.4472 0.0000i): 0.2000
// [1][ 1]( 0.8944 0.0000i): 0.8000
qsim := q .New ()
q0 := qsim .New (1 , 2 ) // (0.2, 0.8)
// encoding
q1 := qsim .Zero ()
q2 := qsim .Zero ()
qsim .CNOT (q0 , q1 ).CNOT (q0 , q2 )
// error: first qubit is flipped
qsim .X (q0 )
// add ancilla qubit
q3 := qsim .Zero ()
q4 := qsim .Zero ()
// error correction
qsim .CNOT (q0 , q3 ).CNOT (q1 , q3 )
qsim .CNOT (q1 , q4 ).CNOT (q2 , q4 )
m3 := qsim .Measure (q3 )
m4 := qsim .Measure (q4 )
qsim .ConditionX (m3 .IsOne () && m4 .IsZero (), q0 )
qsim .ConditionX (m3 .IsOne () && m4 .IsOne (), q1 )
qsim .ConditionX (m3 .IsZero () && m4 .IsOne (), q2 )
// decoding
qsim .CNOT (q0 , q2 ).CNOT (q0 , q1 )
for _ , s := range qsim .State (q0 ) {
fmt .Println (s )
// [0][ 0]( 0.4472 0.0000i): 0.2000
// [1][ 1]( 0.8944 0.0000i): 0.8000
Grover's search algorithm
qsim := q .New ()
// initial state
q0 := qsim .Zero ()
q1 := qsim .Zero ()
q2 := qsim .Zero ()
q3 := qsim .Zero ()
// superposition
qsim .H (q0 , q1 , q2 , q3 )
// iteration
N := number .Pow (2 , qsim .NumberOfBit ())
r := math .Floor (math .Pi / 4 * math .Sqrt (float64 (N )))
for i := 0 ; i < int (r ); i ++ {
qsim .X (q2 , q3 )
qsim .H (q3 ).CCCNOT (q0 , q1 , q2 , q3 ).H (q3 )
qsim .X (q2 , q3 )
qsim .H (q0 , q1 , q2 , q3 )
qsim .X (q0 , q1 , q2 , q3 )
qsim .H (q3 ).CCCNOT (q0 , q1 , q2 , q3 ).H (q3 )
qsim .X (q0 , q1 , q2 , q3 )
qsim .H (q0 , q1 , q2 , q3 )
for _ , s := range qsim .State () {
fmt .Println (s )
// [0000][ 0]( 0.0508 0.0000i): 0.0026
// [0001][ 1]( 0.0508 0.0000i): 0.0026
// [0010][ 2]( 0.0508 0.0000i): 0.0026
// [0011][ 3]( 0.0508 0.0000i): 0.0026
// [0100][ 4]( 0.0508 0.0000i): 0.0026
// [0101][ 5]( 0.0508 0.0000i): 0.0026
// [0110][ 6]( 0.0508 0.0000i): 0.0026
// [0111][ 7]( 0.0508 0.0000i): 0.0026
// [1000][ 8]( 0.0508 0.0000i): 0.0026
// [1001][ 9]( 0.0508 0.0000i): 0.0026
// [1010][ 10]( 0.0508 0.0000i): 0.0026
// [1011][ 11]( 0.0508 0.0000i): 0.0026
// [1100][ 12](-0.9805 0.0000i): 0.9613 -> answer!
// [1101][ 13]( 0.0508 0.0000i): 0.0026
// [1110][ 14]( 0.0508 0.0000i): 0.0026
// [1111][ 15]( 0.0508 0.0000i): 0.0026
Shor's factoring algorithm
N := 15
a := 7 // co-prime
for i := 0 ; i < 10 ; i ++ {
qsim := q .New ()
// initial state
q0 := qsim .Zero ()
q1 := qsim .Zero ()
q2 := qsim .Zero ()
q3 := qsim .Zero ()
q4 := qsim .Zero ()
q5 := qsim .Zero ()
q6 := qsim .One ()
// superposition
qsim .H (q0 , q1 , q2 )
// Controlled-U
qsim .CNOT (q2 , q4 )
qsim .CNOT (q2 , q5 )
// Controlled-U^2
qsim .CNOT (q3 , q5 ).CCNOT (q1 , q5 , q3 ).CNOT (q3 , q5 )
qsim .CNOT (q4 , q6 ).CCNOT (q1 , q6 , q4 ).CNOT (q4 , q6 )
// inverse QFT
qsim .Swap (q0 , q2 )
qsim .InvQFT (q0 , q1 , q2 )
// measure q0, q1, q2
m := qsim .Measure (q0 , q1 , q2 ).BinaryString ()
// find s/r. 0.010 -> 0.25 -> 1/4, 0.110 -> 0.75 -> 3/4, ...
s , r , d , ok := number .FindOrder (a , N , fmt .Sprintf ("0.%s" , m ))
if ! ok || number .IsOdd (r ) {
// gcd(a^(r/2)-1, N), gcd(a^(r/2)+1, N)
p0 := number .GCD (number .Pow (a , r / 2 )- 1 , N )
p1 := number .GCD (number .Pow (a , r / 2 )+ 1 , N )
if number .IsTrivial (N , p0 , p1 ) {
// result
fmt .Printf ("i=%d: N=%d, a=%d. p=%v, q=%v. s/r=%d/%d ([0.%v]~%.3f)\n " , i , N , a , p0 , p1 , s , r , m , d )
// i=2: N=15, a=7. p=3, q=5. s/r=1/4 ([0.010]~0.250)
p0 , q0 := 0.1 , qubit .Zero ()
p1 , q1 := 0.9 , qubit .Zero ().Apply (gate .H ())
rho := density .New ().Add (p0 , q0 ).Add (p1 , q1 )
rho .Trace () // -> 1
rho .ExpectedValue (gate .X ()) // -> 0.9
Michael A. Nielsen, Issac L. Chuang, Quantum Computation and Quantum Information
C. Figgatt, D. Maslov, K. A. Landsman, N. M. Linke, S. Debnath, and C. Monroe, Complete 3-Qubit Grover Search on a Programmable Quantum Computer
Zhengjun Cao, Zhenfu Cao, Lihua Liu, Remarks on Quantum Modular Exponentiation and Some Experimental Demonstrations of Shor’s Algorithm
Michael R. Geller, Zhongyuan Zhou, Factoring 51 and 85 with 8 qubits
Programming Quantum Computers by Eric R. Johnson, Nic Harrigan, and Merecedes Gimeno-Segovia (O'Reilly)