Animore makes DOM state transitions easier It uses internally the css transitions to animate 2 different states of the same DOM node. It was inspired by riot-animore and works thanks to the flip technique by Paul Lewis
Via npm
$ npm i animore -S
Via <script>
<script src="path/to/animore.js"></script>
Via ES2015 modules
import animore from 'animore'
Via commonjs
const animore = require('animore')
You can pass a query or a DOM node to animore
in the following way:
const animaQuery = animore('.my-div')[0] // animore returns always an array!
const animaNode = animore(myDiv)[0] // DOM nodes are also valid
const animaList = animore([myDiv, myUl]) // an arrays are also valid
const animaNodeList = animore(myUl.children) // NodeLists are valid as well
Remeber to use stash
and apply
to create your transitions
const anima = animore('.my-div')[0]
anima.stash() // store the previous DOM position = '300px'
anima.apply() // apply the transition
The animore factory function accepts 2 arguments animore(el, options)
with the options
object you can specify how your animations should behave:
animore(myDiv, {
duration: 300, // animation duration in ms
easing: 'ease-in-out', // this should be a valid css easing function
delay: 20, // animation delay
onStart: function() { console.log('new animation started ')},
onCancel: function() { console.log('animation canceled ')},
onEnd: function() { console.log('animation ended ')}
Any animore call will return an object with the following properties
Store the current DOM node position and size
@returns self
Apply the transition comparing the current DOM node state with its previous state (it can be called only after a stash
@returns self
Reference to the DOM node queried
@returns HTMLElement