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3638 lines (2633 loc) · 255 KB

File metadata and controls

3638 lines (2633 loc) · 255 KB

Docker notes

  • Pull from docker hub docker pull gianlazzarini/lazztech_containerizedface_recognition
  • List all processes docker ps
  • Open interactive terminal docker run -it -v "Full path to images directory without quotes" --entrypoint /bin/bash "Image id without quotes"
  • Open interactive terminal example 2 docker run -it -v /Users/gianlazzarini/Desktop/face_recognition:/face/ --entrypoint /bin/bash ba34ace8a4cc
  • Another shorter way to open an interactive terminal docker exec -it f1c767df6163 sh
  • Stop all running containers docker stop $(docker ps -aq)
  • Delete all stopped container docker rm $(docker ps -aq)
  • Delete all stopped containers and images docker system prune -a
  • List docker networks docker network ls
  • Inspect details about a docker process docker inspect "ps id"
  • Copy data from docker container virtual volume docker cp $ID:/var/jenkins_home
  • Automatically restart container if it's not running docker run INSERT HERE --restart always
  • Run in background detateched daemon mode so you don't need to keep the terminal open and print id docker run -d or --detatch INSERT HERE
  • See the container startup stdout in detatched mode docker logs CONTAINER_ID
  • Exit the current container while keeping it running Ctrl+p, Ctrl+q
  • Run Jenkins docker run -u root -d -p 8888:8080 -p 50000:50000 -v jenkins-data:/var/jenkins_home -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock --restart always jenkinsci/blueocean
  • Launch Compose on Docker Swarm Cluster docker stack deploy
  • List all docker services docker service ls
  • Remove docker service docker service rm ID
  • Create a docker service on swarm cluster docker service create {container and arguments}

Docker links:

Frequently used commands

  • Register in git the excutability of a shell script git update-index --chmod=+x

Friday July, 27, 2018

  • Finished getting docker-compose.yml configured to bind mount volumes to services by absolute path.

Why doesn't docker-compose up work? It always says that it can't find the docker-compose.dcsproj. Running the docker-compose.dcsproj from vs4mac doesn't seem to have this issue if I run the command then run it in vs4mac... Weird.

Having issues with the working directory for the Process object running the correct path for the face_recognition arguments.

Run this line while connected to the vpn to move over all of the images from the rpi to my dev machine:

rsync -a --progress --remove-source-files pi@pi1:/var/lib/motion Desktop/face_recognition/

Also I may want to make /var/lib/motion a bind mount path volume in the container?

Saturday July, 28, 2018

Using details like the image capture date from the metadata to populate the Snapshot object's properties would likely be a good idea. Here's some links I found on getting these values.

Write if else logic in FacialRecognitionManager.CheckAllAssetsValid();

Monday July, 30, 2018

Sprint 0: Unit Tests & Snapshot Coordinates

Succumbing to the complexity of FacialRecognitionManager.cs as it develops and turning to PDD(pain driven developmetn). I'm working to transistion to using vscode as much as possible as my primary development enviroment.

mkdir [Project layer name for dir]
cd [new project folder]
dotnet new classlib -f netcoreapp2.1
cmd + shift + p => nuget add:
cd ..
dotnet sln add [new project folder/newproject.csproj]

Tuesday July, 31, 2018

Sprint 0: Unit Tests & Snapshot Coordinates

Project still builds though it's throwing warnings. Setting up CI could be a good idea though I want to keep the repo private. Maybe a heroku jenkins instance? Or azure jenkins? I do have credits. It's probably too soon to worry about that though. However since the project is dockerized it could be more simple when the time comes.

Setup interface for FacialRecognitionManager and a unit test against the resulting Snapshot collection.

Adding reference to domain to the testing layer requires a kind of long chaned command:

dotnet add Lazztech.Cloud.Vision.Tests/Lazztech.Cloud.Vision.Tests.csproj reference Lazztech.Cloud.Vision.Domain/Lazztech.Cloud.Vision.Domain.csproj

dotnet add [Project to be added] reference [project to get reference to other project]

References are all setup and I've gotten together a very simple unit test though I've got issues with the Nunit3TestAdapter.

Oh this is slightly more complicated. I need to make sure I'm testing against how this class processes the lines output from the cmd line tools not that those perform. Otherwise I'd have to run the docker-compose project to get the domain tested and that would make it more of an integration test instead of a unit test.

  • Setup test data for realistic output of cmdline process stdout that I'm parsing into a desired valid collection of Snapshots.

  • Break out responsabilities for the process execution so that it's an interface that returns the List stdout from the respective processes that I'm testing against for the facial recognitiona and facial coordinates.

  • resolve "Some projects have trouble loading. Please review the output for more details" eventually.

  • Created mock for IFacialIdentityHandler using the static stdout test data string

Now I need to setup dependency injection into the FacialRecognitionManager in the ctor so that I can inject the mock or real interface implementation for the handling of the process.

Leaving the project in a non-building state to be resolved in the future.

Wednesday August, 1, 2018

Sprint 0: Unit Tests & Snapshot Coordinates

  • dotnet build Lazztech.Cloud.sln fails: There is no argument given that corresponds to the required formal parameter 'facialIdentityHandler' Solution builds again: dotnet build Lazztech.Cloud.sln Maybe it would be easier to just use xunit instead? I'm having some issues debugging and running the NUnit tests fixture. Yeah it looks like I'm going to have a smoother development experience if I transistion to using xunit instead of NUnit with with dotnet core.
dotnet sln remove Lazztech.Cloud.Vision.Tests/Lazztech.Cloud.Vision.Tests.csproj
rm -r Lazztech.Cloud.Vision.Tests/
mkdir Lazztech.Cloud.Vision.Tests/
cd Lazztech.Cloud.Vision.Tests
dotnet new xunit
cd ..
dotnet sln add Lazztech.Cloud.Vision.Tests/Lazztech.Cloud.Vision.Tests.csproj
dotnet add Lazztech.Cloud.Vision.Tests/Lazztech.Cloud.Vision.Tests.csproj reference Lazztech.Cloud.Vision.Domain/Lazztech.Cloud.Vision.Domain.csproj

I then clicked restore on the vscode prompt.

All switched to xUnit now however the test failes because "Access to the path '/face/known/' is denied." so I'll need to make sure that all is handled by the interface implementation that I'm mocking not the FacialRecognitionManager.cs that depends on them and handles their stdout.

Switching to xunit seems to have resolved the "Some projects have trouble loading. Please review the output for more details"

  • resolve "Some projects have trouble loading. Please review the output for more details" eventually. vscode test explorer issue: MSBUILD : error MSB1011: Specify which project or solution file to use because this folder contains more than one project or solution file.

I think I need to add configrations for the other project layers to the vscode tasks.json and launch.json to get the test explorer working. Okay the .NET TEST EXPLORERER: issue "Please open or set the test project..." could actually be a bug. formulahendry/vscode-dotnet-test-explorer#39 Trying adding "dotnet-test-explorer.testProjectPath": "Lazztech.Cloud.Vision.Tests/Lazztech.Cloud.Vision.Tests.csproj", to the workspace settings.

Thursday August 2, 2018

Sprint 0: Unit Tests & Snapshot Coordinates

FacialRecognitionManager ctor was interacting with the explicit paths causinging and issue with testability. After removing those lines in the ctor the xUnit test case passes. Also I wonder if there may be an issue with the xUnit tests not showing up in the explorer from missing the test adapter? Does that come packaged in the dotnet new xunit proj? I'm also unable to get the vs4mac debugger working on the unit tests... It just executes them and returns 0 however never hits any of the breakpoints. I need to fix the issue with the unit test debugging not hitting their breakpoints however I do think that the issue is in .CheckAllValidAssets() where it's consulting with the directories for the file count. That needs to be moved to the interfaces as well. Do I need an interface for .CheckAllValidAssets() to mock it or can I move it into an existing other mockabible responsability? I suppose this method really is doing more than one responsability it'self too. I should probably break those out. It's adding all relivant directorys to the collections then it's also new'ing up respective snapshot objects foreach of those. I've moved the first responsability to a method called .CollectAllImageDirs(); and the second to a method called .InstantiateSnapshotsFromDirs();

Oh, well the xUnit debugging actually works alright in vscode as is so I'll continue with that. I looks like if I comment out the issues related to directories then it still throws an exception due to not having valid Snapshots constructed. This issue is in HandleIdentities. Oh gotcha it's because the InstantiateSnapshotsFromDirs needs to probably happen in the interfaces as well... It's looking for valid Snapshots that should already exist at this point however don't.

I need a file directory finding interface for mocking. God-damn, making this testable seems like it's quadrupaling the amount of code...

I think I need to put everything that uses the System.IO namespace in an interface that would be mocked since all of that will likely not matche the runtime enviroment in the docker container.

The next remaining testability issue is the InstantiateSnapshotsFromDirs() method setting the Snapshot.DateTimeWhenCaptured = File.GetCreationTime(imageDir) which will need to be mocked as it's trying to reference the externality through System.IO which will most likely only exist during run time in the docker container.

August Friday 3, 2018

Sprint 0: Unit Tests & Snapshot Coordinates

Maybe I should just make an IFileServices that can be mocked... Got the test explorer working today with xUnit project via workspace settings.

I'm giving IFileServices the responsabilities that IImageDirectoriesFinder had and removing IImageDirectoriesFinder.

What is this:

Failed to start debugger: "System.InvalidOperationException: Debug session already started.\n at

cmd + shift + p then reloading the window seems to have fixed this.

Should I mock the snapshot.ImageDir setting? Also now I'm getting exceptions with the Snapshot.Status code. Things are definitly moving along now.

Actually yeah I'm pretty close as I seem to have mocked all System.IO code with IFileServices now. Also if I comment out HandleIdentities() the basic non-null return value test passes.

Does the code actually run like I expect it in the docker container thought? Also the thought of integration tests has crossed my mind again..

Yes it works in the docker container! Now I have to get HandleIdentities() to work with the tests also I need to extract FaceDetection to it's own interface for the coordinates process. Then I can mock it and start testing the logic for instantiating the coordinates correctly from the process stdout.

Achieved unit testablility! ~9:00PM on 108th commit id #81379b50

  • Passed first unit test against FacialRecognitionManager with it now fully testable

I would also like to look into logging my hours some how in a serializable way in the repo.

August Saturday, 4 2018

Sprint 0: Unit Tests & Snapshot Coordinates

This tool looks perfect for tracking my time programming. This will go nicely with these markdown files and the .json based kanban board. Hopefully it's json based so I can keep it in the repo. Hmm it looks great but it looks like it's not really git backed and has a monthly membership for all of the features... I want something .json based and gitbacked.

More git based time trackers:

Also I could use some kind of json based pomodoro tool for time tracking... May end up going that route.

It could also be nice to visualize statistics from the git activity? And also I should look into the .net test explorer code coverage output and see if that's viewable too?

Added new tests now I'm looking seriously into how to set the coordinates of the face bounding boxes. I wonder if I should also add the image dimensions to the snapshot property since the bounding box coordinates use "pixel coordinates"

How do I debug long chained linq expressions? scott hanselman even advocates for this one apperantly

.Select(z =>
{return z;}
) Also apperantly vs2017 can evaluate lamdas? I wonder about vscode?

Also I was curious and looked up this because I was unsure if it was correct to call it a linq statment or expression. It seems like it's an expression because it has a return value where as a statement just does an action.

Also heres information comparing the two different linq syntax styles of using the querying keywords or using the extension methods like I have been.

Oh and I've been thinking a lot about eventually putting together an Application Facade for all of the microservices as a graphql api instead of just a REST api. I want to eventually look into using linq against a graphql web api as I think I heard something about that in a podcast.

Based on the python code example for face_recognition bounding box image drawing it looks like the first two numbers are the x,y for the (left, top) then the (right, bottom). I should probably name the property accordingly.

Look up structs vs primitives.

It looks like I'm having an issue with capturing the new line \r from the stdout for the person.Name properties: p.Name == "Gian Lazzarini\r" vs p.Name == "Gian Lazzarini")

Also I wonder if this return carriage only is happening because of how I pasted in the stdout lines instead of just having it line by line? I suppose I should probably debug it during actual containerized execution to check...

I wish vscode would change to the light theme when it's bright out or even adjust between dark and light depending on the sunlight. That way I could keep maximum viewability without having to change anything manually.

  • I have to run .ToList() on a .Where() linq query before .Any() will work.

Sunday, August 5, 2018

Sprint 0: Unit Tests & Snapshot Coordinates

Finished fixing the name return carriage issue however I'm still not certain it's actually a reall issue and not a test data mock problem.

After getting the FaceBoundingBox's set for the person in the relivant snapshot I should really start testing cases where there's multiple people. A lot of my code has expressions like : Snap.Persons.First().FaceBoundingBox = bb;

Using TDD to solve that will be helpful.

I wish I could edit this .md in the preview, rendered view like in with my blog.

vscode shortcut to move through tabs: cmd + option + Right or Left or ctrl + [number of tab like 1, 2, or 3 etc.]

Wtf I passed the test then ran it again and now it's saying it fails though the output looks passing...

[ 00:00:00.6506820]       Expected: FaceBoundingBox { LeftTopCoordinate = PixelCoordinateVertex { x = 54, y = 181 }, RightBottomCoordinate = PixelCoordinateVertex { x = 158, y = 77 } }
[ 00:00:00.6507420]       Actual:   FaceBoundingBox { LeftTopCoordinate = PixelCoordinateVertex { x = 54, y = 181 }, RightBottomCoordinate = PixelCoordinateVertex { x = 158, y = 77 } }

Looks like I may have a fundimental miss-understanding about oop instance equality:

Yeah so it looks like it's checking to see if it's the exact same instance which it isn't however the values are the same for the two different objects. That's what I want to make assertions for. I wonder if xUnit has an assertion for that? I could hash both and compare that? Hmm hashing them and comparing that fails too.

[ 00:00:00.6413380]       Assert.Equal() Failure
[ 00:00:00.6414400]       Expected: 63403007
[ 00:00:00.6415010]       Actual:   4916187 

"The rules are different for a struct but I'm not even going to cover that... 8 years using C# professionally and I don't recall creating my own struct once. If you're interested though, you can find more info in the C# guide."

Hmm maybe I should make the FaceBoundingBox a struct? Sure, why not. Seems like it lends well to it then I can write custom equations against it more simply. Yup changing the FaceBoundingBox and it's PixelCoordinateVertext properties to structs from classes allowed my Assert.Equal(a, b); statment to pass like I expected.

Test is passing however it's throwing an exception when actually run in the docker-compose project.

Hmm I think it's an issue with looking at the snapshots being created from the images in the known/ dir that don't have people? Idk why but I need to identify why any would not have people and make sure it's not something I'm looking for to assign bounding boxes against as it will throw an exception. Also I still don't know why the unit test isn't throwing an exception...

Got it working in the docker-compose and outputing the snapshots with the coordinates on the people populated properly. I also have all of the tests passing too however it's concerning that the tests didn't reflect the exception being thrown when actually running the docker-compose project... Also I think it's time to configure the docker compose with vscode to stop using vs4mac.

This throws an exception in the docker runtime however passes all of the tests

        private void HandleBoundingBoxes()
            var lines = face_detectionLines;
            // var snaps = Results.Where(x => x.Status != SnapshotStatus.no_persons_found).ToList();
            // var snapsWithPeople = snaps.Where(x => x.People.Any()).ToList();

            var snapsWithPeople = Results.Where(x => x.Status != SnapshotStatus.no_persons_found).ToList();

This also passes all of the tests however fixes the exception in the docker runtime.

        private void HandleBoundingBoxes()
            var lines = face_detectionLines;
            var snaps = Results.Where(x => x.Status != SnapshotStatus.no_persons_found).ToList();
            var snapsWithPeople = snaps.Where(x => x.People.Any()).ToList();

            // var snapsWithPeople = Results.Where(x => x.Status != SnapshotStatus.no_persons_found).ToList();

Make sure that there's a test to reflect this failure

Alright to do this it's time to get the docker-compose.dcsproj running in vscode. So that probably means I'll finally figure out why vs4mac can run it however doing docker-compose up doesn't work.

Step 12/21 : RUN dotnet restore -nowarn:msb3202,nu1503
 ---> Running in c0fe86f9318e
/usr/share/dotnet/sdk/2.1.302/NuGet.targets(239,5): error MSB3202: The project file "/src/Lazztech.Cloud.Vision.Tests/Lazztech.Cloud.Vision.Tests.csproj" was not found. [/src/Lazztech.Cloud.sln]
/usr/share/dotnet/sdk/2.1.302/NuGet.targets(239,5): error MSB3202: The project file "/src/docker-compose.dcproj" was not found. [/src/Lazztech.Cloud.sln]
ERROR: Service '' failed to build: The command '/bin/sh -c dotnet restore -nowarn:msb3202,nu1503' returned a non-zero code: 1

Hmm it also looks like vs4mac can't run it in release either, only debug. I wonder if that could be related? Yup it looks like it is... vs4mac build error output says:

Step 12/21 : RUN dotnet restore -nowarn:msb3202,nu1503
     ---> Running in 03ee26a83aea
    /usr/share/dotnet/sdk/2.1.302/NuGet.targets(239,5): error MSB3202: The project file "/src/Lazztech.Cloud.Vision.Tests/Lazztech.Cloud.Vision.Tests.csproj" was not found. [/src/Lazztech.Cloud.sln]
    /usr/share/dotnet/sdk/2.1.302/NuGet.targets(239,5): error MSB3202: The project file "/src/docker-compose.dcproj" was not found. [/src/Lazztech.Cloud.sln]
    Service '' failed to build: The command '/bin/sh -c dotnet restore -nowarn:msb3202,nu1503' returned a non-zero code: 1
    /Applications/Visual,5): error : Building
    /Applications/Visual,5): error : Service '' failed to build: The command '/bin/sh -c dotnet restore -nowarn:msb3202,nu1503' returned a non-zero code: 1.
    /Applications/Visual,5): error : 
    /Applications/Visual,5): error : For more troubleshooting information, go to
Done building target "DockerComposeBuild" in project "docker-compose.dcproj" -- FAILED.

vs4mac outputs this which gives a clue to what's happening when it's running the docker-compose project in debug.

Starting: "docker" exec -i 2d9d413a4180 "/remote_debugger/vsdbg" --interpreter=vscode dotnet/dotnet-docker#430 Okay so it failing when running docker-compose up could be related to the version of the base image.

No actually it looks like it's just throwing an error because it can't find the .Tests project? Oh okay after adding this line below it resolved that issue and now is back to a familiar one. COPY Lazztech.Cloud.Vision.Tests/Lazztech.Cloud.Vision.Tests.csproj Lazztech.Cloud.Vision.Tests/ Now it says this which looks to me like I need to make sure that docker file copies over every project in the solution file? I'm not sure it would sense for one file to have the docker-compose but I'll give it a try. /usr/share/dotnet/sdk/2.1.302/NuGet.targets(239,5): error MSB3202: The project file "/src/docker-compose.dcproj" was not found. [/src/Lazztech.Cloud.sln]

Maybe I need to have the sln clarify when it needs the docker-compose.dcsproj? Okay now, after adding the docker-compose proj that the solution needs it says:

MSBUILD : error MSB1011: Specify which project or solution file to use because this folder contains more than one project or solution file.

I still need to figure out how to run the docker-compose.dcproj in vscode so that I can debug it in vscode. I think I may need to experiment with seeing how vscode configures the docker files for my solution with the Docker: Add Docker files to Workspace command from the command pallete. Also it looks like I need a file called docker-compose.debug.yml which I do not have from vs4mac.

Running Docker: Add Docker files to Workspace didn't make the docker-compose.debug.yml like I wanted. The dockerfile it generates does however look better configured in that it just builds/restores against the specific .proj instead of bundling the entire solution. I may look into that further.

It looks like I'm going to need to configure some launch configurations with remote debugging for the docker container.

This remote debugging setup could actually let me debug or profile the code when it runs on my raspberry pi cluster too.

Also how do I profile performance with .net core code in vscode? In visual studio it's straight forward with the built in profiler. And would this work remotely in a docker container?

Found this interesting documentation on building software-as-a-service apps: "The format is inspired by Martin Fowler’s books Patterns of Enterprise Application Architecture and Refactoring."

Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Sprint 1: Remote Docker Debugging in vscode

Familiarize youreslf with docker-compose.debug.yml as that seems to be an important missing file to do the remote debugging with vscode like I need and am doing with vs4mac easily. Once I have the rest of the setup on par with vs4mac then I can continue to identify why the docker run-time throws that exception that the unit tests aren't catching. It could be an issue with the test data not accurately reflecting the run time or possibly something to do with how I've configured the mocks. Either way I can't move forward until I'm able to test and solve that and my goal is to move away from using anything but vscode.

Okay so it looks like in regular visual studio/vs4mac the equivalent is generated automatically from building the docker-compose.dcproj which looks at the docker-compose.yml then builds docker-compose.vs.debug.g.yml and docker-compose.vs.release.g.yml which is in the untracked binary output from the projects in the ./obj/Docker. I wonder if creating a launch action for the docker-compose.dcproj in vscode would work?

How much do I really want/need whatever vs2017/vs4mac is automatically doing? It could be better just to manage it all myself via the manual docker-compose.debug.yml file way that vscode does and the blog post above illustrates also seems to override the automatic generation in vs2017/vs4mac.

Also I forgot about the docker-compose.override.yml that vs4mac created and caused issues for me. Idk what the point of that actually was in the first place?

I wonder if deleting all of the docker related files in the workspace then running Docker: Add Docker files to Workspace will add the files like I wanted?

I'm not sure that the docker-compose.dcproj actually makes a dll.

dotnet sln remove docker-compose.dcproj

Okay so creating an entirely new solution still doesn't generate all the docker related files like the documentation says. And this is with the Docker 0.1.0 extension... I did this or something like it:

mkdir newsolutionfolder
cd newsolutionfolder
dotnet new sln
mkdir exampleproject
cd exampleproject
dotnet new console
cd ..
dotnet sln add exampleproject/exampleproject.csproj
dotnet build newsolutionfolder.sln
cmd + shift + p : Docker: Add Docker files to Workspace

I could probably raise an issue about this on as there it says it only makes the two files.

This linke raises the fact that the docker-compose.dcproj causes issues with vs code: Then this person replies: "Thank you for the answer. It looks like they're aware of this issue and have a solution:"

I don't have issues building like in that github issue though so that must've been solved by now. Lol and there's even a comment by Scott Hanselman in that issue! It was fixed with: dotnet/cli#8416

Maybe I just need to make the docker-compose.debug.yml and docker-compose.release.yml manually.

This link seems to illustrate my use case exactly. It talks about having multiple containers and configuring everything to work across regular vs on windows and vscode on mac/linux.

Okay so I keep on seeing that I'm going to need to instal vsdebugger in the container: curl -sSL | bash /dev/stdin -v latest -l /vsdbg

Wednesday, Augsut 8, 2018

Sprint 1: Remote Docker Debugging in vscode


ERROR: Command 'unzip' not found. Install 'unzip' for this script to work.
ERROR: Service '' failed to build: The command '/bin/sh -c curl -sSL | bash /dev/stdin -v latest -l ~/vsdbg' returned a non-zero code: 1

The launch configuration seems to be coming along however the container runs and then closes on completion. I believe from the documentation that I need to add a command to keep it running. I think that it's just missing the build task.

Theres many mentions about this being unusually manual or "off road" from the conventional path as there's lots of manual configuration they don't seem to expect the typical .net developer to be familiar with.

Thursday, August 9, 2018

Sprint 1: Remote Docker Debugging in vscode

Project Managment Ideas:

  • Markdown for documentation
  • Json based Kanban Board
  • Json based Pomodoro based time tracking
  • Must be free, non hosted and git backed

I'll just log and track all of my project managment with those approaches and have it all git backed so it's portable. Also I want a report generated and embeded into the with statistics.

It could be really useful for freelance project managment because literally everything would be right in the git repository. I could work offline, it would be free, everything would be located in one place, I would actually be independent from any service or third party hosted solution.

I really want the readme to have a report of:

  • Time spent in the last 3 days, 10 days & month along with the calculated quote based on an hourly consulting rate
  • Kanban completed taskes, added tasks, moved tasks for the past two weeks or something. I guess it could be new and completed for two weeks.
  • I'd also want a report on days that I had logged entries in the documentation and preview of the "DevNotes" work documentaion log.
  • Details about current and sprint

Maybe the report shoult just be about the current and just completed weekly or bi-weekly sprint?

Then a client or myself would see a report, updated from every single commit where any of the details changed.

That would allow me to focus on work and maintain the KISS principale(Keep It Simple Stupid) by taking what I've found to be the most helpful project managment techniques while keeping everything really minimalist and non-distracting.

I guess the report may need to be client side on my dev machine as some kind of statically generated html,css,js and whatever from the json files. Or maybe it could just be a jekyll based report? Either way I really want it be seemlessly self updating from every commit or as close as possible. I don't want it to make more work for me.

Here's the link for the json based pomodoro technique time tracker I found:

Markdown documentation Tips and tricks

Markdown based wiki

Json Based Pomodoro Time Trackers

This one is command line based and can export to json. It could work well in vscode and could even work as a vscode task with a shortcut.

Goodtime is the android based one that I've used the most and like:

Json Based Git Backed Vscode Kanban extension

Also I've decided to just use json persistance for the vision microservice at least until it ends up not being managable. I'll bind mount to a a usb drive on my cluster so that I can just unplug and inspect the results. Each microservice can have it's own usb flash drive. The read right performance will probably not be that good but it should be enough for my needs. I can name the json files after the date and time and a dash to seperate the hash value of the snapshot objects.

That way I can just iterate though them by either date or compare the hash to a set of deserialized snapshots for sorting. So I could just iterate through sets of jsons.

Also I want to set a limit on when to set down the effort on getting the remote debugging for the docker containers working in vscode and get some more development progress made as it's been stalled for too long. I do still intend to get the vscode docker remote debugging setup however it's really not a blocking issue and more of just an inconvenience.

I'd like to start doing weekly sprints with objectives for my project and tracking that too.

For this one I'll just go ahead and say that this weeks sprint has been #1 and was for vscode remote docker debugging.

I also need to go ahead and add in the devnotes from setting up the raspberry pi cluster too as that's definitly part of this project too. I've added it in as lazztech_cloud_notes.txt

Next weeks sprint will be

Sprint 2, Json Snapshot Persistance & Multiple Subjects

Saturday, August 11, 2018

Sprint 1: Remote Docker Debugging in vscode

Poms: 2

cli image classifier - This one seems really easy

The first few pomodoro extensions don't seem to save to json. Yeah none of them seem to do what I want. Coding tracker seems promising though.

Yeah coding tracker is great but it might be overkill. Also it only tracks time from vscode usage. I don't really want or need that much specificity and would rather have just pomodoro time tracking.

Maybe I should just make my own cli time tracking program? I wonder what would be involved in making a vscode extension with c#? Also it wouldn't have to be a command line tool and instead could just be a cli. Then I could use it anywhere and just set the output path for all of the json results. I could also add a build step to run some kind of report generation script. Or maybe have a vscode task that could execute it. Yeah maybe I should make my own pomodoro time tracking cli.

I could eventually add in a kanban feature to and build it out more with time? It looks like they're typically done in javascript which makes sense. Yeah a cli may be best.

Okay so I went ahead and made a new project for the pomodoro technique cli however I was unable to get it to help me with the "Add Using Statment" shortcut. It looks like I had to add it to the solution first as vscode is only going to give full intelisense support to the project/solution listed in the bottom left of the vscode window.


It looks like this one that I originally found may be the best: I could fork and improve it if I need.

Oh actually the same developer made this too which seems better and also supports json exporting:

Looks like just sshing into docker containers is a viable option too after installing the command line debugger. I wonder if that would end up being simpler to manage.

Okay so I've decided to end this sprint early. I don't like how much time I've spent on setting up remote debugging in vscode for docker containers. I've learned a lot and documented it all but it's time to continue. Debugging with vs4mac or regular vs works fine enough for now.

Sprint 2, Json Snapshot Persistance & Multiple Subjects

So I'm comparing the docker debugging and the unit test debugging and one thing I see that is different that would make them similar is to have the sdtout lines as a string array in the tests instead of just removing the return carriage on each as that doesn't show up in the container.

Also in the unit test the snapsWithPeople has 8 but in the container it has 7.

The container crashes on this line: /face/unknown/Chad Peterson.jpg,113,328,328,113

Okay so in the tests there's a person object on the snapshot but not in the actual container... In the tests the name is "unknown_person".

I need to find in the tests when that person object for that snapshot is being newed up and see why. It's probably an issue with the test data. That and I should count the snaps between the test and container enviroments.

I guess in the test enviroment there's one more snapshot that hasn't geen set as no_persons_found than in the container.

In test Chad Peterson is known and there's a person object on the snapshot. In the container it's unknown_person. Which is correct. I wonder if I figure out why that snapshot has a person if that will solve the issue.

Okay so I found the issue. In the test there's an extra snapshot object for the "/face/unkown/webcam.jpg" again that has the status for the image set as the name... It's 3rd in the collection.

The other messed up one is the snapshot for "/face/unkown/Chad Peterson.jpg" where the name on the person is "unknown_person". Which for this one there shouldn't even be person.

Okay so yeah the status was getting left as the default .known since it didn't match the other status settings due to still having the "\r" on the end of the line from the test data stdout not mocking the container data properly.

Splitting the test stdout lines properly with the return carriage trimmed off seems to have unified the debugging values in the test env with the container env. There is now the same amout of snapshot objects as there's no return carriage characters at the end of the string to mess up the assignment of the snapshot status that the method throwing the error in the container depends on.

The tests now match in passing or failing.

For tomorrow I'll probably switch to testing against known and a single unknown image as apposed to the entire collection of unknown. Then I think I could parallelize the image processing.

Sunday August 12, 2018

Sprint 2, Json Snapshot Persistance & Multiple Subjects

Okay so it outputs a line for each face in an image with multiple faces. That should be easy enough. I wonder if it starts from left to right or how to know which face goes to which bounding box? That'll definitly be something to get some unit tests for. Here's an example of the output.


After adding in images for both the prince and his wife the output looks like this which seems to suggest that parser may go form right to left

/face/unknown/harry-meghan-15.jpg,Meghan Markle
/face/unknown/harry-meghan-15.jpg,Prince Harry

Monday August 13, 2018

Sprint 2, Json Snapshot Persistance & Multiple Subjects

Improved all of the test mocks to accept ctor parameters and refactored all of the test cases over. I then added in stdout data for multiperson image output.

I just relised I don't have all of the mock data setup yet.

Tuesday August 14, 2018

Sprint 2, Json Snapshot Persistance & Multiple Subjects

After adding in the multiperson face_recognition and face_detection stdout test data the test passed in finding two people. It does however have the facebounding box values not assigned for the second person. I think I may remember leaving code in there specifying only the first person.

I also removed all of the results where the ImageDir contains "/known/" since that's not as constructive to output for now. I may want to handle the known people differently.

I'll just do something like foreach where imageDir ==. Wait maybe I should persist in the processed snapshots not only the snapshot being processed but also in the people object there should be the name of the image used to match them? No because that's already used as their name.

    snap.People.First().FaceBoundingBox = bb;

I also now need to make sure it can handle a known and unknown. When there is a "known_unknown" it should still have a person object with it's bounding box set. Yup so adding an image with two known people and a 3rd unkonw person in it causes ArgumentOutOfRangeException in the HandleBoundingBoxes() private method because it's trying to assign the bounding box to the "unknown_person" however it has not had a person object instantiated on the People property of the snapshot.

I need to make sure that "unknown_person" still instantiates a person so that it can recieve the bounding box. Also I think I'm going to do away with the "known_unknown" status and just consolidate that down to "unknown_person" since that's the same thing. Also I may move the status to the person object.

Wednesday August 15, 2018

Sprint 2, Json Snapshot Persistance & Multiple Subjects

New test: _3PersonSnap1UnkownShouldStillHavePeopleForeachWithBB() Now I need to make sure that in the status setting method that if it returns "unknown_person" to still makes a person. I'll just have their name be "unknown_person" or empty.

Making progress on _3PersonSnap1UnkownShouldStillHavePeopleForeachWithBB() test however it's failing because there's 1 extra test empty snapshot. I think I've seen this once in the debugger. Idk why it's happening.

Okay this comes from the mock saying that there is an array element for the knownUnknownImageDirs when I pass in an empty string to be split into the paths. I need to ensure that if it's an empty string it doesn't result in any, and is null or Count == 0. Yup so after just setting that test data to string.Empty instead of just "" it worked as I expected. I guess that's why to use string.Empty instead... And setting it to null caused an exception because a null value can't be passed in as a param for .Split(). I guess string.Empty really is what I'll want to use in that kind of situation.

Also now after this design decision change the test SnapshotWithStatusOfno_persons_found_ShouldHaveNoPeople() fails however that is no longer a fact that I want to assert so I'll delete it. I've changed it over to reflect that a "unknown_person" should still have a non empty bb.

Oddly now however, the _3PersonSnap1UnkownShouldStillHavePeopleForeachWithBB() test case is failing again with an empty snapshot resulting in the count assertion being off. It appears to be taken from the KnownUnknown collection which I thought I'd just solved...

I swear I saw it pass so that's really confusing. Maybe I was just confused. Anyways, in the mocks where it's splitting the mock stdout test data I added the .Split() enum param StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries which fixed it.

I should really probably just remove the whole notion of a "known_unknown" dir or snapshot enum status entirely. It's not helping and didn't end up fitting the design.

I also need to refactor the project code name over to there correct spelling where it's misspelled.

I ran into issues getting the solution to run and build again after fixing the mispelling due to untracked files. After cloning the repo it regenerated all of the docker compose dcproj related files and then it all worked again as expected.

Friday August 17, 2018

Sprint 2, Json Snapshot Persistance & Multiple Subjects

Project Planning:

I think that next I want to make a web front end for this project. I'm thinking of trying out razor pages. I also would really like to try out blazor eventually. Also I've been thinking about the microservice architecture and wondering how to handle the vision data which now is in the form of json files to start with and then also the images. How are binary files like images and such usually handled? Does that count as "blob storage"?

I supose to start with I could make the aspnet core razor pages/mvc in a docker container and give it access to the same volume/bind path with the images and the data however knowing that eventually I'll be switching to interacting with the vision service through a REST Api so that I can set it up for the cluster with eventual elastic scaling and dns handling for the requests however I may still want to have a volume that both the front end and the vision layer use to handle the images.

Yeah so I'll do it in this order I think unless I find out something better from more research:

  1. Make a web front end in a docker container with the same volume acess to the vision with the jsons and images
  2. Setup that container along with the vision Cli conatainer in the docker-compose
  3. Transition to using a new vision REST Api container from the Cli container, that will serve all of the json data and all clients will also have volume access to the images as well

Also eventually I'm excited to setup the authentication microservice. I'll be using the aspnet core authentication classes and that will probably be easy enough with the WebApi REST Api project. However that will come later.

Also after I get step 1. and step 2. done from that list above I but before getting it setup as an actual independent microservice administrating it's own data I would like to look into how I could do object detection and classification on cars and cats. I would like to be able to tell what individual cars are outside the camera, query about them to display statistics like who's there based on who owns a certain type of car. I would also like to be able to ask questions like how many times a certain type of car has been by in the last 2 weeks etc. like "How many times has the silver 2002 honda been seen outside?" Or follow up context aware questions like "How many times has that car been seen for around for longer that 20 seconds at a time?"; all of these questions I'm imagining a mix of voice and web front end interaction and presentation.

I want to be able to ask it either spoken or ui based queries like: "When was the last time you saw Waldo?", "Have you seen Osma outside?", "Where's Waldo?" and the like.

Finishing this sprint by persisting to Json

For now I'm going to use Json serialized output as a basic form of persistence then I'll make a non microservice though still docker containerized front end that just shares the same bind mount volume as the vision cli container that will also be in the docker-compose. This will not count as an actual microservice as since interacting with the output of the vision cli container in such a way wouldn't work as well in a decoupled eleastically scaling cluster which requires some kind of networked rpc.

First step to finish the sprint is to write all of the Json files to disk with the images, for convenience, which will be done in the Cli program.cs class in it's container. I'll handle replacing jsons if one already exists too.

Saturday, August 18, 2018

Sprint 2, Json Snapshot Persistance & Multiple Subjects

I'll continue the philosophy of microservices in allowing them to marshal the data. In the intereum I'll be using the container with the cli and just reference that instead of the vision domain directly. I'll have the cli responsable for the initial deserialization of the snapshot jsons, processing of any unprocessed images and writing the new jsons. I'll make a public field or property in the Cli program that I'll reference in the web page but eventually will just get the data from the rest api instead of the cli. I will probably need to change the references to the domain at that point so that I can still have access to the vision domain models, right? Or will that eventually cause a coupling issue with the microservice architecture? Idk I'll deal with that when I get there.

Also after finishing with the json related stuff when I'm making the aspnet core razer pages web app front end I'll just make it as the general Lazztech Cloud front end. I'll work my towards having a page for each of the microservices or something like that, idk.

To add the datetime to the names of the snapshot jsons like I want to I'll have to format it to use dashes instead of the default forward slashes as that will result in deeply nested folders instead of file names. Or it just won't write at all because it will think that they're paths.

The current naming convention for the json files is: dd-MM-yyyy-hh-mm-ss-tt_ImageName_SnapshotObjectHashcode.json The date is day-month-year-hour-minute-seccond-am/pm and that's for the datetime of the creation of the original image that the snapshot object/json was processed from. This should allow me to look through them all by date range, and also with the hashcode I can use that for object comparisons against the jsons. All of these values can then be accessed by spliting the json file name by '_'

Okay so I made the new web app front end project and then in vs4mac added docker support however it's throwing this issue: "failed to build: manifest for microsoft/aspnetcore:2.1 not found."

I'm updating vs4mac to see if that fixes this since I think I've run into this issue before earlier when I was first learning how to work with docker but before I was documenting my project.

This problem can be fixed by following along with that documentation and changing the base images to the new ones so microsoft/aspnetcore:2.1 => microsoft/dotnet:2.1-aspnetcore-runtime and microsoft/aspnetcore-build:2.1 => microsoft/dotnet:2.1-sdk.

So I can build and launch the docker-compose.dcproj in debug which includes the containerized dotnet core razor project however idk how to connect to it. I thought it would automatically launch it in a browser but it just says: "Now listening on: http://[::]:80".

Okay so I added the port to the docker-compose.yml for the webapp and also in the dockerfile for it set the port to 5000 now it launches the app. I learned how to set the interanal port to 5000 with this link:

And I learned how to configure the port with the docker-compose.yml with this link:

Also idk when it happened but now the .NET TEST EXPLORER is now having issues finding the tests and I've got a warning from it saying something about the settings.json "This setting cannot be applied now. It will be applied when you open this folder directly."

Also I need to update the WebApp project to use bootstrap 4 which is always a hassle with these. Or at least it was with the old .Net Framework MVC project. I'll document the process. All of the tests are still passing though so that's good. I just ran them in vs4mac which works fine. I think this is because I added the "face_detection" folder in and that made it a vscode multi-root workspace which confused the test explorer on where to look.

Hmm it also looks like these aspnet core web projects have npm intalled even with the mvc/razor pages projects. Do I update it with nuget like before or with one of the other package managers? Maybe I should watch a primer video on aspnet core?

Okay yeah so it doesn't come with npm but here's a video on how to set that up: Adding node package manager in asp net core mvc project

I really want to avoid having to configure any kind of webpack build configuration scripts or anything like that though... So it looks like it does however come with bower package manager out of the box which is too bad... Here's a guide on how to update with bower for aspnet core which is how the project ships by default. Though I may have to transistion to npm since there's going to be less and less support for bower.

Okay so I've got bootstrap 4 based on the above blog post but the nav bar is floating below where it should be... It's also not rendering the body content with the suggested cshtml. Maybe it's because it's a razor pages project instead of mvc.

Also here's the link for the watcher details so that it will recompile as I make changes:

Why the fuck is the nav bar floating too low?... Okay after commenting out everthing else out in the site.css it now is in the right place. Okay so it was this that was causing the problem which was fixed after commenting it out:

body {
    padding-top: 50px;
    padding-bottom: 20px;

I should setup the docker container to run the webapp with watch while in debug. Here's more documentation on the watcher:

Sunday, August 19, 2018

Sprint 2, Json Snapshot Persistance & Multiple Subjects

=> Transitionsing To Next Sprint

Sprint 3, Web Front-end then decoupling into Microservices with containerized vision REST Api

I'm planning the next sprint which I've named above. I'm going to go ahead and throw together the front end then once it presents the basics nicely then I'll go ahead pull it apart from the vision service with it's current containerized Cli execution to a containerized REST Api as a aspnet core webapi project.

Well actually this is already tricky since only the vision cli container has the dependencies to be able to execute the vision services... I do know I'll need to give the front end container access to the same volume so that it can access the images. I could start by having the front end deserialize the jsons into snapshots with the cli container creating them then when I decouple into microservices I'll have the new Vision Microservice REST Api responsible for marshaling the snapshot data.

So yeah to get it working roughly to build out the front end I'm going to create a lot of coupling issues which I'll then have to pull apart.

Coupling Issues To Resolve Going Forward:

  • Frontend reference to vision domain for models: should be dynamic view models, with no direct reference to the domain
  • Frontend deserializing the Snapshot jsons: this should be served by Vision Microservice REST Api

Created temporary coupling issue with:

dotnet add Lazztech.Cloud.CloudWebApp/Lazztech.Cloud.CloudWebApp.csproj reference Lazztech.Cloud.Vision.Domain/Lazztech.Cloud.Vision.Domain.csproj

Hmm now it could be convenient to move the serialization and deserialization code to the domain... But I want to keep it pure. idk. Doesn't aspnet core mvc/razor projects have built in serialization/deserialization by convention?

  • Look into aspnet core controller serialization conventions

Also I think the next microservice I'll be making is a web crawler/scraping service. I could use it to look up images for people to be recognized by scraping facebook, google images etc. That will be a really fun project challenge... Maybe after that I can start looking into either marketing or a software defined radio microservice?

Okay with razor pages projects where do I do the stuff I would usually do in the controller? Is it all in the page view too sorta like a react jsx file? But doesn't it also have mvc as well built in under the razor pages? Tbd. Oh I see it's got something like codebehind with each pages cshtml being accompanied by a cshtml.cs following the naming convention of the pages that I think by convention makes the url routing. So for this I'll be working in the Index.cshtml and I'll do the Snapshot model preperation I was talking about in it's Index.cshtml.cs.

Also in the next couple of sprints I'm going to really be wanting to get together some continous integration testing for all of the microservies working together then that will set me up for continous deployment with ARM compilation for the Single Board Computer cluster I've setup.

Okay so it looks like the cshtml.cs which inherits from PageModel forwhich the class is name: IndexModel or whatever the page is; is both the controller and the model... It looks like the cshtml view binds to the model with @model IndexModel and accesses the view models properties like this: <h3>@Model.Message</h3>.

Monday, August 20, 2018

Sprint 3, Web Front-end then decoupling into Microservices with containerized vision REST Api

Saw this new syntax last night on properties and wtf it's awesome...

public List<Snapshot> Snapshots => new List<Snapshot>();

Here's the video where I saw it @23:00 he called it a derived or calculated property.

Okay so it doesn't looked like a derived property but that also looks cool as hell:

Okay I think this is a calculated property which is seems to be a C# 7 language feature:

Or maybe it's the C# 6 Expression bodied members?:

Woah... Is ther no Intellisense for aspnet core razor pages in vscode? dotnet/vscode-csharp#168

Wow... yeah vscode Intellisense really doesn't support razor syntax in .cshtml files, though at least vs4mac does.

Having an issue casting the deserialized json object into a Snapshot... Okay so the syntax is var snapshot = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<Snapshot>(json); not var snapshot = (Snapshot)JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(json);

Weird it's not able to find the directories for the images however it can find the directories to the jsons no problem...

I thought initially that it may be an issue with not having a correct aspnet app.UseStaticFiles() configuration based on this link. dotnet/aspnetcore#575

Okay so I got it working through a kind of hack since it seems to be being prevented by some kind of aspnet configuration so what I did for now to get going was just read the byte array in the page code behind .cshtml.cs then converted it to base64 and did string enterpolation to configure the output to html friendly base64 which got the images displaying. It's super hacky though and I'm pretty sure that it's not how I'm going to want to actually deploy it... However for stubbing out the front end it's fine.

Used this as reference to see how to setup string interpolation for a valid base64 value in an html source.

Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Sprint 3, Lazztech Cloud Razor Pages Web Frontend

I've desided to hone in the objective of this weeks sprint just to design the web page. I'm doing this to set healthier expectations with a better work life balance. I'll continue as I have now, with the website deserializing the json snapshots and save the REST Api webapi project for the next sprint.

Also I'm growing really fed up with the uncomplete support for vscode or vs4mac. I also really don't want to have to reboot to get to full vs2017 so I'm going to eventually, wipe away bootcamp and just use VMWare Fusion to run vs2017 in my mac os.

Today while I was walking in the botanical garden I remembered my desire to farm plants indoor with some kind of software monitoring so I'm going to go ahead and stub out a Plants page in the Lazztech Cloud Web Frontend. And I'm going to take the work I've done for the Snapshot visualization and move it to it's own Vision page leaving the index as just a homepage with a dashboard.

I need to get the Bootstrap 4 Nav bar in the _Layout.cshtml to highlight the correct link instead of always just the Home link.

Here's a link about making bootstrap 4 cards dynamically resize in a grid layout:

Add Side bar menu or nav bar drop down for the Vision page link to sort between the Known and Processed.

Make the background for the unknown_persons red to alert that they stand out. Or just make the card outline red with the "unknown_person" name red too. Remove buttons from cards if possible and just have the image on the card be the link with hover over text.

Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Sprint 3, Lazztech Cloud Razor Pages Web Frontend

Yeah I'm sick of this shit. I'm deleting bootcamp windows 10 and installing parallels desktop for regular vs2017 in mac os. Also for the rest of my sprint my objective is to get a little bit more improvment to the frontend and get the backend/jsons to also support known people.

Also I need to update my mac but it caused me to have to do an emergency reinstall of mac os as it panicked during the update... I may have to wipe my mac and start clean... That would be a pain and take some time. I suspect it may be because of the modifications I tried to make to the terminal.

I need to backup the files from my macbook pro then I'll reinstall mac os. I'll do that later for now I'll just start with a fresh install of windows for the parallels install and delete bootcamp.

I restored my mac os command line with this:

Well I restored the partition size, maybe I don't need to reinstall mac os?

Okay so I need to setup windows 10 pro on the parallels desktop first to be able to be able to install docker.

Thursday, August 23, 2018

Sprint 3, Lazztech Cloud Razor Pages Web Frontend

Parallels Windows 10 Experience So it looks like I need both windows pro with hyper v and also parallels pro to be able to run docker in the windows machine. That sucks because that all will be very expensive however I think I can still write all the code in vs2017 in parallels and then just run it on my mac with vs4mac? I'll give it a try and see how far that gets me... That is the point of the containers after all isn't it though that I should be able to launch it in any machine with docker installed?

Added vision nav dropdown and navigation breadcrumbs. I need to figure out how to do pages groups or nested pages with aspnet core razor pages. I think I saw something about it supporting grouped pages in a folder from one of the videos I watched.

Also I'm unsure about the performance of doing development with mac os, the virtualizing linux in mac for docker then windows 10 in parallels all with 8gb of ram... It seems okay but we'll see how it goes.

Added watch to web app frontend docker file entrypoint command. Okay so I need to setup windows 10 pro on the parallels desktop first to be able to be able to install docker.

Sunday, August 26, 2018

Sprint 3, Lazztech Cloud Razor Pages Web Frontend

vs2017 fresh setup and install for this project

I've refunded parallels desktop home for mac as it doesn't support nested vms that I need for docker. I'm also now thinking that I'll most likely be selling my mac and purchasing a more powerful pc laptop instead as I really am tired of fighting against not having proper vs2017 among other reasons. I'm looking at the thinkpad x1 carbon.

I'm going through the process now of setting up this project for development on a windows machine again with vs2017 after having had installed bootcamp again and perchasing a windows 10 pro license for docker support.

I've gone ahead and accepted the vs2017 community prompts to install docker after opening the solution however those were unsuccesful and I ended up installing docker ce for windows from their site directly. Then upon setup I signed in to the docker desktop app giving it my username which I recall making this mistake before... Docker ce desktop app accepts your email as the username but it causes build issues as the username and email are actually treated as two seperate things which the cli doesn't interchange the same way so build will fail. To get/confirm your actual user name sign in to docker's website with your email address where you'll be able to find your username on the ui. Sign into the docker desktop app with your username not your email. This applies for both mac and windows.

Actually, apperantly just signing out will also allow the docker build to succeed too. That's kinda weird.

Here's the github issues link talking about this issue: docker/hub-feedback#935

I was able to get the docker-compose.dsproj building the images after installing windows pro, docker ce for windows, signing out after signing in and launching the .dsproj which has the dlib cpp dependencies compiling however it seems to have stalled at 96%.

Oh also I had to add volume support:

Also vs2017 doesn't seem to be tracking this file properly as it doesn't always see changes.

You'll also get an exception thrown by vs2017 about docker if you open vs right after boot up before docker has finished starting up.

Running this to delete the the image that stalled.

docker rmi 43354180703a

I then signed into the docker ce windows desktop with the username as appossed to the email.

I've been blocked by some kind of compilation error:

2>[ 96%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/dlib_python.dir/src/face_recognition.cpp.o
2>�[91mc++: internal compiler error: Killed (program cc1plus)
2>Please submit a full bug report,
2>with preprocessed source if appropriate.
2>See <file:///usr/share/doc/gcc-6/README.Bugs> for instructions.
2>�[0m�[91mmake[2]: *** [CMakeFiles/dlib_python.dir/src/face_recognition.cpp.o] Error 4
2>�[0mCMakeFiles/dlib_python.dir/build.make:518: recipe for target 'CMakeFiles/dlib_python.dir/src/face_recognition.cpp.o' failed
2>CMakeFiles/Makefile2:67: recipe for target 'CMakeFiles/dlib_python.dir/all' failed
2>�[91mmake[1]: *** [CMakeFiles/dlib_python.dir/all] Error 2
2>�[0mMakefile:83: recipe for target 'all' failed
2>�[91mmake: *** [all] Error 2
2>�[0m�[91mTraceback (most recent call last):
2>  File "", line 257, in <module>
2>    'Topic :: Software Development',
2>  File "/usr/lib/python3.5/distutils/", line 148, in setup
2>    dist.run_commands()
2>  File "/usr/lib/python3.5/distutils/", line 955, in run_commands
2>    self.run_command(cmd)
2>  File "/usr/lib/python3.5/distutils/", line 974, in run_command
2>  File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/setuptools/command/", line 67, in run
2>    self.do_egg_install()
2>  File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/setuptools/command/", line 109, in do_egg_install
2>    self.run_command('bdist_egg')
2>  File "/usr/lib/python3.5/distutils/", line 313, in run_command
2>    self.distribution.run_command(command)
2>  File "/usr/lib/python3.5/distutils/", line 974, in run_command
2>  File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/setuptools/command/", line 161, in run
2>    cmd = self.call_command('install_lib', warn_dir=0)
2>  File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/setuptools/command/", line 147, in call_command
2>    self.run_command(cmdname)
2>  File "/usr/lib/python3.5/distutils/", line 313, in run_command
2>    self.distribution.run_command(command)
2>  File "/usr/lib/python3.5/distutils/", line 974, in run_command
2>  File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/setuptools/command/", line 24, in run
2>  File "/usr/lib/python3.5/distutils/command/", line 109, in build
2>    self.run_command('build_ext')
2>  File "/usr/lib/python3.5/distutils/", line 313, in run_command
2>    self.distribution.run_command(command)
2>  File "/usr/lib/python3.5/distutils/", line 974, in run_command
2>  File "", line 133, in run
2>    self.build_extension(ext)
2>  File "", line 173, in build_extension
2>    subprocess.check_call(cmake_build, cwd=build_folder)
2>  File "/usr/lib/python3.5/", line 271, in check_call
2>    raise CalledProcessError(retcode, cmd)
2>subprocess.CalledProcessError: Command '['cmake', '--build', '.', '--config', 'Release', '--', '-j1']' returned non-zero exit status 2
2>Service '' failed to build: The command '/bin/sh -c apt-get update -y &&    apt-get install -y python3 &&    apt-get install -y python3-setuptools &&    apt-get install -y python3-dev &&    apt-get install -y build-essential cmake &&    apt-get install -y libopenblas-dev liblapack-dev &&    apt-get install -y git &&    git clone &&    cd dlib && ls &&    python3 install --yes USE_AVX_INSTRUCTIONS --no DLIB_USE_CUDA &&    apt-get install -y python3-pip &&    pip3 install face_recognition' returned a non-zero code: 1
2>C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Community\MSBuild\Sdks\Microsoft.Docker.Sdk\build\Microsoft.VisualStudio.Docker.Compose.targets(365,5): error : Building
2>C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Community\MSBuild\Sdks\Microsoft.Docker.Sdk\build\Microsoft.VisualStudio.Docker.Compose.targets(365,5): error : Service '' failed to build: The command '/bin/sh -c apt-get update -y &&    apt-get install -y python3 &&    apt-get install -y python3-setuptools &&    apt-get install -y python3-dev &&    apt-get install -y build-essential cmake &&    apt-get install -y libopenblas-dev liblapack-dev &&    apt-get install -y git &&    git clone &&    cd dlib && ls &&    python3 install --yes USE_AVX_INSTRUCTIONS --no DLIB_USE_CUDA &&    apt-get install -y python3-pip &&    pip3 install face_recognition' returned a non-zero code: 1.
2>C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Community\MSBuild\Sdks\Microsoft.Docker.Sdk\build\Microsoft.VisualStudio.Docker.Compose.targets(365,5): error : 
2>C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Community\MSBuild\Sdks\Microsoft.Docker.Sdk\build\Microsoft.VisualStudio.Docker.Compose.targets(365,5): error : For more troubleshooting information, go to
2>Done building project "docker-compose.dcproj" -- FAILED.
========== Build: 1 succeeded, 1 failed, 3 up-to-date, 0 skipped ==========

Notes for potential leads: Kurento/bugtracker#166

Monday, August 27, 2018

Sprint 4, vs2017 & Vision Microservice REST API

First time working in the local Bellevue community library to focus.

vs2017 was able to launch the docker-compose.dcproj today despite the failure last night. I'm unable to get the vision processing as it's looking for the volume that doesn't yet have the images. It may fail anyways since the dlib compilation failed. I'm also noticing that the web frontend doesn't have offline development support for bootstrap and only seems to be working via the cdn which isn't what I want. That and it's also rendering slightly weird.

However it launches and all of the unit tests pass so that's a start. I'm also installing CodeMaid to do some MS StyleCop static code analysis and refactoring.

Also I've decided when I get the vs2017 bits sorted and am working on the REST API I'm going to go ahead and just Base64 encode all of the images instead of giving the web frontend access to the volume with images. That way I can work towards using docker virtual volumes instead of bind mounting explicit paths to folders on my desktop.

The rest api should be able to:

  • Register new known people
  • Submit an image to be processed with returned result response
  • Return all snapshots by person name or unkown w/ pagination and total
  • Return all by date range

Interesting note about windows/mac desktop explicit volume path bind mount with docker; it seems that docker is doing something to resolve discrepencies and is able to use the windows path on mac os too... Or maybe the image was already built on my mac with the other volume path set? Idk.

I've gone ahead and transfered over the face_detection folder with the images and jsons from macOS to continue testing with vs2017.

I'm getting an exception about the path being stale that I've never seen: System.IO.IOException: 'Stale file handle'

Running docker stop and then docker rm on the related processes to see if that fixes the issue with the path? That would explain why the volume still worked in mac despite it changing in the docker-compose if it retains the volume.

Okay so just stopping the docker container processes seemed to be enough to fix the stale path problem however I have a couple of new ones.

  1. fac_recognition doesn't seem to be working as the contents of the resulting jsons are empty of people
  2. There seems to be some new problem with image paths

Newtonsoft.Json.JsonReaderException: 'Unexpected character encountered while parsing value: �. Path '', line 1, position 1.' This is being cause by an image path like this: "/face/results/._10-07-2018-03-22-46-AM_webcam.jpg_16495015.json"

Forwhich when I read all the text from that file it looks like:

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However on a positive note I think the path having a period in the beginning is actually from the string enterpolation for the name since there's no face_detection that's what's causing it to break. I'll se if I can get dlib to compile as I need then continue on.

I'll try docker system prune -a then see if I can get it to compile the container again while looking up the exception it threw.

Weird yeah after stoping all running docker ps then running docker system prune -a it seems to have succesfully compile face_recognition and dlib where it failed before. However the resulting jsons are still empty. I'll have to walk through. I imagine it's just something about it looking for a path with a / where windows uses \ or something like that. All the unit tests still pass so that's good.

I'll have to look at how I'm naming the jsons which I documented then walk through where the problem is. It's possible that it's somehow configured in a way that assumes macOS or maybe face_detection still isn't working? I'll open a bash terminal to the container and test it.

I talk about the naming convention for the jsons on Saturday, August 18, 2018

Okay so the dot in the the begining of the name isn't due to the naming convention as it still has the details it's supposed to. It just also has a prefixing ._ to the name...

Also the the aspnet page is throwing this error:

Development Mode
Swapping to Development environment will display more detailed information about the error that occurred.

Development environment should not be enabled in deployed applications, as it can result in sensitive information from exceptions being displayed to end users. For local debugging, development environment can be enabled by setting the ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT environment variable to Development, and restarting the application.

FaceRecognitionProcess is throwing this exception: OSError: cannot identify image file '/face/known/._Gian Lazzarini.jpeg'

Again with the ._ causing problems. I have to open a bash terminal with the container just to be sure face_recognition is compiled since I think it is... Idk what's causing the ._

The command to open up the image with volume access and interactive bash is as follows but with actual path and image id value: old example

docker run -it -v /Users/gianlazzarini/Desktop/face_recognition:/face/ --entrypoint /bin/bash ba34ace8a4cc

Running the following gives a clue that I may have the volume path for the docker-compose messed up:

PS C:\Users\Gian Lazzarini> docker run -it -v C:\Users\Gian Lazzarini\Desktop\face_recognition:/face/ --entrypoint /bin/bash 41296ecb09db
C:\Program Files\Docker\Docker\Resources\bin\docker.exe: invalid reference format.
See 'C:\Program Files\Docker\Docker\Resources\bin\docker.exe run --help'.

However I was still able to open up an interactive bash and confirm the both face_recognition and face_detection are responding correctly:

PS C:\Users\Gian Lazzarini> docker run -it --entrypoint /bin/bash 41296ecb09db

Okay it I think it was the space in the path that was messing it up as this doesn't work:

docker run -it -v C:\Users\Gian Lazzarini\Desktop\face_recognition:/face/ --entrypoint /bin/bash 41296ecb09db

But this does:

docker run -it -v C:\face_recognition:/face/ --entrypoint /bin/bash 41296ecb09db

Oddly enough however it still has the exact same problem even when I execute it in the container myself with the corrected volume path:

OSError: cannot identify image file 'known/._Gian Lazzarini.jpeg'

Interesting I seem to have found the issue shown in this output:

root@d032f645d436:/face/known# ls -a
.  ..  .DS_Store  ._.DS_Store  ._Gian Lazzarini.jpeg  ._Meghan Markle.jpeg  ._Prince Harry.jpg  ._Scott Hanselman.png  Gian Lazzarini.jpeg  Meghan Markle.jpeg  Prince Harry.jpg  Scott Hanselman.png

in powershell you can't run ls -a but can run ls -h however I've also just enabled viewing hidden files etc:

I've just deleted all of the files that start with . including the .DS_Store.

Okay yeah that fixed it. I moved it back to the desktop but I'll move the docker-compose.dsproj volume to the C:\ so that it's not specific to my machine only.

I added a 1.6MB zip of the face_recognition folder of example images that I've been using. Hopefully adding that binary won't cause problems for me later...

I've also fixe that weird partially loaded button by commenting out the reference to the _CookieConsentPartial in the _Layout. Idk why that's happening in the first place but it's ugly and I don't really need the cookie consent right now.

Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Sprint 4, vs2017 & Vision Microservice REST API

At the local library to focus again

Hmm when I created the webapi project in vs2017 and selected the add docker support check box that's only in vs2017 it didn't add my project to the docker-compose.yml I wonder if this is because something is missconfigured for vs2017? Or maybe it would do this but only if I created the project then after the facted added docker support? Idk I may experiment later to find out but for now I just went ahead and added it in myself.

Important Microservices Architecture Resource: core web api resources:

Is there a way to run/debug individual docker containers in vs2017 as apposed the the docker-compose.dcproj?

Also why is my web app not launching on it's own?

I think the reason the web page isn't launching on it's own is most likely the same reason the console output says Now listening on: http://[::]:80 .

Anyways that's beside the point of this sprint so I'll set it down for now as I've already spent too much of todays time on it.

Yes so I was testing to see if making a webapi project then adding docker support after the fact would preconfigure the docker-compose.yml like it should and some times did in vs4mac?

Yeah so adding docker after the fact didin't configure the docker-compose like I'm used to either... Idk whatever.

I'm having trouble connecting to the webapi project from the docker container. I think it may be something about the ports being exposed in the dockerfile, docker-compose & or the env aspnet core variable for the port.

I wonder if having had selected yes to use https by default for this webapi project is going to make development difficult in the container?

Webapi Docker Container & Https

So it looks like the two different ports are one for http and the other for https which is pre-configured in the Properties > launchSettings.json file of the project.

The Output in vs2017 is showing:

fail: Microsoft.AspNetCore.Server.IISIntegration.IISMiddleware[0]
Lazztech.Cloud.Vision.WebAPI>       'MS-ASPNETCORE-TOKEN' does not match the expected pairing token '421f95e9-791b-4d67-a848-b49bef5050fc', request rejected.

Maybe I should make a new project for now without https added during the project creation? After all I'm ultimately probably going to only expose an application facade/api gateway/composition api or what ever the patterns called. I could just defer concerns about https for now while I'm learning?

It feels like bad practice though but this is primarily and educational project after all though...

I'm just going to watch more of this video then tomorrow I'll evaluate whether I should make a project without https just to move on for now.

Building Web APIs with ASP.NET Core 2.0

Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Sprint 4, vs2017 & Vision Microservice REST API

Finished watching Building Web APIs with ASP.NET Core 2.0 video and learned about these resources:

I learned a log more about aspnet, webapi's, and even a bit about entity framework core at the end too. It didn't however touch on https at all however there seems to be another video that does which I'll link below and am going to watch to see if it talks about https.

Swagger seems really cool and I keep on hearing about it. If I understand correctly it will help you automatically generate documentation on you webapi's and even stub out a boilerplate UI based on assesing what kind of REST Api routes and options they have. Super cool, I think Sameeze was telling me about it too that they use it at T-Mobile.

Building Secure Web APIs with ASP.NET Core

Resources from the above video:

ASP.NET Core 2.0 Security

Friday, August 31, 2018

Sprint 4, vs2017 & Vision Microservice REST API

Yeah whatever I'm just going to remake the project without.

Sunday, September 2, 2018

Sprint 4, vs2017 & Vision Microservice REST API

I've removed the https webapi project and after some configuring was able to access the webapi from the container by hitting http://localhost:50199/api/values

I added some EXPOSE statments to the Dockerfile and also exposed ports on the docker-compose.

I however wasn't able access it at http://localhost:50199/ I have to give the full path to a controller to get any response. This makes me think that maybe I did have the https version working in the docker container and just wasn't hitting the full route?

Now I'm having issues with aspnet webapi not having access to the files "Could not find a part of the path"

It looks like it may actually be some kind of an issue with the tooling? That's what stack overflow is suggesting and that configuring the project to use a different version of the compiler can fix it?

Weird it works now after stoping and removing the processes. Also it's now at http://localhost:8080/api/values Idk exactly what happened there?..

Monday, September 3, 2018

Sprint 4, vs2017 & Vision Microservice REST API

Extending the sprint for laborday.

I've setup rest api endpoint calling from within the aspnet pages OnGet for the webapi endpoint. I'm having trouble with getting the address correct for the internal ip address.

I looked at the ip address of the running webapi container with docker inspect 506da009d30f. It returned:

"Networks": {
                "dockercompose18306792969269339587_default": {
                    "IPAMConfig": null,
                    "Links": null,
                    "Aliases": [
                    "NetworkID": "69c6ec3b66c7ea271db9155defa2c57c7defdc61bfcaf8e010e098ab64ab9d59",
                    "EndpointID": "cb9380463b3e06ff019ab0907a26e1ecb862ed6847ce82a46c6957c6a08f6c11",
                    "Gateway": "",
                    "IPAddress": "",
                    "IPPrefixLen": 16,
                    "IPv6Gateway": "",
                    "GlobalIPv6Address": "",
                    "GlobalIPv6PrefixLen": 0,
                    "MacAddress": "02:42:ac:14:00:03",
                    "DriverOpts": null

Trying to solve HttpRequestException: Connection refused

I'm trying adding to docker-compose:

      - api

This however doesn't seem to be enough alone as it throw this build error: Error Service "" uses an undefined network "api".

docker-compose networking:

Later I'll probably have a, or a few sprints related just to security but that'll be much later. During that time I'll setup https for the webapi(s) and an aspnet core authentication microservice that will probably use jwt for authentication.

Here's a good open source project example of using multiple languages in microservices:

I'm still having issues with the cross container networking. What I've seen says I should just be able to use the services name I've defined in the docker-compose however that hasn't worked yet. I wonder if it could be from the periods in the name?

I've tried all of these so far:

        //Hosted web API REST Service base url  
        //string Baseurl = "http://localhost:8080/";
        //string Baseurl = "http://localhost:50199/";
        //string Baseurl = "http://lazztechobsidianpresensevisionmicroservicewebapi:50199/";
        string Baseurl = "";
        //string Baseurl = "";
        //string Baseurl = "";

Define Docker Container Networking so Containers can Communicate -

They're both in the same docker network and the aliases look alright.

"Networks": {
                "dockercompose18306792969269339587_default": {
                    "IPAMConfig": null,
                    "Links": null,
                    "Aliases": [
                    "NetworkID": "69c6ec3b66c7ea271db9155defa2c57c7defdc61bfcaf8e010e098ab64ab9d59",
                    "EndpointID": "47cd3916cd72c33dca8b6a8587e9cad229aced327a87defbf1952bee62da9b74",
                    "Gateway": "",
                    "IPAddress": "",
                    "IPPrefixLen": 16,
                    "IPv6Gateway": "",
                    "GlobalIPv6Address": "",
                    "GlobalIPv6PrefixLen": 0,
                    "MacAddress": "02:42:ac:14:00:02",
                    "DriverOpts": null
      "Networks": {
                "dockercompose18306792969269339587_default": {
                    "IPAMConfig": null,
                    "Links": null,
                    "Aliases": [
                    "NetworkID": "69c6ec3b66c7ea271db9155defa2c57c7defdc61bfcaf8e010e098ab64ab9d59",
                    "EndpointID": "34524330b35867e82afce5b4284c3c3b3b93de5bb945d63c58a56b686f06f538",
                    "Gateway": "",
                    "IPAddress": "",
                    "IPPrefixLen": 16,
                    "IPv6Gateway": "",
                    "GlobalIPv6Address": "",
                    "GlobalIPv6PrefixLen": 0,
                    "MacAddress": "02:42:ac:14:00:04",
                    "DriverOpts": null

Okay so opening an interactive terminal in the webfrontend container with docker exec -it f1c767df6163 sh and running curl c29edb6f84c8/api/values returns the results from the api in the other contianer. c29edb6f84c8 is one of the aliases in the network above. Running curl also works! I wonder if the problem is that I was specifying the ports wrong? Because I think it just uses port 80 in the curl statment since port 80 is the default. Yeah if I leave it without a port it works or if I specify port 80 it works but that's it.

Yay! string Baseurl = "http://c29edb6f84c8/"; worked!

I messed with the depends_on value in the docker-compose by commenting it out to see if it would still work however I also changed the Baseurl to the service name alias and unfortunately after doing both of those it stopped working and I'm not exactly certain. However I do know that I should probably use the service name alias for the networking url instead of using the container id since that can change from run to run.

Here's some more info about the depends_on paramter for docker-compose:

I wonder if it doesn't work with as the network baseurl despite it working with curl from the container terminal because of some aspnet issue with capitalization? Because this network alias does seem to be case sensistive.

Yup so case sensistivity in urls seems to be the issue! When I put a breakpoint in the pages code making a new Uri from the base url it doesn't retain the case sensitivity in most of the fields I saw when I moused over it. And the casing matters.

Okay, so I fixed this by simply making all of the services names in the docker-compose lowercase. Idk if this will always be the best seeming option but it works and is the best I can think of for now. I should run reliably now since it doesn't depend on the transient container id as the network alias. I do still wonder why making a .Net Uri object automatically lowercases the value despite it showing the property for the original as being case sensitive... It must be some kind of implicit convention...

Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Sprint 5, Frontend & Webapi Improvements/Integrations

Earlier I said:

The rest api should be able to:

  • Register new known people
  • Submit an image to be processed with returned result response
  • Return all snapshots by person name or unkown w/ pagination and total
  • Return all by date range

I also want to sort out Page groups in folders with the aspnet core razor pages routing thing. I need a vision route for both known and processed images along with a way to upload new images to either process or recognize.

Made a bunch of improvments to the frontend including getting the breadcrumbs working, organizing pages in folders and adding new page routes for features I would like to add.

Here's an important detail I learned while working on the breadcrumbs, that in aspnet core you use Context.Request instead of Request to get access to the static methods for getting the current url. It's mentioned in a comment on this link:

Now I want to draw the bounding box around the persons face from the Snapshot objects with html 5 canvas.

I'm having issues with Uncaught ReferenceError: $ is not defined for my javascript canvas bounding box rendering logic and I think it's because it's trying to execute before jquery is loaded...

Thursday, September 6, 2018

Sprint 5, Frontend & Webapi Improvements/Integrations

CI/CD Thoughts & VSTS

Not getting as much done this week since I needed a down week. Also I'm working on the rfid chip implant push notification project. However while working on that it got me thinking about VSTS and how it could be helpfull in a quick solution for continous integration and hopefully also continous delevery too. I think I'll have a CI/CD sprint week just for setting up VSTS CI & CD to Azure initially... I'm ideally going to still want a pipeline for continous deployment to my ARM cluster but Idk how much longer that will take then deploying to azure. It may be a sprint or more to get it deploying to my arm cluster let alone setting up a continous delivery pipeline for it. Idk though maybe it will just be easy?

VSTS is the only free continous integration service that lets you use private repos that I can think of... I like TravisCI but it's pretty expensive. Ideally I'd like the entirety of my CI/CD devops architecture and scripts to be open source and maintained as part of this git repo but that can be something to work towards in the future.

Oh also I could look into GitLabs CI/CD options to see if that might be nice but I shouldn't spend to much time as I'll probably get further in a sprint if I just go with VSTS.

Sprint 5, Frontend & Webapi Improvements/Integrations As for this sprint the next thing I want to do is persist the Known images and expose that data from the web api for which I'll then display on the Vision/Known page. After that I can start implementing uploading of known and unknown snapshots. That all would be plenty for the week.

Friday, September 7, 2018

Sprint 5, Frontend & Webapi Improvements/Integrations

Up to today all of the processed snapshots were being returned by the FaceRecognitionManager class where they were being serialized by the cli into a folder called /results. However I want to have seperated results for processed and known. I'm going to remove the results folder and instead just write out the jsons to the /known and /unknown directories respectively with their images. I'll then take from those two and return the results respectively in the web api so that I can render or interact with that from whatever client. This will also make uploading/processing new images simpler from the Webapi.

Future Deployment Considerations I was thinking about this and the original idea I was having was to deffer any kind of authentication and instead just hide the whole service behind a vpn, however that posses complications for sending images for processing to the Webapi. It will also complicate the deployment a lot to deploy locally behind a firewall... Idk how I would handle the vpn credentials for the devices sending the images for processing?

I've introduced some bug where the people on the unknown path snapshots aren't having their people instantiated... It however doesn't show up on the unit tests which is concerning. Or possibly I just pasted over the jsons and never actually got dlib working in the container on this machine when I thought I had?

I'll have to solve this.

Okay so I debugged it and both the face_detectionLines and face_recognitionLines are returninging properly during the docker runtime so idk what's happening to the null people property on the snapshots...

Okay I found the issue sort of and as it turns out the unit tests were correct it's still working however something seems to be causing intermitent issues with the output json. Sometimes there fine and sometimes there not, having empty people properties. I wonder if this is from multiple services trying to read and write from them? When I put a break point on the part where the people are being instantiated in the snapshot it ends up writing them out properly. I wonder if this happens from me calling the webapi before their done being written? Idk this is more the domain of an integration test though.

However I'm going to try adding the depends_on in the docker-compose for the cli to see if that fixes it.

Also I realised I need to be able to have a way to view and return just snapshots where the enum is unknown_person. Do these snapshots have people instantiated too? Because it's not showing the "webcam.jpg" with an enum of 3, which with actually is no_persons_found so I guess that makes sense actually.

Yeah so it looks like if I go to the vision page, which calls the webapi, which deserializes the jsons and do that all before the cli finishes processing the results and writing to them then somehow it erases the people properties... What is happening?

I think I actually may have seen face_recognitionLines null which could explain it? I set it to check both of the process outputs and throw exceptions if their empty.

I'm able to get it working right now with a combination of a breakpoint(which I'm not sure if makes a difference or not) and having both all of the known and unknown jsons deleted before starting the docker-compose(which I'm also not sure if matters). After re-running the docker-compose it thre an exception for face_recognitionLines being at a count of 0.

Adding depends_on - didn't fix it.

However I wonder if maybe the directories it sees is possibly passing a json into the face_recognition causing it to crash? I should have stderr handeling on the processes. That way I can know if the face_recognition process fails instead of just returning null since it's only returning the stdout not the stderr, right? This would require me to setup event handeling so that I don't have the deadlock issue between the stdout and stderr streams that I solved the other day.

Okay so I don't think I'm passing in the jsons directly however by the fact that I'm passing in the known and unknown paths forwhich I'm also writing out the jsons I bet that's what's causing the issue...

Saturday, September 8, 2018

Sprint 5, Frontend & Webapi Improvements/Integrations

Okay so I opened an interactive terminal with the cli container and confirmed that the face_recognition process is throwing an error when there's jsons in either the /known or /unknown. I tried to get both the stdout and stderr working asynchronously with events to avoid the deadlock but didn't quite get it working. I would still like to do this so that I can catch any face_recognition process failures however to resolve this issue I should probably just have the jsons written out to a seperate directory.

I will probably also want to be able to pass in a single image directory for the face_recognition so that I can process just single image instead of re-processing all of the images again.

Okay so I solved the face_recognition & face_detection failure issue in identifying that it was from the jsons in the folders and I fixed the event driven process stdout & stderr handeling by making some tweaks.

How to do non-deadlocking stdout & stderr handeling on a process with System.Diagnostic.Process

  1. Enable redirectstdout & redirectstderr in the startinfo object for the process object.
  2. in the startinfo set the filename property to the name of the prcess your calling
  3. Startinfo useshellexecute property should be false
  4. pass args using Arguments property on the Startinfo
  5. Subscribe to the process.OutputDataRecieved & process.ErrorDataRecieved with new DataRecievedEventHandlers
  6. process.BeginOutputReadline() process.BeginErrorReadline() to start the async streams
  7. process.WaitForExit()

You can also enable RedirectStandardInput in the ProcessStartInfo too which does not need event handeling or anything special to do process.StandardInput.WriteLine().

Anyways back to solving the issue that face_recognition was failing on where there's jsons in the /known and /unknown. I want to setup a public static string with the output paths so that refactoring isn't a pain of hunting through the projects to rename strings.

Sunday, September 9, 2018

Sprint 5, Frontend & Webapi Improvements/Integrations

I need to setup viewing for the unidentified people with the rest api and json persistence.

Also I'm thinking more and more about deployment. I need to do it soon. I'm considering just setting it up on the pc I have first as that would probably be easier than the cluster without the recurring cost. However I'll still need authentication before it can be publically exposed.

For authentication I'm going to setup and application facade webapi project with the optional authentication.

Also I wonder if it could be more flexible to use ngrok to tunnel to the service locally as apposed to dynamic dns like noip or dyndns? It could be more flexible for early use and since it's mostly just going to be for personal use it may work fine. The advantage I see with this is that it would get around the 48hr time to repopulate dns.

ngrok localhost tunneling vs dynamic dns for private cloud

I want to figure out some infrastructer as code, scriptable provisioning deployment and configuring for my domain name. Should I use teraform for this?

Monday, September 10, 2018

Sprint 6, CI/CD

I have to deploy my app. As it is right now, authentication is not really very urgent as there's not really any way to do anything but get the data, there's no creating, deleting or updating. There's also not really any super private data yet either. So now would be an okay time to deploy and setup my CI/CD pipeline. After that I'll make a Webapi project with the included optional authentication which will serve as the application facade rest api for all consuming clients. At that point I can add the rest of the data modifying operations to the rest api behind authentication.

Out of the given options I could use:

  • Jenkins
  • TravisCI
  • Azure DevOps(VsTs)

Or any of the other myriad of options. First and formost I do actually want to get this project deployed and some degree of completion so shooting to get everything perfect with a self rolled open source solution may hinder that. And out of the practical solutions Azure DevOps, which was just announced as the successor of VsTs offers everything I need and is the only one that does it all free of charge for private repos. So that's what I'm going to start with. I can always make it an effort to strive towards a more proprietery solution later as I hate vendor lock in but for now it seems perfect as I do want to deliver after all.

I don't really care where it's hosted to start with. Initially it would be okay to use azure as long as I can still lift and shift. Ideally I want to self host and be able to switch between hosting solutions without too much friction.

I think I may still be able to setup my continous deployment pipeline with Azure DevOps to self host but I'm not certain. That may have to be a sprint of it's own. I do see they have a discounted self hosting option which would be a good option however the first project is free anyways so it doesn't matter.

I'm using account. I need to speak with the team about my confusions surrounding my msdn account since I think I can use those resources however now I'm not 100% certain so just to be safe for now I'll use

I want the master banch to deploy and staging to build. Actually after looking at it more it looks like the srnd account is pretty heavily used and maybe I should just make a new account. I could setup an email address for Then maybe some day I could use that for other more serious projects too.

I just setup email forwarding only settings for to with my account. I should probably actually configure it as a full portal so I can send emails from my gmail with that account too but I'll deal with that later.

Azure DevOps failed to build this project due to:

COPY failed: stat /var/lib/docker/tmp/docker-builder483335454/Lazztech.Cloud.sln: no such file or directory

/usr/local/bin/docker failed with return code: 1

Hmm yeah and if I just run docker-compose up it fails locally too. I thought I fixed this...

Looking back I seemed to have solved this issue before by modifying the dockerfiles to fix the copy lines or something.

Checkout this days entry for the docker-compose up failure solution: Sunday, August 5, 2018 Sprint 0: Unit Tests & Snapshot Coordinates

Yeah if I look at the cli project dockerfile which is the oldest I can take from that. It has copy statments for each of the projects that the solution needs to build so I'll have to model the other ones after that and I think that will fix it.

Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Sprint 6, CI/CD

Switching to self owned Containerized Jenkins Blue Ocean CI/CD

Okay I'm changing the plan. I don't like the licensing concerns and vendor lock in with Azure DevOps. I want to have full ownership of my CI/CD Pipeline and do that I'll have to use open source software. I'm going to maintian a dockerized jenkins container in this repo. I want to setup YML configurations for the pipelines and try out the new Blue Ocean UI. This way I won't even have to worry about hosting. I can maintain my CI/CD server locally on my laptop with docker. That way I'll just spin up the container when I want or need and can switch later to self hosting the container however I see fit.

docker run -p 8080:8080 jenkinsci/blueocean http://localhost:8080/

Jenkins Pipelines as YAML:

"Jenkins configuration as code lets you define the entire Jenkins configuration in YAML and launch Jenkins as a docker container to do immutable infra. Jenkins Pipeline lets you define your pipeline in your Git repo, so that's the other part of immutable infra, and between modern pipeline and efforts liek this one, there's no need to write Groovy per se. It's just a configuration syntax based on brackets like nginx, which happens to conform to Groovy syntax, so that when you need to do a little bit of complicated stuff you can, but you don't need to"

  • Jenkins Job Builder takes simple descriptions of Jenkins jobs in YAML or JSON format and uses them to configure Jenkins. You can keep your job descriptions in human readable text format in a version control system to make changes and auditing easier. It also has a flexible template system, so creating many similarly configured jobs is easy.

"Agreed, I love the groovy jenkins job DSL. It's so awesome and simple. Easy to put everything on github and forget about it."

I may need ngrok to tunnel the locally hosted instance of docker on my machine so that the gitlab webhooks can access it. Below is a link that gave me this idea.

Also theres this:

Gitlab CI/CD Okay so it looks like the other good free/open source CI/CD software is actually gitlab. Gitlab uses yml files at the root like TravisCI and CircleCI. I'll stick with jenkins until it doesn't seem to suite my desired needs. It looks very much like TravicCI actually.

Gitlab CI/CD maybe a much simpler answer.

Hmm so I seem to have gotten the docker-compose up working by adding the missing copy statments to all of the dockerfiles foreach project in the solution then also clearing out all of the existing cached images. If I run docker-compose up it works now with minimal warnings.

One of those warnings is: WARNING: Image for service lazztech.Cloud.cloudwebapp was built because it did not already exist. To rebuild this image you must use docker-compose buildordocker-compose up --build.

I think this could be resolved by modifying this line: RUN dotnet restore Lazztech.Cloud.sln -nowarn:msb3202,nu1503

Jenkins Configuration As Code

Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Sprint 6, CI/CD

Here's the command line argument from the youtube video: docker run -d -p 8080:8080 -p 5000:5000 -v $(pwd):/var/jenkins_home --restart always jenkins:alpine docker logs -f CONTAINER ID This is how they seem to get the initial jenkins password in a detatched container ifconfig -a sudo vi /etc/hosts

I've added a number of commands to the docker notes section above based on this argument.

Saving Jenkins Docker Container Configuration State "NOTE: Avoid using a bind mount from a folder on the host machine into /var/jenkins_home" So it looks like I should not use docker bind mounted explicit paths and instead use virtual volumes? The two options seem to be documented in the links above.

"If your volume is inside a container - you can use docker cp $ID:/var/jenkins_home command to extract the data, or other options to find where the volume data is. Note that some symlinks on some OSes may be converted to copies (this can confuse jenkins with lastStableBuild links etc)" pwd is a system program which just prints current directory, so echo $(pwd) prints that.

Should I set the jenkins container volume to be bind mounted to the git repo? Or will it save a bunch of large plugin binaries? Or maybe it shouldn't even actually be a bind mounted volume at all and a docker virtual volume instead?

Should I expose my locally hosted dockerized jenkins container on the internet? Or just use a vpn? Again with this question, vpn, dynamic dns or localhost tunneling?

This video doesn't seem to take advantage of stateless jenkins configuration as code. He installs plugins before the Jenkinsfile can run. Hmm maybe I should still make my own custom Dockerfile to setup my own Jenkins container with any dependencies I may need? Idk or maybe I could script the provisioning of a vm with docker on it? Later possibly.

Thursday, September 13, 2018

Sprint 6, CI/CD

"Ensure that /your/home is accessible by the jenkins user in container (jenkins user - uid 1000) or use -u some_other_user parameter with docker run"

In the same updated jenkins docker README it says: "NOTE: Avoid using a bind mount from a folder on the host machine" then "If you bind mount in a volume - you can simply back up that directory (which is jenkins_home) at any time. This is highly recommended."...

I'll look at the jenkins blue ocean documentation and see if there's another take on which to do... I want to bind mount it. Also how can I configure the jenkins_home with the yml I was reading about? I want to check it into my repo.

This has more documentation on how to run the jenkins blue ocean docker container.

docker run \
  -u root \
  --rm \
  -d \
  -p 8080:8080 \
  -p 50000:50000 \
  -v jenkins-data:/var/jenkins_home \
  -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \

or in one line:

  • docker run -u root --rm -d -p 8888:8080 -p 50000:50000 -v jenkins-data:/var/jenkins_home -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock jenkinsci/blueocean

or my own spin with auto restart:

  • docker run -u root -d -p 8888:8080 -p 50000:50000 -v jenkins-data:/var/jenkins_home -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock --restart always jenkinsci/blueocean

My own custom docker jenkins blue ocean command to run with bind mount volume to home and always auto restart so that it's always running when you boot up your pc

  • docker run -u root -d -p 8888:8080 -p 50000:50000 -v $HOME/jenkins:/var/jenkins_home -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock --restart always jenkinsci/blueocean


  • docker run -u root -d -p 8888:8080 -p 50000:50000 -v jenkins-data:/var/jenkins_home -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock --restart always jenkinsci/blueocean


  • docker run -u root -d -p 8888:8080 -p 50000:50000 -v C:\jenkins:/var/jenkins_home -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock --restart always jenkinsci/blueocean

Do this to get the jenkins startup password:

  • docker logs CONTAINER_ID

Set Localhost dns mapping host route on linux/unix:

  • ifconfig -a
  • sudo vi /etc/hosts

For windows host file:

or multiline for windows:

docker run ^
  -u root ^
  --rm ^
  -d ^
  -p 8080:8080 ^
  -p 50000:50000 ^
  -v jenkins-data:/var/jenkins_home ^
  -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock ^

-p 5000 is optional for if you want to setup other build agents like on a cluster.

"Instead of mapping the /var/jenkins_home directory to a Docker volume, you could also map this directory to one on your machine’s local file system. For example, specifying the option -v $HOME/jenkins:/var/jenkins_home would map the container’s /var/jenkins_home directory to the jenkins subdirectory within the $HOME directory on your local machine, which would typically be /Users/<your-username>/jenkins or /home/<your-username>/jenkins."

"/var/run/docker.sock`` represents the Unix-based socket through which the Docker daemon listens on. This mapping allows the jenkinsci/blueocean container to communicate with the Docker daemon, which is required if the jenkinsci/blueocean` container needs to instantiate other Docker containers. This option is necessary if you run declarative Pipelines whose syntax contains the agent section with the docker parameter - i.e. agent { docker { …​ } }. Read more about this on the Pipeline Syntax page."

Accessing the docker jenkins container through terminal:

  • docker exec -it jenkins-blueocean bash

Here's some documentation on setting up a .gitignore to check in your jenkins_home into git:

So the auto restart parameter for the jenkins container seems to work just fine however it doesn't seem to maintain the bind mount to the volume on my host machine as it didn't maintain the state after startup.

I think I may need to make a dockerfile with all of the configured build dependencies for the project I'm working on. It'll probably need to have docker installed in it? Or maybe also just .net core and msbuild? Isn't there a way to open an interactive terminal with a docker contianer, execute commands then save the changes into a dockerfile? I need to sort the jenkins dependencies install for building my projects then also learn more about deploying to docker-swarm.

Friday, September 13, 2018

Sprint 6, CI/CD

Setting up .net core dependencies in the Jenkins container:

If I commit changes in a container does it save a dockerfile somewhere? Or can I generate a dockerfile from my commited changes? If so that could be really practical for setting up containers instead of just retrying with new changes in a dockerfile everytime.

I see nothing on being able to save commited container changes to a dockerfile so it looks like the only way is to not commit container changes and just use a dockerfile in the first place.

It should be avoided but you can export or save a container or image binary for re-runnig:

However continue using dockerfiles so that you can check in your containers state and just rebuild from each change that way your container is repeatable.

So I should probably make my own jenkins dockerfile to have it pre-configured with all of my build dependencies? Or do I just use another container image from dockerhub with all of the build dependencies and specify that in my pipeline?

Containerized Jenkins Blue Ocean Pipeline for .NET Core related links:

However installing ngrok inside the jenkins dockerfile container would let me setup webhooks from my git repo right?

Or I can setup the pipeline to poll the repo for changes hourly.

Also should I be writing my build steps as shell scripts? That seems to be what everyone else is doing.

Here's an example build shell script:

dotnet restore
dotnet publish -c release
docker build -t dockerhubuser/simplecoreapp:v0.${BUILD_NUMBER} .
docker login -u dockerhubuser -p dockerhubpassword -e
docker push dockerhubuser/simplecoreapp:v0.${BUILD_NUMBER}

Here's an example of the official dotnetcore 2.0 dockerfile:

Here's a dotnetcore install shell script:

Here's a set of commands to run that dotnetcore install shell script: Install the latest .NET Core 2.0:

sudo apt install libunwind8 gettext apt-transport-https
curl -sSL | bash /dev/stdin --channel 2.0

Or LTS version of .NET Core

sudo apt install libunwind8 gettext apt-transport-https
curl -sSL | bash /dev/stdin --channel LTS

However I should probably just use the official microsoft dotnetcore docker image to build the project right? But what if I want both regular dotnet and aspnet core projects in the solution? Because their's the two different images? Which if either do I use to build the solution? microsoft/aspnetcore-build/microsoft/dotnet:2.1-sdk vs microsoft/dotnet:2.1-sdk

Well it looks like the aspnetcore-build image uses the microsoft/dotnet as the base however it looks like everything builds with microsoft/dotnet:2.1-sdk. Also I think the microsoft/aspnetcore-build image may be depricated which I learned about when vs4mac's add docker dockerfile wouldn't work. Yeah it's from the change from 2.0 to 2.1.

So I use microsoft/dotnet:2.1-sdk to build my solution in jenkins pipeline. I think so.

Also I see there's a docker plugin for jenkins?

Jenkins CI part of the pipeline should:

  • restore packages
  • build solution
  • run unit tests
  • run docker-compose up
  • delete everything for the next build

Jenkins CD part of the pipeline should?:

  • publish the docker-compose up images?
  • build the docker-compose for an arm processor?
  • ssh into my rpi cluster and deploy?

The official dotnetcore 2.1 docker image has notes about which tag to use for arm processors: Looks like: microsoft/dotnet:2.1.402-sdk-stretch-arm32v7 This is the part of the video from before where he starts talking about the .netcore build pipeline in blue ocean. He has shell scripts for each build step in the pipeline including: = Build docker-compose

  • Run Unit tests in docker
  • Run functional tests in docker
  • Run stress test
  • Tear down docker and cleanup

The Continous Integrations shell scripts can be found here:

For example:

#!/usr/bin/env bash
cd $(dirname $0)

set -e

docker exec app-dev-dotnet app-test-unit

The Continous Deployment shell scripts are here:

It uses a tool called Vegeta for load stress testing which could be useful (HTTP load testing tool and library. It's over 9000!) It should be easy enough to implement since I have a good example right here.:

It could be nice to include this kind of stress testing and it's plotting output as a report on builds to see what effect my changes may make on the load tolerance of my software infrastructure. It would clue me in right away.

I wonder if for my project I should have a full second set of docker-compose and dockerfiles just for arm cluster deployment? Like docker-compose.rpi.yml and dockerfile.rpi for example? I think that would still work but I also wonder if having the naming for these files changed would cause problems; that or possibly having duplicates could be an issue?

Saturday, September 14, 2018

Sprint 6, CI/CD

Got the nfc implant this day.

Just opened up an interactive terminal with the jenkins container and confirmed that it does have docker installed in it so I ca go ahead and just right my shell build scripts to take advantage of that without any extra work.

Sunday, September 15, 2018

Sprint 6, CI/CD

Setting up the build shell scripts.

Running dotnet core xunit tests in command line:

I"m going to enable the linux subsystem for windows so that I can run these shell scripts while I develop them.

Installed Ubuntu.

Installed Hyper Terminal because I like it.

Configured with this:

Used this to customize it:

Install .NET Core SDK on Linux Ubuntu 16.04

Installed dotnet core on linux with:

wget -q
./ -c Current

Having issues installing dotnetcore on the linux subsystem for windows:

Running this from the github issues link above fixed it:

curl | gpg --dearmor > microsoft.gpg
sudo mv microsoft.gpg /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/microsoft.gpg
sudo sh -c 'echo "deb [arch=amd64] bionic main" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/dotnetdev.list'

sudo apt-get install apt-transport-https
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install dotnet-sdk-2.1.105

My script is coming along but I've got an error from running dotnet restore: /mnt/c/Users/Gian Lazzarini/source/repos/Lazztech.Cloud/docker-compose.dcproj : error MSB4236: The SDK 'Microsoft.Docker.Sdk' specified could not be found.

"This is an SDK that ships only with VS. It is not supported in the CLI" Wow, so yeah this is a real issue because windows hasn't opensourced it's dotnet docker support so the decided way for now is to copy and paste the dependency from a pc with vs2017 installed... That's even how mono did it... Wtf microsoft.

Here's the fix:

Copy the Microsoft.Docker.Sdk folder from C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Professional\MSBuild\Sdks (Only the Sdk subfolder. Do not copy build and tools subfolders). Then paste it on C:\Program Files\dotnet\sdk\2.0.0\Sdks on Windows or /usr/share/dotnet/sdk/2.0.0./Sdks on Linux (Ubuntu) Then dotnet build SolutionName.sln will work fine. These steps will fix both errors:

error MSB4236: The SDK 'Microsoft.Docker.Sdk' specified could not be found. error MSB4022: The result "" of evaluating the value "$(DockerBuildTasksAssembly)" of the "AssemblyFile" attribute in element is not valid."

Or, you can run dotnet sln MySolution.sln remove docker-compose.dcproj for the ci-cd build. Stupid but that should work fine too. I don't think that will cause any issue with the docker-compose up part of the ci-cd pipeline either so I'm going to go ahead and do that. I'll have to be sure to re-add it though.

So just adding a shell script command to remove the .dcproj from the solution seems to work.

Now I'm runnin into this error: error : The current .NET SDK does not support targeting .NET Core 2.1.

Also something seems to have happened to my jenkins docker container's volume? It's lost all of it's configurations... wtf. Hmm I see multiple jenkins docker container processes and somehow it's been misconfigured to use the docker jenkins-data volume; which is still there after checking with docker volume ls.

I was able to fix the jenkins container by stopping all jenkins containers and removing them. After that I re-ran

docker run -u root -d -p 8888:8080 -p 50000:50000 -v jenkins-data:/var/jenkins_home -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock --restart always jenkinsci/blueocean

This worked since the jenkins-data volume is still there.

BTW, here's the command example to make a shell script executable:

chmod +x

I've hit some kind of permissions error with my Jenkins build pipeline:

./ci-cd/ Permission denied

script returned exit code 126

Monday, September 17, 2018

Sprint 7, CI/CD Shell Scripts

Resolving jenkins shell script permissions error:

Recursively make the entire directory executable:

  • chmod --recursive a+rwx /ci-cd/

Do I have to make the scripts executable every time as part of the build process or can I do it then push the changes to the repo? Or is this executable permission only applicable to local machine users?

It looks like you can get git file permission changes checked into git with this following command:

  • git update-index --chmod=+x

This can also be maintained with another tool called git-cache-meta.

So could I use a combination of the two commands to check into git recursive execution permissions for a whole folder?

  • git update-index --chmod --recursive a+rwx /ci-cd/

No that didn't seem to work. I'll just run the individual git update-index permission modifier above.

The changes above worked to solve the permissions error.

Now I'm having trouble with the directory paths:

  • Could not find solution or directory `../Lazztech.Cloud.sln`.

Setting the git repo root as the console root will make this all a lot easier on the shell scripts.

Fixed directory issues with cd'ing in to the root of the repo:

  • cd ./$(git rev-parse --show-cdup)

The build now works and passes!

Jenkins pipeline Unit testing build shell script script worked but throws this error:

Make sure test project has a nuget reference of package "Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk" and framework version settings are appropriate. Rerun with /diag option to diagnose further.

Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Sprint 7, CI/CD Shell Scripts

Oh so it looks like it actually did run my unit tests sucessfully but it also ran everyother project as if it was a test and that's why it throws an error. So just running dotnet test on just the test project path will probably fix it.

Changing the path in the shell script was sucessful and the all of the build step shell scripts are working now.

Remaining CI/CD Shell Scripts:

  • Run docker-compose up
  • Stress test with vegeta
  • Connect to deployment server vpn
  • Deploy docker-compose up on rpi cluster

Okay so the build agent docker image that I'm using doesn't have docker or docker-compose installed in it. I may have to make my own custom build image then? Or maybe I'm doing this wrong? This is a lot of nested containers... It's probably still right though.

./ci-cd/ line 3: docker-compose: command not found

Making a new docker image with a dockerfile in ci-cd/. It starts with the microsoft/dotnet:2.1-sdk image and installs docker. It's called gianlazzarini/lazztech_cicd_build

I did so with the following commands:

docker build -t gianlazzarini/lazztech_cicd_build .
docker push gianlazzarini/lazztech_cicd_build

I'll change my jenkins pipeline build agent to this docker image. Then my should work.

It can be seen at:

Okay so I can open an interactive terminal with this image with:

docker run -it gianlazzarini/lazztech_cicd_build bash

I then confirmed that docker is installed however docker-compose apparently isn't included with the docker install.

Okay so I got working with my custom docker build agent in the jenkins pipeline however now I have another error: Named volume "C:\face_recognition:/face/" is used in service "" but no declaration was found in the volumes section.

I think I'm going to have to switch from bind mount volumes to docker volumes for this to work?

Wednesday, September 18, 2018

Sprint 7, CI/CD Shell Scripts

I need to setup the docker-compose for deployment and that means deciding on the end volume solution. I want to be able to save the results to a drive like a usb drive on the cluster for easy viewing or backup. I'll just go ahead and switch to virtual "docker" volumes for now. But I would like a data export feature.

I'm commenting out the cli from the docker-compose services since I don't really want it for deployment.

I'm having trouble getting the jenkins container to continue reliably after restarts.

I've run into this error on jenkins after changing the volumes in the docker-compose: Named volume "lazztech-cloud-data:/face:rw" is used in service "" but no declaration was found in the volumes section.

Okay so in a docker-compose if I want to use a "named volume" / "docker" volume then I can't just put the volume in the service I also have to have a specific standalone volume section in the docker-compose.

Btw here's a really nice look command line based time tracker:

After the docker-compose volume fixes it now throws an error about the network driver already being used:

[Lazztech_master-CIWHUKJKFYLO2NQPN53KIQKP7FZZ44N6BQIA7BOYBHGR6MRUKBYA] Running shell script

+ ./ci-cd/

Creating network "lazztech_master-ciwhukjkfylo2nqpn53kiqkp7fzz44n6bqia7boybhgr6mrukbya_default" with the default driver

Creating volume "lazztech_master-ciwhukjkfylo2nqpn53kiqkp7fzz44n6bqia7boybhgr6mrukbya_lazztech-cloud-data" with default driver

Creating ... 

Creating ... error

ERROR: for  Cannot start service driver failed programming external connectivity on endpoint (a43cbfddf15b13aa5cc20913bc74978cc410c29fc43caaf7464d0136c6a52bca): Bind for failed: port is already allocated

ERROR: for  Cannot start service driver failed programming external connectivity on endpoint (a43cbfddf15b13aa5cc20913bc74978cc410c29fc43caaf7464d0136c6a52bca): Bind for failed: port is already allocated

Encountered errors while bringing up the project.

script returned exit code 1

I think this is because I once ran docker-compose on my host machine with --restart always so I think those are conflicting. I'll stop them and see if that fixes it.

Also I wonder if I can fix the jenkins container un-reliability issue by making it so that there's always just one container instead of it stopping them and starting new ones without deleting the old ones.

Yeah so stopping and deleting any containers from the docker compose seems to have fixed the jenkins build step. However it doesn't quite, it actually launches the site and is viewable from my host machine. It then just sits. I want it run the docker-compose to see if it fails then stop and continue.

docker-compose run may be what I actually need. It looks like it allows me to over-ride commands and doesn't respect the port mapping by default so that there isn't any port collisions.

Hmm I think I need to learn more about docker-compose run commands. Also I see now that it looks like there isn't actually any nesting of the containers. It all seems to be pretty flat with each just using them by name. So if jenkins container launches new containers then their accesible from my host machine like any other.

So that means that I'm going to have to include in the jenkins pipeline shell scripts a command to tear down / stop the docker-compose.

Saturday, September 22, 2018

Sprint 7, CI/CD Shell Scripts

I need to setup a jenkins build step to tear down docker-compose. In this video I've been referencing there's an example:

The shell script can be found here:

Also I think I need a multiline jenkins pipeline so that I can have deployment only on the master branch. I also would possibly want different deployment branches for different destinations. Then everything else will just run the continous integration part.

The above scripts use docker-compose -p

   -p, --project-name NAME     Specify an alternate project name
                              (default: directory name)

Having issues with docker-compose image down part of the script.

I've got the CI portion mostly to a good working state now. The compose down step now works.

I need need to setup multi branch support:

Sunday, September 23, 2018

Sprint 7, CI/CD Shell Scripts

Does each branch just have it's own Jenkinsfile for the pipeline? It seems like that would cause issuew with merges. It would make the most sense for the Jenkinsfile to container the pipeline for all branches an jenkins would just run the correct part depending on the branch.

Oh okay so it looks like you can specify steps that only run based on being in certain branches in the same shared Jenkinsfile with the following example block:

   stage('Deliver for development') {
            when {
                branch 'development'
            steps {
                sh './jenkins/scripts/'
                input message: 'Finished using the web site? (Click "Proceed" to continue)'
                sh './jenkins/scripts/'
        stage('Deploy for production') {
            when {
                branch 'production'
            steps {
                sh './jenkins/scripts/'
                input message: 'Finished using the web site? (Click "Proceed" to continue)'
                sh './jenkins/scripts/'

I'm not sure if there's a way to specify these settings through the blue ocean ui though. Doesn't really matter as it looks pretty easy to modify.

Okay it seems to be working now. I was having trouble getting jenkins to discover the new branch but I fixed that by trying to edit the pipeline in the classic editor and just clicking, apply, save then going back and the new branch showed up in the blue ocean branches page.

Now that I have the jenkins multi branch pipeline I'm having this issue with the two jobs competing:

2 matches found based on name: network dev_default is ambiguous

This is definitly from the docker-compose -p dev up running on both of them. In the earlier video I've been referencing it setup throttling so that only one jenkins pipeline that ran docker could run at a time. That could be a good solution.

How do I handle deployment to my cluster? Should I expose the ssh port to the public? That doesn't seem that secure but I'm not sure. Should I have the jenkins pipeline connect to the vpn then ssh? I think that's what I'll do.

Should I make secondary docker-compose.yml and Dockerfiles for arm deployment?

Should I setup my own private container registry or just use zcp to tranfer over the arm compiled dll to the cluster?

This could be used as a way to share the common configuration for the docker-compose.yml but use specific configurations for the the different deployments:

"For example To deploy with this production Compose file you can run"

docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f up -d

A private registry could be really useful but that's a lot to manage.

Monday, September 24, 2018

Sprint 8, CI/CD Arm Cluster Build and Deployment

So it looks like it's not actually that complicated to setup a private docker image registry. It's just a container itself that I can pull and manage.

I'm going to setup my own private custom docker image registry that I'll configure with a docker-compose to work with the jenkins container.

Then on the rpi I'll just connect to the vpn then pull it from the custom registry with a command like below:

Actually maybe I'll just push them publically to the dockerhub? I mean what's the damage it's just the container with the dll who's gonna bother with them? Yeah I'll go for that at least at first then I don't even need to bother with private registry and can probably get it deployed today or soon.

I also need to have some kind of denoting tag or image name variance in the arm32 images from the docker-compose.rpi-cluster-prod.yml so that my development machine doesn't mix them up when I'm developing the regular version.

Here's what I use to build the rpi compose file that references the Dockerfile.Rpi for the different services that are configured to build and publish as arm32.

  • docker-compose -f .\docker-compose.rpi-cluster-prod.yml build

Yup the above line seems to be working as when I run docker-compose -f .\docker-compose.rpi-cluster-prod.yml up it returns an error below that makes sense since it's only supposed to run on arm32 architecture

  • qemu: Unsupported syscall: 389

Btw incase I do go the private registry route, here's how I would push to a private registry:

I'm trying to push to the docker hub free public registry with docker-compose -f .\docker-compose.rpi-cluster-prod.yml push and I'm getting an error:

After adding my dockerhub username and a forward slash as the prefix to the image names in the docker-compose the push command works. For example:

  • image: gianlazzarini/lazztechobsidianpresensevisionmicroservicewebapi:arm32

Okay so docker-compose -f .\docker-compose.rpi-cluster-prod.yml push no succeeds. I guess it's time to connect to the clusters vpn, ssh into the swarm master, clone the repo and run:

  • docker-compose -f .\docker-compose.rpi-cluster-prod.yml pull
  • docker-compose -f .\docker-compose.rpi-cluster-prod.yml up -d

I'll try it out now.

Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Sprint 8, CI/CD Arm Cluster Build and Deployment

I was successful in deploying to my rpi arm cluster yesterday though I didn't document the process. I connected to the vpn running on the cluster, configured to be port forwarded through the router and setup with noip dynamic dns. After getting into the dmz I ssh'd into the master raspberry pi of the docker swarm cluster which I have set statically at, which I mapped into the host file as rpi1 so I run ssh pi@rpi to connect. After that installed python-pip via apt-get so that I could install the most up to date docker-compose with pip install docker-compose. I then after changing some ports in the compose.yml was able to run pull and up -d on docker-compose.rpi-cluster-prod.yml which sucessfully launched my services.

Perfomance through openvpn was very poor also I missed a prompt about how to run a docker-compose accross the cluster from swarm. I think it was somthing like stack up? I'll need to make sure it's re-run accross the cluster for best performance.

I've gone ahead and paid for a year of noip's premium dynamic dns service "Plus Managed DNS" account so that I can reliably configure to

After getting dynamic dns setup to my desired sub domain on my domain name along with port forwarding then I'll document the setup process of deployment while I configure the jenkins pipeline shell scripts for the deployment branch.

A consideration that I have is that it may pose a difficulty to build and deploy the dotnet arm container with all of the computer vision dependencies compiled. Can I compile it on an x86/x64 machine or would I have to compile that on an arm device? In which case I will have to make my own base image on the rpi cluster and push that to the container registry... I'll cross that bridge soon when I make the vision webapi project solely responsable for the image processing as apposed the cli image I used during development.

After that I'll work on authentication by which time I should have my cluster deployment pipeline all configured for easy deployment during weekly sprints.

Links from when I wasn manually deploying:

Hmm, the ip address for the router gui is however I don't seem to be able to get it to load through the vpn on the pi... I may have to actually go there to configure it. I wonder if this is because the openvpn is configured incorrectly? With how the openvpn is configured right now it doesn't actually route out to the public internet so I'm only able to access the wlan when I connect. Also it seems oddly slow in some cases.

I'm definitly still interested in switching to wireguard vpn insead of openvpn. Also I really want to script the provisioning of the cluster os images so that I can get a repeatable setup for an arm cluster. I do want to switch to a firepi cluster later with octa core processors and I'd probably enjoy making a custom acrylic enclosure for them and other features I'd like to add.

The message about launching a docker-compose on a swarm cluster instead of just one node was:

WARNING: The Docker Engine you're using is running in swarm mode.
Compose does not use swarm mode to deploy services to multiple nodes in a swarm. All containers will be scheduled on the current node.
To deploy your application across the swarm, use `docker stack deploy`.

Resources on docker stack deploy

You can specify docker swarm specifics inside your compose.yml files for each service with deploy section:


version: '3'
    image: redis:alpine
      replicas: 6
        parallelism: 2
        delay: 10s
        condition: on-failure

So for deployment on my docker swarm cluster I should actually run:

  • docker stack deploy -c docker-compose.rpi-cluster-prod.yml lazztech-cloud

However I get an exception running that:

  • failed to create service lazztech-cloud_lazztech.Cloud.cloudwebapp: Error response from daemon: rpc error: code = InvalidArgument desc = name must be valid as a DNS name component

I'll have to sort this and the port forwarding tomorrow.

Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Sprint 8, CI/CD Arm Cluster Build and Deployment

Working on

I didn't make it to the apartment to configure the port forwarding for the cluster and dynamic dns so I'll have to do that tomorrow.

In I want it to build the docker-compose.rpi-cluster-prod.yml on jenkins then push the images to the dockerhub. Then ssh into the cluster, pull the images, and launch the compose.yml accross the cluster. The issue is that I need to configure the jenkins machine to have login credentials to the docker hub so that I can push the images. I'm not sure how to have the login credential secrets managed for this since... Private registry? I'm using my own custom container image for the build agent on jenkins so that it can have docker-compose installed, if I had id on a custom registry then I could go ahead and just have them already logged in?

It looks like docker may have some tools/solutions for credential managment in containers with "secrets":

Also when looking again into dynamic dns vs localhost tunneling like ngrok I ruled out ngrok as it has a very limited number of connections per minute at a high cost so that certainly isn't actually acceptable for my desired usecase. However when comparing noip to dyndns I did notice that dyndns was advertising 1 minute dns propagation so different propagation times may be worth considering when picking a dynamic dns service. I went with noip though since it was much cheaper.

Thursday, September 27, 2018

Sprint 8, CI/CD Arm Cluster Build and Deployment


failed to create service lazztechcloud_lazztech-Cloud-vision-microservice-webapi: Error response from daemon: rpc error: code = InvalidArgument desc = name must be 63 characters or fewer

failed to create service lazztechcloud_lazztech-Cloud-cloudwebapp: Error response from daemon: rpc error: code = InvalidArgument desc = port '80' is already in use by service 'lazztech-cloud_lazztech-Cloud-cloudwebapp' (q6njhx9zr9qfhr6fclq80hqoy) as an ingress port

Okay so I've got the compose up accross the swarm as a service "stack" however it's on the second pi at How do I handle port forwarding from my router when it could transiently execute on either machine?

It looks like I need to use the load balancing features built into docker swarm.

I've also moved my cluster and am running into issues with it not showing up on the network. It appears that it may be due to the static ip addresses:

Friday, September 28, 2018

Sprint 8, CI/CD Arm Cluster Build and Deployment

I'm still having trouble with getting the cluster to show up on the netgear router. I've also purchaced an ethernet over power adapter which wasn't to fix the problem but provide more connectivity options. I think that the issue is coming from the raspberry pi's having self configured static ip addresses.

I've decided to get the cluster it's own router. I'm now looking at these GL-Inet travel routers as there are many great looking options. They mostly seem to have openwrt pre-installed which is good, they have wifi, lan ports and some even have ethernet switches & antenna ports. They also seem to support usb gsm modems.

I ended up purchasing one of these:

I'm unable to connect to the raspberry pi's since they won't show up on the router. The new router is coming in two days and I'm unsure if the static ip's will cause issues with tit too. I think the better rought is to use dhcp on the router and reserve ip's from the router. This means I need to re-flash the raspberry pi's and re-configure them which will be a pain but is good because I can practice it and better document the setup process.

After I've got all this done I can resume to setting up load balancing between the swarm cluster "service stack" and configure port forwarding with noip ddns. Idealy soon I'll have it all configured and in order to do deployments through my jenkins pipeline at the end of my weekly sprints.

Saturday, September 29, 2018

Sprint 8, CI/CD Arm Cluster Build and Deployment

I'm reflashing the rapsberry pi's to practice provisioning the nodes and cluster and to fix the issue with the router not recognizing them due to the self assigned ip addresses.

I'm using: 2018-06-27-raspbian-stretch-lite

I'm flashing it with etcher.

I wonder if I could script the pre-provisioning of the cluster node images with Hashicorps

Looks like I can definitly script the provisioning of raspberry pi images so that they're already re-producibly pre-configured and just need to be flashed to be in a working state.

Hmm it looks like I could also run a command line based arm emulator from jenkins for compiling any arm related code for deployment.

  2. cd /Volumes/boot && touch ssh && cd .. && diskutil unmount /boot
  3. Install sd card, ethernet and power to the pi to boot it up
  4. ifconfig | grep broadcast && arp -a
  5. sudo ssh pi@

After reflashing the sd cards, creating the ssh file in the root I'm able to see the two raspberrypi's on the wired connected devices on the router. It even works throught the tplink ethernet over power adapter! Looks like it was the static ip that was causing the issue.

Inside of the netgear config portal at I'm configuring the assigned ip addresses for the two pi's: Advanced > Setup > LAN Setup > Address Reservation, Add > Pick the rpi, set the ip, name it then click Apply when returned to the prior page.

After re-assigning the ip addresss it reboots then takes a while to show connected devices. ifconfig | grep broadcast && arp -a

Hmm the ip addresses haven't seemed to have changed... Okay after ssh'ing into the raspberry pi and running sudo rebot it came back with the correct ip. However one isn't showing up now after rebooting the router... I'll pull the plug on the cluster and reboot it to see if they both show up correctly. Yup that did the trick. Both are showing up as wired, with the correct ip address via the ethernet over power adapter!

They can be reached at ssh pi@ and ssh pi@

I then ssh in to both of them and run: sudo curl -sSL | sh It takes a while, however the .101 pi is considerably faster despite being executed later. That must be the model 3 with the faster processor.

Running cat /proc/cpuinfo will expose details about the hardware to tell what version it is.

Actually maybe one just has a much slower sd card and that's why it's taking so much longer to install docker? Yeah that must be it because running cat /proc/cpuinfo on both of them shows that the one that took less than half the time to install it was the ARMv7 Processor rev 4 rpi2 and the slower one was the ARMv7 Processor rev 5 rpi3... It's either the sd card, networking issue or the install for one is just actually more involved than the other but I should keep an eye on that performance discrepency.

So pi@ B8:27:EB:2A:D8:97 is rpi2 and pi@ B8:27:EB:6F:5C:DA is rpi3. Maybe the rpi3 boots and connects faster so that was why it had the lower ip in the beginning?

Enable docker to run as root: sudo usermod pi -aG docker Then reconnect to the ssh by running exit then reconnecting. This step is important or the docker swarm join won't work.

Swarm comes pre-installed with docker these days so that's taken care of already. To initialize it run: sudo docker swarm init --advertise-addr

This will output the command for the other pi: pi@ docker swarm join --token SWMTKN-1-3kzr1o6q4ikk2vjb4ycoim1qsis1ssojaqrvmq8dmblmxmd2la-68svxgm4bwvijy0th0sykixuw

Also as a note I had issues connecting to the swarm until I realised the ip address was wrong. I had to run docker swarm leave --force on both of the raspberry pi's then repeat the docker swarm init with the correct advertised address.

So I guess I'll have to maintain these ip addresses on the new router when it arrives for this to continue working. Again they can be reached at ssh pi@ and ssh pi@

I noticed again a performance discrepency during troubleshooting the swarm join when I ran sudo reboot the rpi3 took considerably longer for the ssh to be available... I think I need a better flash card.

I then need to re-install docker-compose, I went ahead and ran this on both:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install python-pip -y
pip install docker-compose

I install git, again on both machines for consistency:

sudo apt-get install git -y

To launch my project on the swarm for the I run on the fist raspberry pi that initialized the swarm:

git clone
cd Lazztech.Cloud/
docker stack deploy -c docker-compose.rpi-cluster-prod.yml lazztech-cloud

It can then be confirmed with: docker stack ls. Run docker service ls periodically until you see the replicas full: 1/1. After that point it can be seen in the browser at:

And now back to needing to setup the load balancer and port forwarding. Do I need nginx? It sounds like inside the swarm it'll handle the dns for the services but to get a single entry point I need a load balancing service that I'll do the port forwarding on the router with? Also it looks like this is called a "Swarm mode routing mesh".

It looks like a swarm stack has a "published port" that I'll either have to use or configure.

Hmm, actually now I'm able to access my website on either of the nodes... It also shows when I run docker ps that the webapi is running on rpi3 and the webfrontend is running on rpi2 but I'm able to access the webfrontend from either. Maybe I can just forward the port to either?

Run this to see which containers are running on which node: docker stack ps lazztech-cloud

Port forwarding can be enabled by going to the netgear portal at > Advanced > Advanced Setup > Port Fowarding / Port Triggering, then add the ip address of the node, so with the Service Name as HTTP.

Here's documentation on how to configure dynamic dns with the netgear router:

It looks like the router I have only supports however there is a firmware update so I'll try to update the router to see if that fixes it.

Interesting, it mentions a "Added SOAP API 2.0 support." feature of the update. The current version I have is gui & firmware and I'm updating to gui and firmware.

Also here's documentation on setting up wireguard vpn on the glinet openwrt routers:

Sunday, September 30, 2018

Sprint 8, CI/CD Arm Cluster Build and Deployment

Configuring the static ip lease throught the glinet router:

I'm having trouble setting the ip leasing through the gui so I'm trying it through the command line.

ssh root@
vi /etc/config/dhcp

Add the following based on this : "So pi@ B8:27:EB:2A:D8:97 is rpi2 and pi@ B8:27:EB:6F:5C:DA is rpi3. "

config host
	option name 'raspberrypi1'
	option mac 'b8:27:eb:6f:5c:da'
	option ip ''
	option leasetime infinite

config host
	option name 'raspberrypi2'
	option mac 'b8:27:eb:2a:d8:97'
	option ip ''
	option leasetime infinite

Then delete the existing leases with: vi /tmp/dhcp.leases

Interesting so the above doesn't quite work however I think the lowest limit is the ip address of the router at Addint this instead works after rebooting from the router shell, then ssh'ing into both of the rpi's and running sudo reboot on them too. Then in the /tmp/dhcp.leases on the router after the raspberry pi's reboot they'll show up in that file with the correctly assigned ip addresses.

config host
	option name 'raspberrypi1'
	option mac 'b8:27:eb:6f:5c:da'
	option ip ''
	option leasetime infinite

config host
	option name 'raspberrypi2'
	option mac 'b8:27:eb:2a:d8:97'
	option ip ''
	option leasetime infinite

So this means that I'm going to have to tear down / leave the swarm then re-initialize it with the correclty advertiesed ip address. To do so I've run: On swarm manager @

docker stack rm lazztech-cloud

On both

docker swarm leave --force

Reinitialize the swarm on the desired swarm manager @

sudo docker swarm init --advertise-addr

On the node @

docker swarm join --token SWMTKN-1-4yj1ovb03ptvzbjahee5suk5yeww7r23kme7u5atw4limrw116-8ufwszqvtbde1pgq2luqnsdlk

Then on the swarm manager again @

cd Lazztech.Cloud/
docker stack deploy -c docker-compose.rpi-cluster-prod.yml lazztech-cloud

You can then check on the running state of it from the swarm manager with: docker stack ps lazztech-cloud, docker stack ls, and docker service ls.

I also verify that it can be accessed at &

I now need to setup portforwarding on the glinet router either through the web ui or ssh.

Don't forget to click add after inputing the data before clicking apply and save.

Monday, October 1, 2018

Sprint 8, CI/CD ARM face_recognition compilation / deployment & dynamic dns config

Today I setup a wireguard vpn on the glinet router doing the folowing:

ssh root@
opkg update
opkg install wireguard

wg genkey > privatekey
wg pubkey < privatekey > publickey

Add the following to /etc/config/network with vi

config interface 'wg0'                 
    option proto 'wireguard'                                                
    option listen_port '55555'                                              
    list addresses ''         
    option private_key '/root/privatekey'  # The private key generated by itself just now    

config wireguard_wg0
    option public_key '/root/publickey' # Client's public key
    option route_allowed_ips '1'
    list allowed_ips ''

Then generate a qr code with the content of the privatkey to scan, copy and paste into the android client.

opkg install 
qrencode -t ansiutf8 < privatekey

From the android client: Press the plus icon > Create from scratch > Name can be whatever paste in the private key, Addresses:

The rest can be left blank then click add peer.

This however doesn't reflect how the addresses section will be after configuring dynamic dns and port forwarding it.

Now I'm going to setup noip ddns on the glinet router.

ALso as an aside this link documents fixing a bricked glinet router:

Default wireguard udp port 51820

Also the glinet router comes preconfigured with free ddns. The address is and I was able to enable it with the following:

  • go to
  • Enable wan acces at port 83
  • expose the ip and port for the router that the glinet router is connected to so that the ddns can make it out.

However this build in glinet free ddns service only seems to support the router terminal. So this really probably isn't that helpful and is actually a pretty significant security vulnerability so I may just turn it off.

To setup ddns on the glinet openwrt do the following:

ssh root@
opkg update
opkg install ddns-scripts
opkg install ddns-scripts_no-ip_com

In my I added a domain name forwarding for subdomain cloud. to pointed at

I've also purchased a premium no-ip account that I'm having trouble with the hostname with.

Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Sprint 8, CI/CD ARM face_recognition compilation / deployment & dynamic dns config

Today I switched from domain name forwarding and masking for the free no-ip hostname to a CNAME record pointing at that domain on the subdomain. I'm still waiting and hoping that the dns will propagate successfully on that configuration. I looked into the A name records and it looks like that only accepts an ip address and is responsable for the root of the domain name so either domain name forwarding or CNAME seems like the only applicable configuration options for my domain name through

I'm also having trouble with my wireguard configuration and not actually getting tunneled through. I think I need to make an actual .conf file for the wireguard clients and I'm not sure how. In the mean time I enabled the pre-installed openvpn on the glinet router, exported the connection configuration file, edited it to change the ip from which it's seen as in the netgear router to . Then after that I exposed the 1194 port for openvpn which I found in the exported client.txt on the outer netgear router. Oh I also changed the exported file from client.txt to client.ovpn. I then emailed it to my android phone and was able to import and successfully connect with the android client from cellular.

For now I'll just continue with the openvpn solution since it's working well for my needs however I have been wanting to use wireguard for a while so I'll work on that more later.

I still need to finish configuring ddns updating from my glinet router. I wonder if it will try to update it with as it shows up as from the outer netgear router? That would be an issue.

Okay so upon actually setting up the existing camera system it doesn't seem like it's going to work with for my use case. I'm not able to access the cameras directly through the ethernet without a client software. Also the web portal is terrible so that dvr doesn't seem like it's going to help me much. I may end up rolling my own camera solution with raspberry pi 0w's. Or just an actual ip camera system would probably suffice.

I'm still waiting hours later for the CNAME to resolve to the noip ddns service... Hopefully it'll be working some time tomorrow.

I need to continue with development and deploying the software to the cluster. I need to compile the face_recognition dependencies for the cluster too. Then I also really need to setup authentication. I've also been thinking I may use qemu to emulate the raspberry pi so that I can compile software for it in the jenkins pipeline from an x86 since the .netcore requires x86 to compile for arm and I'd rather do the emulation on dedicated machine or my laptop so it doesn't disrupt the web services on the cluster.

The jenkins pipeline has the following challenges:

  • Managing secrets for deployment
  • compiling the docker base image for arm with qemu
  • Multiple concurrent docker jobs causing pipeline failures

For now to temporarily fix the collision between the multi branch docker pipeline I'm going to comment out that section of the Jenkinsfile. I've restored the jenkins pipeline to the last most functional state it's been so that I can continue to do basic integration testing on the project until I make more progress on it.

I really don't like how the docker proccess interfere between jobs. I wish they were all in isolated temporary enviroments.

I've gone ahead and added the face_recognition dependency build commands to the webapi dockerfile and dockerfile.rpi. Now I'm trying to build on the cluster but depsite installing docker-compose it's saying that it's still not installed. Okay weird after running pip install docker-compose then sudo pip install docker-compose it finally then worked... I've not really run into this sort of problem many times before.

Now that compose is working on the docker manager pi@ I was then to run docker-compose -f docker-compose.rpi-cluster-prod.yml build after first fixing a naming issue with the depends on parameter in the compose file. This now contians the face_recognition dependencies on the ARM cluster.

Also as a note I really don't like maintaining divergent docker-compose.yml's and dockerfiles between the regular pc development version and the raspberry pi ARM deployment version... I wonder if I can setup some kind of single source of truth for the files so I could just pass and argument to build it for the different configurations?

Also does building the docker-compose on the swarm manager allow the slave nodes to have access to the container images? How does that work?

Friday, October 5, 2018

Sprint 8, CI/CD ARM face_recognition compilation / deployment & dynamic dns config

I finally got the working. Here's the post mortem and what's left to do.

  1. I was trying to change my dns records through where I registered the domain and didn't remember that I'd pointed that registrars nameserver to cloudflare dns
  2. I tried pointing the cloud cname record to noip's ddns at and got an error 522. This ended up being because of cloudflares https redirect to port 443. I was able to see this in a wget to where the port 80 was working then when it went to port 443 it would fail.
  3. I exposed port 443 on the routers and it failed with error 521 because my docker service doesn't handle https or expose it right now. I fixed this temporarily by turning off cloudflare https redirect.
  4. I stopped using noip ddns and instead made another A name record on cloudflare for my domain with the cloud name and pointed it to the public ip address of my cluster. I set the ttl to 30 minutes and will probably just be updating the cloudflare record instead of using noip. This seems to be covered in the openwrt ddns updating scripts I was looking into.

Here's what I have to do.

  • Setup ddns update script for cloudflare dns record
  • Setup my docker services to expose port 443
  • Setup aspnetcore projects to handle https ssl
  • Asses if I can just have cloudflare responsable for my ssl or if I need to manage it in my dotnet code
  • Finish setting up the vision webapi project to do all of the face_recognition work and data access
  • Get vision webapi project compile and deployed on arm (Do I want to compile it and push to the docker hub as a base image from jenkins with qemu arm emulation?)
  • Setup authentication / application facade webapi for secure public facing rest api and authentication server for clients

Also I've now confirmed that the face_recognition dependency build process is failing on that arm. It doesn't fail until the very end. Here's the result of the build failure.

virtual memory exhausted: Cannot allocate memory
make[2]: *** [CMakeFiles/dlib_python.dir/src/face_recognition.cpp.o] Error 1
CMakeFiles/dlib_python.dir/build.make:518: recipe for target 'CMakeFiles/dlib_python.dir/src/face_recognition.cpp.o' failed
make[1]: *** [CMakeFiles/dlib_python.dir/all] Error 2
CMakeFiles/Makefile2:67: recipe for target 'CMakeFiles/dlib_python.dir/all' failed
make: *** [all] Error 2
Makefile:83: recipe for target 'all' failed
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 257, in <module>
    'Topic :: Software Development',
  File "/usr/lib/python3.5/distutils/", line 148, in setup
  File "/usr/lib/python3.5/distutils/", line 955, in run_commands
  File "/usr/lib/python3.5/distutils/", line 974, in run_command
  File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/setuptools/command/", line 67, in run
  File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/setuptools/command/", line 109, in do_egg_install
  File "/usr/lib/python3.5/distutils/", line 313, in run_command
  File "/usr/lib/python3.5/distutils/", line 974, in run_command
  File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/setuptools/command/", line 161, in run
    cmd = self.call_command('install_lib', warn_dir=0)
  File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/setuptools/command/", line 147, in call_command
  File "/usr/lib/python3.5/distutils/", line 313, in run_command
  File "/usr/lib/python3.5/distutils/", line 974, in run_command
  File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/setuptools/command/", line 24, in run
  File "/usr/lib/python3.5/distutils/command/", line 109, in build
  File "/usr/lib/python3.5/distutils/", line 313, in run_command
  File "/usr/lib/python3.5/distutils/", line 974, in run_command
  File "", line 133, in run
  File "", line 173, in build_extension
    subprocess.check_call(cmake_build, cwd=build_folder)
  File "/usr/lib/python3.5/", line 271, in check_call
    raise CalledProcessError(retcode, cmd)
subprocess.CalledProcessError: Command '['cmake', '--build', '.', '--config', 'Release', '--', '-j1']' returned non-zero exit status 2
ERROR: Service 'lazztech-Cloud-vision--webapi' failed to build: The command '/bin/sh -c apt-get update -y &&    apt-get install -y python3 &&    apt-get install -y python3-setuptools &&    apt-get
install -y python3-dev &&    apt-get install -y build-essential cmake &&    apt-get install -y libopenblas-dev liblapack-dev &&    apt-get install -y git &&    git clone &&    cd dlib && ls &&    python3 install --yes USE_AVX_INSTRUCTIONS --no DLIB_USE_CUDA &&    apt-get

Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Sprint 9, Authenticated Client Facade

I found out today that you can actually compile .netcore and aspnetcore code on the raspberry pi. This is greate news as it means that I'll be able to run/host jenkins right on the cluster along with the other services for continous integration and continous deployment which will make the whole process a lot more convenient.

Here's the article by scott hanselman that talks about how you can now compile .netcore code on arm devices like the raspberry pi:

Also I've decided the way I'm going to implement the authentication and facade webapi is actually to take advantage of the fact that all of the aspnetcore web projects all use the same codebase so I can actually have one razer pages project with in app authentication also serve as the web api. This is what I'm going to do. I think it will help consolidate complexity on this subject by having it in one project as they're all pretty relitive. Also I was having trouble getting an aspnetcore webapi project with in app authentication as it only had an option for cloud stored authenticaiton which is what got me wondering in the first place if this was an option.

And here's an interesting article about building clusters

Also as for the raspberry pi build failure for face_recognition here's a github issue that looks similar that solved it by increasing the swap:

Also I may be able to just install face_recognition with pip more easily?

Aspnetcore Webapi Authentication:

So I've gone ahead and made a new project for what I'm calling the "ClientFacade", it's a aspnetcore web application project with in app individual user authentication, ssl, and linux docker. The first thing I've noticed is that the https/ssl works just fine when running it with IIS Express or as the dotnet proccess however whe I run it as the docker option it throws the following error:

  • Adding the certificate to the Trusted Root Certificates store failed with the following error: Failed with a critical error.

Here's what I've found about this error online:

It looks like this could be caused by a bug in VS. I'm at version 15.8.1 right now and there's an update available to 15.8.6 so I'll see if that fixes it.

Okay so it looks like the update didn't fix it either. It may be a bug that's happening from my account having a space in it's name as mentioned in one of the github issues?

Okay I'm able to see the certs in C:\Users\Gian Lazzarini\AppData\Roaming\ASP.NET\Https This can be accessed from command prompt by:

cd Https
start .

Ran the following to get the dockerized project to actually prompt for ssl permisions:

  • dotnet dev-certs https --clean

This resource may also be helpful in understanding how dotnet cli manages certs:

Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Sprint 9, Authenticated Client Facade

Here's documentation on moving a docker container volume to another host:

Here's a good example of how to launch a docker container as a service on a raspberry pi cluster with the example for the swarm visualizing service:

sudo docker service create \
        --name viz \
        --publish 8080:8080/tcp \
        --constraint node.role==manager \
        --mount type=bind,src=/var/run/docker.sock,dst=/var/run/docker.sock \

The original command I came up with to launch the jenkins container was: docker run -u root -d -p 8888:8080 -p 50000:50000 -v jenkins-data:/var/jenkins_home -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock --restart always jenkinsci/blueocean

The docker swarm service version is:

docker service create --name jenkinsci -u root -d -p 8888:8080/tcp --mount type=volume,source=jenkins-data,destination=/var/jenkins_home --mount type=bind,src=/var/run/docker.sock,dst=/var/run/docker.sock jenkinsci/blueocean

Here's more information about docker services since I'm still learning:

However running the service without the -d detached daemon mode arg shows that it's outputing an error trying to start the service:

docker service create --name jenkinsci -u root -d -p 8888:8080/tcp --constraint node.role==manager --mount type=volume,source=jenkins-data,destination=/var/jenkins_home --mount type=bind,src=/var/run/docker.sock,dst=/var/run/docker.sock jenkinsci/blueocean

Seen here:

overall progress: 0 out of 1 tasks
1/1: no suitable node (scheduling constraints not satisfied on 1 node; unsuppor…

I see this is from two factors, one it shows 1/1 because of the --constraint arg saying it should only be on the manager node and the other reason is that this is most likely for an x86/x64 chipset not ARM. I need the arm jenkinsci/blueocean image if ther is one. It doesn't look like there is an ARM version of that container on the hub... Yeah so running docker run -p 8080:8080 jenkinsci/blueocean causes a similar failure reporting docker run -p 8080:8080 jenkinsci/blueocean.

Thursday, October 11, 2018

Sprint 9, Authenticated Client Facade

I'm unsure if the sqlserver that the aspnet in app authentication depends on will work on the ARM raspberrypi. I however found a guide on switching it to postressql on the raspberry pi so that may be what I end up doing.

However for now I need to stop being concerned with either deployment, jenkins or overly concerned with ARM compatability and focus on developing my services or I won't have much to show. I'm going to see how far I can get porting over the existing bootstrap 4 webfront end service to the ClientFacade project with just running it through iis or whatever until I absolutely have to solve the docker runtime ssl cert issue.

Also on a side note I did research running the jenkins container on the raspberry pi and did see people doing it so I can probably figure out how to get that working with more time later.

Alright, I've moved over all of the resources I made from the old webfont end project and got the new authenticated ClientFacade project working. That was pretty easy. I just moved the pages over, adjusted namespaces, switched to bootstrap 4 and styled a couple of login links.

I think I need to get the containerized ssl working so that I can test it integrated with the other services and start building out the api controllers that I want.

Then I can focus on building out the micro services, unity front end for oculus go and focus on deployment and jenkins.

Friday, October 12, 2018

Sprint 9, Authenticated Client Facade

As a result of the changes I'd tried to make the other day to get the dockerized ssl working I broke the certificate for IIS Express. I was able to get it working again by uninstalling and reinstalling it again which prompted me to re-add the certificate.

Through trying to debug why the docker ssl was failing I found this detailed output of how visual studio is actually launching the container and attaching the debugger, nuget packages, ssl certs etc. This could be really helpful to reference:

docker run -dt -v "C:\Users\Gian Lazzarini\vsdbg\vs2017u5:/remote_debugger:rw" -v "C:\Users\Gian Lazzarini\source\repos\Lazztech.Cloud\Lazztech.Cloud.ClientFacade:/app" -v "C:\Users\Gian Lazzarini\AppData\Roaming\ASP.NET\Https:/root/.aspnet/https:ro" -v "C:\Users\Gian Lazzarini\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\UserSecrets:/root/.microsoft/usersecrets:ro" -v "C:\Users\Gian Lazzarini\.nuget\packages\:/root/.nuget/fallbackpackages2" -v "C:\Program Files\dotnet\sdk\NuGetFallbackFolder:/root/.nuget/fallbackpackages" -e "DOTNET_USE_POLLING_FILE_WATCHER=1" -e "ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT=Development" -e "ASPNETCORE_URLS=https://+:443;http://+:80" -e "ASPNETCORE_HTTPS_PORT=44362" -e "NUGET_PACKAGES=/root/.nuget/fallbackpackages2" -e "NUGET_FALLBACK_PACKAGES=/root/.nuget/fallbackpackages;/root/.nuget/fallbackpackages2" -p 50472:80 -p 44362:443 --entrypoint tail lazztechCloudclientfacade:dev -f /dev/null

Here it is on multiple lines with comments:

#Run dockerfile in current directory in detached mode
docker run -dt \
#Volume bind mount the host machines vsdbg to the container at /remote_debugger with read/write privaleges
	-v "C:\Users\Gian Lazzarini\vsdbg\vs2017u5:/remote_debugger:rw" \
#Volume bind mount the contents of the project from the host to the container at /app
	-v "C:\Users\Gian Lazzarini\source\repos\Lazztech.Cloud\Lazztech.Cloud.ClientFacade:/app" \
#Volume bind mount the host machines https certs to the container at /root/.aspnet/https with readonly privaleges
	-v "C:\Users\Gian Lazzarini\AppData\Roaming\ASP.NET\Https:/root/.aspnet/https:ro" \
#Volume bind mount the host machines secrets to the containers /root/.microsoft/usersecrets directory with readonly privaleges
	-v "C:\Users\Gian Lazzarini\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\UserSecrets:/root/.microsoft/usersecrets:ro" \
#Volume bind mount the nuget packages from the host machine
	-v "C:\Users\Gian Lazzarini\.nuget\packages\:/root/.nuget/fallbackpackages2" \
#Volume bind mount the dotnet sdk nuget fallback packages?
	-v "C:\Program Files\dotnet\sdk\NuGetFallbackFolder:/root/.nuget/fallbackpackages" \
#Enviroment variable to enable the recompiling of the project on file changes?
#Enviroment variable to put aspnet into development mode for more detailed error output on site
#Enviroment variable for setting aspnet ports for http and https?
	-e "ASPNETCORE_URLS=https://+:443;http://+:80" \
#Enviroment variable for another https port setting? Is this for configuring the ssl cert?
#Enviroment variable for nuget fallbackpackages
	-e "NUGET_PACKAGES=/root/.nuget/fallbackpackages2" \
#Enviroment variable for nuget packages?
	-e "NUGET_FALLBACK_PACKAGES=/root/.nuget/fallbackpackages;/root/.nuget/fallbackpackages2" \
#Exposing mapped port for http from the containers port 80 to access from the host at 50472 
	-p 50472:80 \
#Exposing mapped port for https from the containers port 443 to access from the host at 44362 
	-p 44362:443 \
	--entrypoint tail lazztechCloudclientfacade:dev \
#? I think this ensures that the container stays running as apposed to just shutting down after launch
	-f /dev/null

Here's my suspicions on what might be causing this failure:

  • IIS Express puts and looks for the certificates in [Console Root\Certificates (Local Computer)\Personl\Certificates] however the docker container mounts C:\Users\Gian Lazzarini\AppData\Roaming\ASP.NET\Https
  • Possibly the password for the cert in C:\Users\Gian Lazzarini\AppData\Roaming\ASP.NET\Https doesn't match the password in the C:\Users\Gian Lazzarini\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\UserSecrets
  • All of the documentation said that there should have been the cert added in to the same location as the IIS Express cert however I've never been able to get it in there.

Here's the path for the user secrets:

  • C:\Users\Gian Lazzarini\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\UserSecrets\aspnet-Lazztech.Cloud.ClientFacade-F0D117F3-0EC4-4600-8843-FDB198DDFBBC Here's the path for the https cert:
  • C:\Users\Gian Lazzarini\AppData\Roaming\ASP.NET\Https

I need to see the log from the dotnet proccess in the container to see what the output about the ssl cert is. I suspect it may be throwing an error and it could possibly be due to it not having the expected name?

Friday, October 12, 2018

Sprint 9, Authenticated Client Facade

dotnet dev-certs https --trust -ep "%APPDATA%\ASP.NET\https\Lazztech.Cloud.ClientFacade.pfx" -p TestPassword

Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Sprint 10, Authenticated Client Facade Api Integrations

Since I'm having trouble with the ssl certificate right now I'm going to go with on of the options mentioned in the github issues thread and have a docker-compose.override.yml with configurations to not use ssl. This will be helpful for development. Also below is a link to where I was doing some reading on overridden docker-compose.yml files for different development enviroments or ci-cd configs. This seems like what I should also be using for the raspberry pi deployment config. I think that it will allow me to build on configs and avoid having duplicate code to maintain?

Notes about docker-compose.override.yml

Note to self: Clean the solution after making changes to the docker-compose.yml or docker-compose.override.yml files as this will re-generate the visual studio debug versions of them if it doesn't already.

I've gone ahead and replace the CloudWebApp service in the compose files with the new authenticated ClientFacade versions. Running the .dcproj now works as desired and I can continue experimenting with the docker-compose.override.yml and other versions of the compose for the different enviroments. This means I can continue developing the service interactions and experiment with having a deployable compose file for the cluster that includes https.

I've just verified that I can specify that the docker-compose.override.yml uses a bind mount volume for development and it will be respected by launching the dcproj in visual studio. This is very helpful but I've got questions about how visual studio handles other versions of the docker-compose files like the mentioned in the link above.

Here's the section about using multiple compose files to target different enviroments:

I now need to continue with adding face_recognition processing abilities to the Lazztech.Cloud.Vision.Webapi so that I can process new images through the ClientFacade website and expose these features through the ClientFacades REST Api.

Also another detail is that the docker-compose doesn't have a localdb instance for the authentication to work with so I think that's why it's throwing an error. Also I want to specify in the docker-compose.override.yml that it should have the development enviroment variable so that it will output errors. I can reference how to do this by the breakdown of what visual studio does when it launches dockerfiles from the last sprint.

I also just realised that having these multiple docker-compose files for the different enviroments will allow me to have non competine service container names / tags so that could have the ci-cd pipeline build them on the same docker host and not have a collision.

So, yes setting the enviroment variable to development on the docker-compose.override.yml had the effect I wanted in outputing the error message in development. It also showed what I was expecting which was that:

PlatformNotSupportedException: LocalDB is not supported on this platform.

So it may also be time soon to go ahead and follow along with the tutorial about deploying the mvc web app project to the raspberry pi enviroment with postgresql since I'm in need of an sql solution for this service anyways. Or I could also try to configure the docker-compose.override.yml to mount the LocalDB volume during development? I'm not sure. For now I'll trust that I can get that working and continue on with the face_recognition front end and REST api features.

It looks like I already have the vision webapi project setup with face_recognition installed however I haven't setup the controllers for execution of a new image and other such api queries which will then need to be configured in the ClientFacade's front end buttons etc and then later exposed in the ClientFacade's REST Api for other consuming or interacting clients.

Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Sprint 10, Authenticated Client Facade Api Integrations

I need to get the image uploading working the ClientFacade for both known and unknown people through the views and the rest api to the vision service.

Saturday, October 20, 2018

Sprint 10, Authenticated Client Facade Api Integrations

I'm adding a try catch to all of the calls to the vision service from the ClientFacade so that I can get it to handle connection failures by reporting on the UI instead of just crashing the whole site. This way I can go ahead and develope individual services in isolation without needing everything running at once since the docker-compose proj can take a while to launch between changes to the source code.

Also I think it's time to delete the old CloudWebApp project since I've replaced it with the better ClientFacade project. However It would still be useful to keep the Dockerfile for reference. I've deleted the CloudWebApp project after copying over the dockerfiles and renaming them so tha I can reference them later.

I need to replace the responsability of the Cli project in processing the images and finish implementing it through the client facade in the UI and REST Api to the vision service REST Api.

Sunday, October 21, 2018

Sprint 10, Authenticated Client Facade Api Integrations

Made an upload page in the vision section of the ClientFacade project. I'm following along with this tutorial for uploading files through aspnetcore razer pages:

This all seems to work through something called the IFormFile used in aspnetcore.

Monday, October 22, 2018

Sprint 11, ClientFacade image uploading to vision service

I'm using the following example code to turn the IFormFile into a base64 string

Here's example code for how to post data to a rest api endpoint:

Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Sprint 11, ClientFacade image uploading to vision service

Communication to the vision service webapi of all sort are returning error 500 for some reason right now and I'm not sure when it happened. I'm going to have to fix it before I can continue working on any improvments as for all I know the image upload is already in a working state programatically.

Here's what I'm seeing in the output when I curl a controller:

Attribute routes with the same name 'Get' must have the same template:
Action: 'Lazztech.Cloud.Vision.Webapi.Controllers.ProcessedSnapshotsController.Get (Lazztech.Cloud.Vision.Webapi)' - Template: 'api/ProcessedSnapshots/{id}'
Action: 'Lazztech.Cloud.Vision.Webapi.Controllers.ScanNewImageController.Get (Lazztech.Cloud.Vision.Webapi)' - Template: 'api/ScanNewImage/{id}'
   at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Internal.ControllerActionDescriptorBuilder.Build(ApplicationModel application)
   at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Internal.ControllerActionDescriptorProvider.GetDescriptors()
   at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Internal.ControllerActionDescriptorProvider.OnProvidersExecuting(ActionDescriptorProviderContext context)
   at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Internal.ActionDescriptorCollectionProvider.UpdateCollection()
   at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Internal.ActionDescriptorCollectionProvider.get_ActionDescriptors()
   at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Internal.AttributeRoute.GetTreeRouter()
   at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Internal.AttributeRoute.RouteAsync(RouteContext context)
   at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Routing.RouteCollection.RouteAsync(RouteContext context)
   at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Builder.RouterMiddleware.Invoke(HttpContext httpContext)
   at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Server.Kestrel.Core.Internal.Http.HttpProtocol.ProcessRequests[TContext](IHttpApplication`1 application)

Okay so I was able to fix this issue by commenting out unused controller methods in ProcessedSnapshotsController and ScanNewImageController.

I'm now getting an error message from the image uploading to the vision service:

{StatusCode: 400, ReasonPhrase: 'Bad Request', Version: 1.1, Content: System.Net.Http.HttpConnection+HttpConnectionResponseContent, Headers:
  Date: Wed, 24 Oct 2018 04:31:33 GMT
  Server: Kestrel
  Transfer-Encoding: chunked
  Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8

I've run into another error from trying to have two paramters as frombody in the Post() for the vision AddNewPersonController:

System.InvalidOperationException: Action 'Lazztech.Cloud.Vision.Webapi.Controllers.AddNewPersonController.Post (Lazztech.Cloud.Vision.Webapi)' has more than one parameter that was specified or inferred as bound from request body. Only one parameter per action may be bound from body. Inspect the following parameters, and use 'FromQueryAttribute' to specify bound from query, 'FromRouteAttribute' to specify bound from route, and 'FromBodyAttribute' for parameters to be bound from body:
string base64Image
string name
   at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Internal.ApiBehaviorApplicationModelProvider.InferParameterBindingSources(ActionModel actionModel)
   at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Internal.ApiBehaviorApplicationModelProvider.OnProvidersExecuting(ApplicationModelProviderContext context)
   at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Internal.ControllerActionDescriptorProvider.BuildModel()
   at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Internal.ControllerActionDescriptorProvider.GetDescriptors()
   at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Internal.ControllerActionDescriptorProvider.OnProvidersExecuting(ActionDescriptorProviderContext context)
   at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Internal.ActionDescriptorCollectionProvider.UpdateCollection()
   at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Internal.ActionDescriptorCollectionProvider.get_ActionDescriptors()
   at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Internal.AttributeRoute.GetTreeRouter()
   at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Internal.AttributeRoute.RouteAsync(RouteContext context)
   at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Routing.RouteCollection.RouteAsync(RouteContext context)
   at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Builder.RouterMiddleware.Invoke(HttpContext httpContext)
   at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Server.Kestrel.Core.Internal.Http.HttpProtocol.ProcessRequests[TContext](IHttpApplication`1 application)

Sunday, October 28, 2018

Sprint 11, ClientFacade image uploading to vision service

Still getting the image post requst from the client facade to the vision service working. I've been in the process of moving still so work is going slowly. I think that it would be a good time to configure the docker-compose.override.yml to expose the ports for the vision service so that I can experiement and debug the controller requests with Postman.

I'm trying to test the vision services controllers with hitting http://localhost/api/Values:8080 however it's not working. I'm not sure how to hit and test just the vision service. I'm sometimes still confused whether the compose.override settings are being respected when I launch in vs. However it seems like they are as it's useing the bind mounted volume for the data. I can however for now just go ahead and run only the vision service through IIS Express or whatever and test the controllers that way with postman etc.

Also as a note taking advantage of Docker's reset option is really helpful for shutting down services when I need the port for something else.

When running the vision service with kestral I can hit the endpoint I want with http://localhost:5000/api/AddNewPerson Based on this it looks like I was likely constructing the url wrong. I'll try again with compose also I'm going to comment out the port 5000 on the compose as I think that it only actually uses port 80 which is mapped to port 8080.

Yup so I can hit it with the compose from http://localhost:8080/api/AddNewPerson or whatever controller I want like also http://localhost:8080/api/Values for example.

However won't resolve as I haven't exposed port 8080 on the port forwarding which is probably good and how I'll keep it as I don't want the services directly accessable from the public. I want all of the public facing interaction to go through the ClientFacade front end and through it's api which will call the other services's api's as I want them publically exposed.

Okay, so in the docker-compose.override.yml I've left only the port 8080:80 for the vision service for development and in the regular docker-compose.yml I've commented out all exposed port mappings for the vision service as I think that's only for outside the compose and shouldn't be needed as I'll never want the vision services publically accessable.

Here's info on exporting and checking postman collections into git:

Also for later I still want to setup a graphql web api in the ClientFacade wrapped around the rest api in it. Here's info on how:

I switched the vision controller to inherit from : Controller instead of ControllerBase so be able to return a JsonResult Json success message.

Okay so after much struggling I figured out why the pagemodel properties were still null except for the IFormFile after submitting them. To get your view to bind to the razor page properties successfully you have to add the [BindProperty] attribute above them or it will be null on OnPost().

Here's the example code repo from the IFormFile tutorial where I figured it out:

Here's more info on this page about the requirement for the [BindProperty] attribute:

I should probably read through all of this article to get up to speed with Razor Pages:

Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Sprint 12, ClientFacade face_recognition against new upload image

Now that I'm working on the ScanNewImageController api endpoint on the vision service it's finally time to refactor the vision domain so that it can process individual images instead of everything in the directory as it was with the cli.

I think I really need a new freshly re-written implementation of FacialRecognitionManager in the vision service domain as it's highly coupled and has far too many responsabilities in one class. It's not flexible to my use case of processing just one new image and suppling a known set of people to work against.

Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Sprint 12, ClientFacade face_recognition against new upload image

I got the scan new person page working today. I definitly need to do a re-write for a new optimization of the vision domain. It's just architected weird and assumed to just be a supporting process run in companion with the cli once instead of for processing images as they come.

Upcoming to-do:

  • Get the ClientFacade api setup to handle the Scan page and Upload page use cases to foward the data to the vision service
  • Finish implementing the front end bounding box rendering on the images
  • Re-architect the vision domain implementation
  • Start storing the data in a more sensibly organized way in postgreSQL
  • Setup the ClientFacade to use the postgreSQL db with entity framework adapter for it's authentication
  • Create a Person page on the ClientFacade with supporting backend code
  • Implement Person search
  • Implement bounding box clicking to go to the Person's page

Thursday, November 1, 2018

Sprint 12, ClientFacade face_recognition against new upload image

More to-do:

  • Snapshot page with id url paramter
  • Consolidate snapshot view to show every persons name for the snapshot instead of multiple names

Friday, November 2, 2018

Sprint 12, ClientFacade face_recognition against new upload image

[x] - Implemented Snapshot page that gets by the guid id from the OnGet() param

Note for later reference, if I'm going to deserialize an object make sure that the properties are not private or it won't deserialize properly leaving it null or left to the ctor.

Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Sprint 13, Lazztech Events (HackathonHandler) & Postgresql First Steps

I'm following along with this tutorial for setting up prostgresql:

Installing postgresql at:

Also I think I'm going to move away from microservices as I don't actually thinking it's adding much to my project and it's increasing the amount of work a lot. I'm going to move away from microservices for the vision service as part of refactoring it for individual image processing and setting up the rest api for the clientfacade.

"take advantage of the user-secrets functionality in our fancy new dotnet core app. This lets us keep an appsettings.json file unique to our machine"

To manage secrets for a dotnetcore project right click on it in the solution explorer and select > manage secrets

I've run into an issue with the postgresql credentials while following along with the tutorial: PostgresException: 28P01: password authentication failed for user "dotnetCorePostgresPi"

Changing the role name to lowercase in the connection string located in the secrets.json to lowercase seems to have fixed the issue with the connection not working.

Making the database and username both lowercase in the connection string seems to make it work much better however I'm still running into issues running the migrations prompted with PM> Update-Database

42601: syntax error at or near "["

Tuesday, November 16, 2018

Sprint 13, Lazztech Events (HackathonHandler) & Postgresql First Steps

I've decided that I'm definitly going to move away from microservices and instead just load balance the entire site.

I want to figure out how to package c++ dependencies into nuget packages so that I don't have to depend on having certain tools installed in the docker container. I've found nuget packages for dlib and I think I should move towards using them instead of the cli setup with docker I have right now.


Using PostgreSQL with .NET Core 2.0

So it looks like it doesn't matter if I try to kick off the migration myself of let the code in Program.cs do it either way it returns: Npgsql.PostgresException (0x80004005): 42601: syntax error at or near "["

Here's documentation on the issue:

The link above lead me to the solution to this issue. Essentially there was already a migration added from when the Startup was still configured to use SqlServer and that was what was causing the error. I fixed the issue by deleting all of the classes in the migrations folder and running dotnet ef migrations add InitialMigration on the project. Then when I went to register it all just worked as expected.

Now I need to delete the vision microservice and refactor it over to just be executed from within the ClientFacade project.

After that I'll switch the vision service to use Postgresql db as the persistence technology with jsonb instead of just writing to disk the jsons in the vision microservice container.

Then there after I should refactor the vision domain to use the nuget packages above instead of system.diagnostic.process against the docker container install.

Then I need to configure authentication roles and insure that only certain roles have access to the appropriate pages or rest api controllers.

This evening I removed the vision microservice Webapi project and moved over all of it's responsabilities to the clientfacade project. I've also deleted all docker references to the webapi service.

Monday, November 19, 2018

Sprint 14, Postgresql authentication for pages and docker compose configuration

Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Sprint 14, Postgresql authentication for pages and docker compose configuration

This guide looks good for the basics of getting aspnetcore and postgresql to play nice in docker compose configurations.

The guide above suggests adding swashbuckle for swagger rest api ui so I'm going to go ahead and do that however it seems to be out of date so here's some documentation on the current version:

I had issues with a couple lines from the tutorial about xml comments but was able to replicate the link above by commenting them out and got it working.

I'm going to go ahead and use Marten DB nuget package for using postgresql as a document database with .Net. Here's more documentation:

I'm having issues now with marten db and it throwing an exception when doing operations in the SimpleDataAccess: Marten.Schema.InvalidDocumentException: 'Could not determine an 'id/Id' field or property for requested document type

Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Sprint 14, Postgresql authentication for pages and docker compose configuration

Today I'm going to setup required authentication on all the pages that shouldn't be public. I also want to setup authenticated user roles so that only certain users have certain permissions but I guess I don't really need to do that until later.

Okay now that I have that working later I'll setup some kind of invite system for the registration or just temporarily disable it without a password.

Thursday, November 22, 2018

Sprint 14, Postgresql authentication for pages and docker compose configuration

Yesteday I transfered over most of the projects from the HackathonHandler and now need to transfer over the web front end for the event, admin controls and also setup the api endpoint for twilio to post to.

I'm unable to get visual studio to scaffold a crud page...

I've got a lot more setup for individual event managment with a landing page for events, and have an individual event page which can be navigated to from the list of events. I'm going to require authentication for everything but the the actual event page which will be loaded form a list of events in mongodb and gotten on a per event basis.

I'm also going to have to setup Url Masking for the domain name which is registered through google domains. Below is some documentation on how:

Currently however I need to get the HackathonHandler _Layout working on just the events page so I can have all of the old team login functionality and navbar setup. Here's documentation that led me to the solution:

Friday, November 22, 2018

Sprint 14, Postgresql authentication for pages and docker compose configuration

Got a lot of work done on implementing over the HackathonHandler site improving it while I'm at it.

Also here's an importent note I learned about how to make an anchor tag href that appends to the current url:

Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Sprint 15, Get HackathonHandler Admin CRUD operation working again

I'm unsure how to port over the Html.BeginForm("Edit", "Mentors") code that is meant for just mvc to razor pages

Saturday, December 1, 2018

Sprint 15, Get HackathonHandler Admin CRUD operation working again

To setup toggling between razor page view and code behind: Tools > Options > Keyboard > ToggleRazorView

Okay so it looks like the reason I couldn't generate EF CRUD scaffolding for a dto was because it didn't have a property named Id. After changing the property on the Mentor from GuidId to Id it then works.

Thursday, December 6, 2018

Sprint 16, Get HackathonHandler Event Location Entry CRUD working

I've gotten the CRUD pages working for the event managment but I really want it to be on a per event basis also for now I have to setup selection of the venue location on a Team by Team basis as that doesn't seem to be working also I really don't want to leave it as an enum as that's not really a solution.

It seems that the aspnet crud pages are made for normalized data as I'm not able to get it to scaffold an Event object with nested data properties.

It seems like I should just use sql and learn how to use the code first generation to get this working.

I've gone ahead and subscriped to a paid for series about entity framework and code first database development. In the tutorial it talks about generating tables by convention for many to many relationships.

I think I've got the Data Access Layer project models normalized in a way that will work for code first based on the video above and now I need to go ahead and try to run the initial migrations.

I'm downloading Sql Server Managment Server so that I can assess the output of the codefirst database generation to make sure it's all setup right.

Saturday, December 8, 2018

Sprint 16, Get HackathonHandler Event Location Entry CRUD working

To setup ef migrations: Add-Migration initial

I removed postgresql db context and connection string setup that used the docker enviroment variable in place of just using the configuration.

I need to register the LazztechContext with the ClientFacade startup.

The Mosh video says that aspnet doesn't really work well with migrations and multiple dbcontext.

I want to have the dbcontext and everything in it's own project seperate from the aspnet project but I'm not sure it's really setup to be run that way.

Saturday, December 8, 2018

Sprint 16, Get HackathonHandler Event Location Entry CRUD working

Today I got the dropdownlist working for the team location enum. It needed a using statement for the enum and asp-items="Html.GetEnumSelectList()

I'm trying to get the form working to post to the login method for the team login on the event page:

Okay so I figured out how to fix the Html.BeginForm() not working. It wasn't generating the action route for the form so after doing some research I found that you have to configure this in the Startup.

I fixed it with this:

            app.UseMvc(routes =>
                    name: "default",
                    template: "{controller}/{action}");

Also it looks like using Html.BeginForms is no longer the current best way and instead using form aspnet tags:

Next CodeDay is Febuary 16-17 so there's about 10 more weeks to get everything ready. Here's the plan:

CodeDay will have weekly meetings on Wednesdays. I'll be working with James Gan as he's working as the Mentor Manager.

Sameez's input:

  • Have it done two weeks before to start testing
  • Getting rid of team pins
  • Self serve mentor sign up
  • Dedicated sign up computer
  • Sign up image upload
  • Webcam image option for mentors
  • Automatic mentor availability based on schedule
  • Event Schedule with CRUD (Like schedule)
  • Form for Team registration with exel sheet export and are only used for export (Team Name, Venue Loacation, & Number of team members)
  • Mentor request requires student name and venue location field which will both be strings entered each time of request and sent to mentor
  • Remove Mentor request prompt and replace with 15 minute time out before available again


  • Get signalr working again
  • Deploy
  • Remove judges since it's not being used

Stretch Goals:

  • Real time list of mentor requests on the home page

  • Form for Team registration with exel sheet export and are only used for export (Team Name, Venue Loacation, & Number of team members)

  • Week 1 (Dec 10 - 16)

    • Add mentor request form for team name and location description, remove judges, & Team(s) sign in
  • Week 2 (Dec 17 - 23)

    • Get Signalr working & SMS
  • Week 3 (Dec 24 - 30)

    • Test SMS
  • Week 4 (Dec 31 - Jan 6 2018)

    • Public Mentor Sign Up with Profile Picture upload
  • Week 5 (Jan 7 - 13)

    • Setup Mentor availablility
  • Week 6 (Jan 14 - 20)

    • Mentor sign up webcam option for profile picture
  • Week 7 (Jan 21 - 27)

    • Deployment
  • Week 8 (Jan 28 - Feb 3)

    • Deployment
  • Week 9 (Feb 4 - 10)

    • Testing

Week of Codeday weekend on 16 & 17

  • Week 10 (Feb 11 - 17)
    • Testing & Deployment

Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Sprint 17, Add mentor request form for team name and location description, remove judges, & Team(s) sign in

Got the modal and mvc configured for the new mentor request format.

Sunday, December 16, 2018

Sprint 17, Add mentor request form for team name and location description, remove judges, & Team(s) sign in

I went ahead and followed along with the apsnet core signalr tutorial and got chat setup:

Now I need to configure the twilio secrets, get a request sent, then configure the signalr for it.

I also just added the twilio credentials to the secrets and now the sms mentor request is working. Also the username is for the twilio account.

To test the SmsRoutingConductor I'll have to configure twilio to use this project with ngrok. Also to get this working I think I have to add over the controller for recieving the http posts from twilio when it recieves a message.

Also it looks like setup for cluster support with signalr is pretty simple with a redis backplane

Here's another blog post about scaling out with apsnetcore and redis:

It looks like I may have to upgrade the project to apsnetcore 2.2 to get it working.

Actually here's the details for setting up signalr scaleout redis backplane with aspnet core 2.1:

Here's how to migrate to 2.2 from 2.1:

Here's the 2.2 installers:

I had to install: Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.Abstractions 2.2.0 > Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions 2.2.0 > Microsoft.Extensions.Primitives 2.2.0 > Microsoft.Extensions.Options 2.2.0 > Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authorization 2.2.0 >

Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Sprint 18, Get Signalr working & SMS

It could be useful to seed the database with a default admin account upon creation. That way I could just have certain details hidden to only admins or such. It would be good for the initial admin to be able to make other admins. I could use the secrets.json for the configuration of the users credentials.

In learing how to seed the admin I found that the login looks up users by username which is treated as the email:

Friday, December 21, 2018

Sprint 18, Get Signalr working & SMS

I've added over the ProgressHub that I was using for the signalr in Hackathon Handler. There's a couple of things I'm going to have to consider while setting it up:

  • Differences between framework signalr and aspnetcore signalr
  • Aspnetcore signalr no longer has an OnReconnect()
  • I'm no longer using Team login so I'll need some kind of cookie to keep track client side of specific users for the case by case signalr notifications to work. This is from the result of removing the Team property from the MentorRequest object for the SmsRoutingConductor.

The first problem I see is that the references to GlobalHost.ConnectionManager doesn't seem to port over.

Also it looks like the Clients.Group() now only taks the string for the name of the group and doesn't have a paramter of string[] for excluded.

Another thing is that I'll have to switch over how cookies are handled as the api has changed a bit for aspnetcore. So it looks like I can't just call up cookies the same way. Okay so it looks like I have to get the HttpContext from the current Context and from there I can get to the cookies.

            //Cookie cookie = Context.Request.Cookies["team"];
            var cookie = Context.GetHttpContext().Request.Cookies["team"];

For handeling aspnetcore signalr hub connection events:

It also looks like the api for calling clientside js has changed where before you would just invoke the js method on a client or group without strong typing. You now have to call SendAsync and the params are first the js method name, then each object arg.

I've moved the UpdateTeamOfMentorRequest() from the hackathanmanager Functions class to the ProgressHub class and made it non static. I'm not sure if I should be using some kind of buit in aspnetcore di to request that hub but for now I'm just newing it up in the responder class and I'm not sure if that will cause problems.

Soon I'm going to have to setup twilio's webhook to point to my local machine with a ngrock tunnel to start testing the signalr setup. I'm also going to need to consider how to handle the lack of on reconnected and refactore over to the proper nomenclature to how I'm now handeling requests on a per connection, or device rather, basis.

It looks like this is how aspnetcore handels dependency injection for signalr hubs and may be what I want to do:

Okay so I got the ProgressHub signalr connections to work by adding over the chat.js example to a new js file called eventManagement.js which builds a connection with the progressHub, from there I referenced it in the layout for the event page in a script tag to execute it.

The next things to consider are the lack of a hub OnReconnected() event and manual testing to sort out the last of the work that needs to be done.

Sunday, December 22, 2018

Sprint 18, Get Signalr working & SMS

I'm adding over the hackmathanhandler InboundSmsController for the Twilio inbound sms webhook posts. It requires the following nuget packages:

  • Twilio
  • Twilio.AspNet.Core

As apposed to the old aspnet.framework packeges:

  • Twilio
  • Twilio.AspNet.Common

Now I have to setup the ngrok extension for visual studio so that I can test out the inbound sms and SmsRoutingConductor. Here's details on how to get the ngrok extension installed:

Sunday, December 23, 2018

Sprint 18, Get Signalr working & SMS

I was having issue getting the ngrok tunnel working but was able to by turning off ssl on the clientfacade project.

I think that there's something wrong with the mvc routing configuration because the InboundSmsController is not able to be hit. I was able to fix it by adding the following attribute to the InboundSmsController:


I then set the /api/InboundSms url on the twilio webhook and got it working.

One thing that I'm looking at that needs to be redone is SmsDaemon works. I really don't need a whole project for that. Instead I just took the thread block and starting code and put it in the Startup of the ClientFacade. Idk why I thought it needed it's own cli... I'll go ahead and delete that also it shold be a task not a thread so that I'm not trying to manage all of that myself.

Another consideration that I have is that I'm going to run into issues with the public static concurrent bag of requests that get processed when I'm scaling this out. That would probably work best if if was hooked up to redis also so that they can all work of of the single redis server instead otherwise requests will get out of sync.

Here's information on C# tasks vs threads:

However the Task.Delay() doesn't work just as the Thread.Sleep so I'm going to leave it as a thread for right now.

I'm currently having issues getting my cookies to save to the clients browser. Okay so I solved the cookie issue. It looks like there's a configuration for the cookie policy in the startup. This seems like it's for the is for the GDPR law. Here's details on it:

I had many references to a magic string for the "team" cookie so I went ahead and added a field to the StaticStrings class for it called eventUserIdCookieName to ease the refactoring process as I transistion it's responsability from a team identifier cookie to a user device id cookie.


Had lots of issues with Docker today. I believe the issue came from the docker-compose having periods/capitol letters in either the service or image name. Once I removed them having them both lower case without periods it worked. Be mindful of this as it will fail silently while it's trying to build the service.


Netgear router address: Glinet router address: Docker cluster Lazztech address from the Netgear router > SSH Into Rpi 1: ssh pi@ SSH Into Rpi 2: ssh pi@ Both rpis use the default ssh password docker run -p 8080:8080 -p 50000:50000 -v jenkins:/var/jenkins_home wouterds/rpi-jenkins To Run It As A Service: docker service create --name jenkinsci -u root -d -p 8888:8080/tcp --mount type=volume,source=jenkins-data,destination=/var/jenkins_home wouterds/rpi-jenkins However for what ever reason this one shows that it's not compatible and is for amd when ran as a service...

Other option: docker run -p 8080:8080 -p 50000:50000 -v jenkins:/var/jenkins_home joherma1/rpi-jenkins To Run It As A Service: docker service create --name jenkinsci -u root -d -p 8888:8080/tcp --mount type=volume,source=jenkins-data,destination=/var/jenkins_home joherma1/rpi-jenkins Without Detatch docker service create --name jenkinsci -u root -p 8888:8080/tcp --mount type=volume,source=jenkins-data,destination=/var/jenkins_home joherma1/rpi-jenkins This seems to have worked fine and runs.

Setup Port Forwarding For Jenkins Port fowarding on the glinet router:

Port forwarding on the Netgear router:

Supported ports for Cloudflare DNS for my domain name: The supported ports include 8080 so that's what I chosen to expose it as. It's now accessable from:

Setting up Jenkins Blue Ocean After updating the joherma1/rpi-jenkins service I was able to find the jenkins blue ocean plugin however it still showed that I needed to update and that the version of jenkins I had installed wasn't supported. After installing blue ocean anyways and restarting it's throwing an error. The wouterds/rpi-jenkins container seems to be more up to date however it's throwing that error when I try to run it as a service...

Jenkins Docker Performance Tunning If I run docker stats on the jenkins container then it shows 0% memory utilization. moby/moby#18420 Also if I run docker info it lists the following warnings at the bottom: WARNING: No memory limit support WARNING: No swap limit support WARNING: No kernel memory limit support WARNING: No oom kill disable support WARNING: No cpu cfs quota support WARNING: No cpu cfs period support These warning could have to do with this and other perfomance issues like I ran into when trying to compile dlib.

Example from when I was trying to use the x86 jenkins container as a service docker service create --name jenkinsci -u root -d -p 8888:8080/tcp --mount type=volume,source=jenkins-data,destination=/var/jenkins_home --mount type=bind,src=/var/run/docker.sock,dst=/var/run/docker.sock jenkinsci/blueocean


To Do:

  • Mentor Invite page losses form data when it returns you with invalid model data.
  • Formatting on the Invite registration welcome text message for readability
  • Notes during Invite page to explain the fields better
  • Setup email service for the Mentor Invites
  • Setup domain redirecting to
  • Setup https for in docker-compose on the cluster