Releases: getsentry/sentry-xamarin
Releases · getsentry/sentry-xamarin
This is the first GA release containing the following features:
General improvements
- Automatic Navigation breadcrumbs. (Forms)
- Automatic Xamarin Forms warnings as breadcrumbs.
- Unhandled Exception for Android/iOS/UWP
- Release version for Android/iOS/UWP.
- Additional InAppExclude list for Xamarin.
- iOS Exceptions including native and managed StackTrace.
Device information
- Manufacturer.
- Model.
- Connectivity status.
- Operational system name and version.
- Screen information (Pixel density and resolution).
- Free Internal memory (Android/iOS).
- Total RAM (Android/iOS).
- CPU model (Android).
- Simulator flag.
For more information on how to use the SDK, check the documentation here.
1.0.0 Alpha 4
- detach Xamarin.Forms dependency from the SDK. (#38 ) @lucas-zimerman
If you plan to use Xamarin only you'll need the Sentry.Xamarin package. Additionally, you'll also need the Sentry.Xamarin.Forms if you are using Xamarin Forms.
Furthermore, for activating the Sentry.Xamarin.Forms you'll need to add the Xamarin Forms Integration inside of SentryXamarinOptions.
SentryXamarin.Init(options =>
options.Dsn = "__YOUR__DSN__";
Third preview of Sentry.Xamarin.Forms
- fixed format.
- Sentry.NET SDK requirement increased.
- Add InAppExclude list for Xamarin.
- Initializer refactored.
Second preview of Sentry.Xamarin.Forms
This is the first alpha containing the following features:
- Decreased package requirements.
- Added Release version for Android/iOS/UWP.
First preview of Sentry.Xamarin.Forms
This is the first alpha containing the following features:
- Automatic Navigation breadcrumbs.
- Automatic Xamarin warnings as breadcrumbs.
- Unhandled Exception for Android/iOS/UWP
- Simulator flag.
- Device manufacturer.
- Device model.
- Operational system name and version.
- Screen information (Pixel density and resolution).
- Connectivity status.
- Free Internal memory (Android/iOS).
- Total RAM (Android/iOS).
- CPU model (Android).