diff --git a/docs/dev/vagrant.rst b/docs/dev/vagrant.rst
index 40b9171099..384aa73fb4 100644
--- a/docs/dev/vagrant.rst
+++ b/docs/dev/vagrant.rst
@@ -10,14 +10,14 @@ AWS/GCE images).
To get started with this box:
-1. Make sure you have recent version of
- `Vagrant `__ installed.
-2. Clone the Re:dash repository:
- ``git clone https://github.com/getredash/redash.git``.
-3. Change dir into the repository (``cd redash``)
-4a. To execute tests, run ``./bin/vagrant_ctl.sh test``
-4b. To run the app, run ``./bin/vagrant_ctl.sh start``.
- This might take some time the first time you run it,
- as it downloads the Vagrant virtual box.
- Now the server should be available on your host on port 9001 and you
- can login with username admin and password admin.
+1. Make sure you have recent version of
+ `Vagrant `__ installed.
+2. Clone the Re:dash repository:
+ ``git clone https://github.com/getredash/redash.git``.
+3. Change dir into the repository (``cd redash``)
+4. To execute tests, run ``./bin/vagrant_ctl.sh test``
+5. To run the app, run ``./bin/vagrant_ctl.sh start``.
+ This might take some time the first time you run it,
+ as it downloads the Vagrant virtual box.
+ Now the server should be available on your host on port 9001 and you
+ can login with username admin and password admin.