@title[Adding a layer of Chocolate(y)]
@snap[midpoint h3-blue span-100]
@title[Slides and Code]
@fa[plus-square fa-2x fa-pad-icon text-gold]
---?color=linear-gradient(90deg, black 25%, white 25%) @title[What is Chocolatey?]
@snap[west h1-white]
@snap[east span-80]
@csstext-gold text-bold@fa[question]
---?color=linear-gradient(90deg, #5289F7 25%, white 25%) @title[Magic]
@snap[north-east text-05 text-gray] Q. What is Chocolately? @snapend
@snap[west h1-white]
@snap[east span-70] @quote[Chocolatey allows you to deploy any Windows software, anywhere, with anything, and manage and track that software over time.](Rob Reynolds - Creator of Chocolatey)" @snapend
- Manage ANY software, not just installers
- Define dependencies
- Write a software deployment one time (with PowerShell)
- Test your deployment before deploying to Production
- Deploy to any supported version of Windows (including Server.Core and Docker Containers)
- Track and Report on software
+++?image=assets/img/magic.gif&size=45% auto&color=#A74433
@title[It's Magic!]
---?color=linear-gradient(90deg, black 25%, white 25%) @title[What problem is Chocolatey trying to solve?]
@snap[west h1-white]
@snap[east span-80 text-right]
---?color=linear-gradient(90deg, #5289F7 25%, white 25%) @title[Windows Software Ecosystem]
@snap[north-east text-05 text-gray] Q. What problem is Chocolately trying to solve? @snapend
@snap[west h1-white]
@snap[east span-70]
@title[Traditional Windows]
@title[Still evident]
@title[Windows Software Installers]
@title[No Consistency]
- Over 20 installer formats and thousands of installers in the wild
- Zips and other archive formats
- Software installers are messy
- It's like the wild west
@title[Wild West]
---?color=linear-gradient(90deg, black 25%, white 25%) @title[How does it work?]
@snap[west h1-white]
@snap[east span-80]
@csstext-gold text-bold@fa[question]
@title[Let's install paint.net]
@title[paint.net website]
@title[Not the paint.net website]
@title[Google paint.net]
@title[Actual paint.net website]
@title[paint.net download]
@title[Mirror website]
@title[Actual paint.net download]
@title[Unblock zip file]
@title[Extract zip file]
@title[Install paint.net]
@title[paint.net dependencies]
@title[There has to be a better way!]
---?color=linear-gradient(90deg, #5289F7 25%, white 25%) @title[A series of simple commands]
@snap[north-east text-05 text-gray] Q. How does Chocolately work? @snapend
@snap[west h1-white]
@snap[east span-70]
@codepowershell zoom-25
@title[Sane Software Management]
- Easily manage the software lifecycle
- Native installers, zips and binaries
- PowerShell Module simplifies work
- Packages are independent building blocks
- Integrates with Configuration Management
- Business Friendly Features @ulend
@title[The Approach]
- Single, unifying interface - control the chaos
- Decentralized - multiple places to get packages, including internal
- PowerShell
- Flexible
- Secure
- Reliable @ulend
@title[Community Package Repository]
- https://chocolatey.org/packages
- Community Feed / Community Maintained
- Moderated as of October 2014
- Everything goes through VirusTotal
- Organisations should NOT depend on this due to trust and control concerns @ulend
@title[Community Repository Stats]
@title[That is just the beginning...]
@title[Hosting your own package server]
- https://chocolatey.org/docs/how-to-host-feed
- Non-Windows Hosting
- NuGet Gallery
- ProGet / MyGet
- NuGet.Server / Chocolatey.Server @ulend
@title[Chocolatey Packages]
- Zip files + Versioning, Dependencies & PowerShell
- Metadata Software Information / Package Information
- PowerShell
- 30+ Built-in functions - turn hard tasks into one-liners
- Handle additional missing installer logic (like add to PATH)
- Add options missing from installer arguments
- Files - drop in binaries / native installers @ulend
@title[Slides and Code]
@fa[plus-square fa-2x fa-pad-icon text-gold]
Note: Mention laptop setup:
@title[Only getting started...]
- choco upgrade all
- Package Downloader / Internalizer
- Sync with Programs and Features
- Self Service Installer
- Central Management UI / choco deploy
- Package Audit
- Package Reducer
- Install Directory Override
- Download CDN Cache
- Runtime Malware/Virus Protection @ulend
---?color=#7FDBFF @title[Who Am I? - Gary Ewan Park]
@snap[west span-65]
Senior Software Engineer @ Chocolatey Software
Gary Ewan Park
@snap[south-west bio-contact span-100] @fa[twitter twitter-blue] gep13 @fa[github text-black] github.com/gep13 @fa[home text-blue] gep13.co.uk @fa[envelope choco-blue] gary@chocolatey.io @snapend
Feel free to get in touch
Email: gary@chocolatey.io
Twitter: @gep13
@title[Learn More]
- Chocolatey Documentation - https://chocolatey.org/docs
- Source Code - https://github.com/chocolatey/choco
- Learning Resources - https://chocolatey.org/docs/resources @ulend