- all on one html page but every comic page gets its own url by appending domain name with query
- page navigation including FIRST, PREVIOUS, NEXT and LATEST buttons, both above and below comic. also toggle whether you want them to be text or images
- alternatively, clicking on a page takes you to the next one.
- ALTERNATIVELY alternatively, arrow keys and A/D also navigate through pages (W and S also scroll vertically)
- The page will automatically scroll to where the comic is when you navigate between pages, to prevent having to scroll past the site's header/banner every time (toggleable)
- give each page its own unique alt text and author notes section
- optionally display page number and title on each page
- choose whether first comic is displayed first or latest comic is displayed first by changing a single value
- an archive page - fully customizeable, updates automatically as you add new pages. divide ranges of pages into chapters, choose whether to list chronologically or "latest first".
- optionally, give each comic its own thumbnail icon on the archive page.
- support for segmented pages (pages split into two or more separate image files placed vertically), mainly for those migrating from webtoons
- choose file extension, name, directory