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Making a release

Generally, see but below we'll use this repo as an example. The idea with this "hello" repo (and the "org.dataverse.test" namespace) is that you can practice both snapshot and real releases to Maven Central.

Publish snapshot from local environment

We have a GitHub Action set up for publishing snapshots at .github/workflows/maven-snapshot.yml but first, let's try publishing a snapshot from your local environment.

A snapshot will be published with the version in pom.xml ends with -SNAPSHOT. If -SNAPSHOT is missing, bump the version number and add it. For example, if the version is "0.0.1", change it to "0.0.2-SNAPSHOT".

Create or edit ~/.m2/settings.xml to contain the following:


For the username and password, use DATAVERSEBOT_SONATYPE_USERNAME and DATAVERSEBOT_SONATYPE_TOKEN, respectively, that the GitHub Action will use.

Build the snapshot:

mvn clean verify

Publish the snapshot:

mvn deploy

The output should indicate that the artifacts have SNAPSHOT in the name and have been uploaded to somewhere under

Publish release from local environment

Now let's move on to publishing a real release from our local environment. We will be following a process similar to .github/workflows/maven-release.yml.

First, import the private DATAVERSEBOT_GPG_KEY. Note that you will be prompted for DATAVERSEBOT_GPG_PASSWORD. Both are referenced in the GitHub Action above. You'll need to get the actual values from a member of the Dataverse core team.

gpg --import privatekey.txt

You should see output similar to this:

gpg: key BAFC446FC031F36B: public key "Dataverse Bot (Signing Bot for Dataverse and GDCC packages) <>" imported
gpg: key BAFC446FC031F36B: secret key imported
gpg: Total number processed: 1
gpg:               imported: 1
gpg:       secret keys read: 1
gpg:   secret keys imported: 1

Then, export environment variables with the key name and passphrase:


In the pom.xml, adjust the version to remove "-SNAPSHOT". For example, if the version number is "0.0.1-SNAPSHOT", make it "0.0.1".

Finally, publish the real release with this command:

mvn -Prelease -Dgpg.keyname=$DATAVERSEBOT_GPG_KEYNAME -Dgpg.passphrase=$DATAVERSEBOT_GPG_PASSWORD deploy

Give it some time, maybe half an hour, and you should see the version at and

TODO: Explain how to add the git tag for the version you just published. (The git tag is added automatically when you publish using our GitHub Action.)

Publish snapshot from GitHub Actions

The GitHub Action at .github/workflows/maven-snapshot.yml is configured to publish snapshots automatically based on events.

At minimum, the following config means that merging pull requests or committing directly to main should trigger the publishing of a snapshot.

            - main

Publish release from GitHub Actions

The following commands rely on .github/workflows/maven-release.yml.

Before you begin, check that the version in the pom.xml ends with -SNAPSHOT. If it doesn't, someone might made a real release manually (from a local environment rather than GitHub Actions), so you should add -SNAPSHOT before proceeding.

First run a clean:

mvn release:clean

Not that running the "prepare" command below will create two commits and a tag and push them to GitHub!

Then run a prepare:

mvn release:prepare

Note that the "prepare" step is interactive. Let's say the version is 0.0.2-SNAPSHOT when you execute "prepare". You will be promped to remove -SNAPSHOT and set the release version to 0.2.2 like below. You are free to pick a different version, of course. Here's how the prompt looks:

What is the release version for "hello"? (org.dataverse.test:hello) 0.0.2: :

Next you will be asked what Git tag should be. It will default to name-number such as hello-0.0.2 as shown below. Commonly on GitHub you'll see tags like v0.0.2, but we are sticking with the defaults offered by the release plugin. Here's the prompt:

What is SCM release tag or label for "hello"? (org.dataverse.test:hello) hello-0.0.2: :

Next you are asked what the next snapshot will be, such as 0.0.3-SNAPSHOT, a new patch release. You can just accept this default.

What is the new development version for "hello"? (org.dataverse.test:hello) 0.0.3-SNAPSHOT: :

At this point you should see two new commits at

You should also see a new tag at

Give it some time, maybe half an hour, and you should see the version at and