Project was started when not finding a tool that generates documentation of components with hot reloading, read documentation and have a playground. Created from React Styleguidist, implement additional support to read and compile .vue files. Only supports vue 2.x.
Vue Styleguidist is a style guide generator for Vue components. It lists component and shows live, editable usage examples based on Markdown files. You can use it to generate a static HTML page to share and publish or as a workbench for developing new components using hot reloaded dev server.
- Getting Started: install and run Vue Styleguidist
- Documenting components: how to write documentation
- Locating components: point Vue Styleguidist to your Vue components
- Configuring webpack: tell Vue Styleguidist how to load your code
- Cookbook: how to solve common tasks with Vue Styleguidist
- Basic style guide, source
- Buefy style guide with sections, customized styles. source
- Style guide with vuetify and vue-i18n. source
- Style guide with customized styles, source
- Style guide with sections, source
- Style guide with navigation, source
- Style guide with Vuex, source
- Style guide with Nuxt.js, source
Real projects using Vue Styleguidist:
The change log can be found on the Releases page.
We work on this project because we love the open source community and learn new things.