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v# ParserNG ParserNG is a powerful open-source math tool that parses and evaluates algebraic expressions and also knows how to handle a lot of mathematical expressions.

Usage and note

If you need to use the parser directly in your Android project, go to: parserng-android by the same author

If you need to access this library via Maven Central, do:


This library was created in 2009.

The design goal of this library was to create a simple, yet powerful, not too bogus math tool that scientists and developers could deploy with their work to solve mathematical problems both simple and complex.

ParserNG is written completely in (pure) Java and so is as cross-platform as Java can be. It has been used to design math platforms for desktop Java, Java MicroEdition devices(as far back as 2010-2011) , Android, and by porting the whole platform using J2OBJC from Google; Swift also. The performance has been exceptionally acceptable in all cases.


  1. Arithmetic operations.
  2. Statistical operations
  3. Trigonometric operations
  4. Permutations and Combinations
  5. Basic matrix operations
  6. Differential Calculus(Exact numerical accuracy achieved using symbolic differentiation)
  7. Integral Calculus(Numerical)
  8. Quadratic Equations
  9. Tartaglia's Equations( or generally: a.x3+b.x+c = 0 )
  10. Numerical (Iterative) solution for roots of equations
  11. Simultaneous Linear Equations
  12. Amongst others
  13. Variables creation and usage in math expressions
  14. Function creation and usage in math expressions

Using ParserNG as commandline tool

You can use jar directly as commandline calculus. Unless the tool is packed to your distribution:

java -jar parser-ng-0.1.9-release.jar  1+1

Or as logical parser

java -jar parser-ng-0.1.9-release.jar -l true and true
java -jar parser-ng-0.1.9-release.jar -l "2 == (4-2)"

You can get help by

java -jar parser-ng-0.1.9-release.jar  -h
  ParserNG 0.1.9-release math.Main
-h/-H/--help         this text; do not change for help (witout dashes), which lists functions
-v/-V/--verbose      output is reprinted to stderr with some inter-steps
-l/-L/--logic        will add logical expression wrapper around the expression
                     Logical expression parser is much less evolved and slow. Do not use it if you don't must
                     If you use logical parse, result is always true/false. If it is not understood, it reuslts to false
-t/-T/--trim         by default, each line is one expression,
                     however for better redability, sometimes it is worthy to
                     to split the expression to multiple lines. and evaluate as one.
-i/-I/--interactive  instead of evaluating any input, interactive prompt is opened
                     If you lunch interactive mode wit TRIM, the expression is
                     evaluated once you exit (done, quit, exit...)
                     it is the same as launching parser.cmd.ParserCmd main class
           To read stdin, you have to set INTERACTIVE mode on
           To list all known functions,  type `help` as MathExpression
  Without any parameter, input is considered as math expression and calculated
  without trim, it would be the same as launching parser.MathExpression main class
  run help in verbose mode (-h -v) to get examples

You can get examples by verbose help:

java -jar parser-ng-0.1.9-release.jar  -h -v

you can list functions:

java -jar parser-ng-0.1.9-release.jar  help
List of currently known methods:
acos        - help not yet written. See
variance    - help not yet written. See
List of functions is just tip of iceberg, see: for all features

you can list logical operators:

java -jar parser-ng-0.1.9-release.jar  -l help
Comparing operators: !=, ==, >=, <=, le, ge, lt, gt, <, >
Logical operators: impl, xor, imp, eq, or, and, |, &
As Mathematical parts are using () as brackets, Logical parts must be grouped by [] eg.
Negation can be done by single ! strictly close attached to [; eg ![true]  is ... false. Some spaces like ! [ are actually ok to

Note, that parser.MathExpression nor parser.LogicalExpression classes do not take any parameters except expressions Note, that parser.cmd.ParserCmd class takes single parameter -l/-L/--logic to contorl its evaluation

Program can work with stdin, out and err properly. Can work with multiline input - see -t switch. If you ned to work with stdin, use -i which is otherwise interactive mode

cmdline examples

Following lines describes, how stdin/arguments are processed, and how different is input/output with -t on/off

   java -jar parser-ng-0.1.9-release.jar -h
    this help
  java -jar parser-ng-0.1.9-release.jar 1+1
  java -jar parser-ng-0.1.9-release.jar "1+1
  java -jar parser-ng-0.1.9-release.jar -t "1+1
  java -jar parser-ng-0.1.9-release.jar -i  1+1
    nothing, will expect manual output, and calculate line by line
  java -jar parser-ng-0.1.9-release.jar -i -t  1+1
    nothing, will expect manual output and calcualte it all as one expression
  echo 2+2 | java -jar parser-ng-0.1.9-release.jar  1+1
  echo "1+1 
        +2+2 | java -jar parser-ng-0.1.9-release.jar -i
  echo "1+1 
        +2+2 | java -jar parser-ng-0.1.9-release.jar -i -t
  java -cp parser-ng-0.1.9-release.jar parser.cmd.ParserCmd "1+1
    will ask for manual imput en evaluate per line
  echo "1+1 
        +2+2 | java -cp parser-ng-0.1.9-release.jar parser.cmd.ParserCmd 2>/dev/null
  java -cp parser-ng-0.1.9-release.jar parser.MathExpression "1+1
  java -cp parser-ng-0.1.9-release.jar parser.LogicalExpression "true or false"

Using ParserNG as library

The simplest way to evaluate an expression in ParserNG is to use the MathExpression class. MathExpression is the class responsible for basic expression parsing and evaluation.

MathExpression expr = new MathExpression("r=4;r*5");
System.out.println("result: " + expr.solve());

What does this do?

It creates a variable called rand sets its value to 4. Then it goes ahead to evaluate the expression r*5 and returns its value when expr.solve() is called.
The print statement would give

solution: 20.0

at the console.

Some key applications of parsers involve repeated iterations of a given expression at different values of the variables involved. Iteratively determining the roots of an equation, graphing etc.

For repeated iterations of an expression over a value range, say 'x^2+5*x+1', the wrong usage would be:

for(int i=0;i<10000;i++){

double x = i;
MathExpression expression = new MathExpression("x="+i+";x^2+5*x+1");


The MathExpression constructor basically does all the operations of scanning and interpreting of the input expression. This is a very expensive operation. It is better to do it just once and then run the solve() method over and over again at various values of the variables.

For example:

MathExpression expression = new MathExpression("x=0;x^2+5*x+1");

for(int i=0; i<100000; i++){
expression.setValue("x", String.valueOf(i) );
expression.solve();//Use the value from here according to your iterative needs...e.g plot a graph , do some summation etc..

This ensures that the expression is parsed once(expensive operation) and then evaluated at various values of the variables. This second step is an high speed one, sometimes taking barely 3 microseconds on some machines.

Inbuilt Functions

The parser has its own set of built-in functions. They are:


For runtime loaded list of all functions (with description, even in-runtime-added - see User hardcoded functions), and environment variables, run help as MathExpression's value
MathExpression expression = new MathExpression("help");
Environment variables/java properties (so setup-able) in runtime).

See help for actual version-specific, up-to date, list

  • RADDEGDRAD_PNG - DEG/RAD/GRAD - allows to change units for trigonometric operations. Default is RAD. It is same as MathExpression().setDRG(...)

    Note that alternatives to many functions having the inverse operator are provided in the form of an 'a' prefix. For example the inverse sin function is available both as sin-¹ and as asin

    User defined functions

    You can also define your own functions and use them in your math expressions. This is done in one of 2 ways:

    1.     f(x,a,b,c,...) = expr_in_said_variables

      For example:
    2.    f = @(x,a,b,c,...)expr_in_said_variables

      For example:

        f = @(x,y)3*x^2+4*x*y+8
    Your defined functions are volatile and will be forgotten once the current parser session is over. The only way to have the parser remember them always is to introduce some form of persistence.
    So for instance, you could pass the following to a MathExpression constructor:

    And then do:

    the parser automatically calculates


    behind the scenes.

    Note, that such functions do not propagate to help.

    User hardcoded functions

    if you need more complex function, it is best to hardcode it and contribute it. However sometimes the mehtod may be to dummy, or review to slow, so for such cases you can implement BasicNumericalMethod interface and Declarations.registerBasicNumericalMethod it. Such method will be used as any other hardcoded function. See MathExpressionTest.customUserFunctionTest for basic example. Note, that current implementation is stateless. It may be changed in future if needed. Unlike User defined functions those methods propagate to help.

    Differential Calculus

    ParserNG makes differentiating math expressions really easy.

    It uses its very own implementation of a symbolic differentiator.

    It performs symbolic differentiation of expressions behind the scenes and then computes the differential coefficient of the function at some supplied x-value.

    To differentiate a function, do:

    MathExpression expr = new MathExpression("diff(@(x)x^3,3,1)");

    This will print:


    More Examples

    Evaluating an expression is as simple as:

    MathExpression expr = new MathExpression("(34+32)-44/(8+9(3+2))-22"); 
    System.out.println("result: " + expr.solve()); 

    This gives: 43.16981132075472

    Or using variables and calculating simple expressions

    MathExpression expr = new MathExpression("r=3;P=2*pi*r;"); 
    System.out.println("result: " + expr.getValue("P")); 

    Or using functions

    MathExpression expr = new MathExpression("f(x)=39*sin(x^2)+x^3*cos(x);f(3)"); 
    System.out.println("result: " + expr.solve()); 

    This gives: -10.65717648378352

    Derivatives - Differential Calculus

    To evaluate the derivative at a given point(Note it does symbolic differentiation(not numerical) behind the scenes, so the accuracy is not limited by the errors of numerical approximations):

    MathExpression expr = new MathExpression("f(x)=x^3*ln(x); diff(f,3,1)"); 
    System.out.println("result: " + expr.solve()); 

    This gives: 38.66253179403897

    The above differentiates x3 * ln(x) once at x=3. The number of times you can differentiate is 1 for now.

    For Numerical Integration

    MathExpression expr = new MathExpression("f(x)=2*x; intg(f,1,3)"); 
    System.out.println("result: " + expr.solve()); 

    This gives: 7.999999999998261... approximately: 8 ...

    Functions and FunctionManager, Variables and VariableManager

    ParserNG comes with a FunctionManager class that allows users persist store functions for the duration of the session(JVM run).

    You may create and store a function directly by doing:

    FunctionManager.add("f(x,y) = x-x/y");

    And then retrieve and use the function like this:

    Function fxy = FunctionManager.lookUp("f");

    Or you may create the function directly and store it, like:

    Function fxy = new Function("f(x,y) = x-x/y");

    And then store it using:


    The same applies to variables.

    The variables that you create go into the VariableManager. So if you do:

    MathExpression me = new MathExpression("a=5;4*a");

    The parser immediately creates a variable called a , stores 5 in it, and saves the variable in the VariableManager. This variable can be used within other MathExpressions that you create within the current parser session.


    ParserNG deals with matrices; howbeit on a functional level. On the way though is a pure Matrix Algebra parser component which is one of the targets set for the platform.

    Currently you can define matrices and even store them like functions...

    For example to define and store a matrix M


    This can be extracted as a function by doing a simple lookup:

    Function matrixFun = FunctionManager.lookUp("M");

    To find its determinant, do something like:

    double det = matrixFun.calcDet();

    You can do more by getting the underlying Matrix object, i.e do:

    Matrix m = matrixFun.getMatrix();

    But I digress. Let us look at the matrix functionality runnable from within the parser.

    Parser manipulation of matrices

    The parser comes with inbuilt matrix manipulating functions.

    1. Create a matrix

        MathExpression expr = new MathExpression("M=@(3,3)(3,4,1,2,4,7,9,1,-2)");

    This expression creates a new matrix function , M and stores it in the FunctionManager.

    Or the more direct form:


    2. Determinants

    To calculate the determinant of the matrix M, above do:

        MathExpression expr = new MathExpression("det(M)");

    This gives:


    3. Solving simultaneous linear equations

    The function that does this is linear_sys

    To represent the linear system:

    2x + 3y = -5
    3x - 4y = 20

    in ParserNG, do:

         MathExpression linear = new MathExpression("linear_sys(2,3,-5,3,-4,20)");
         System.out.println("soln: "+linear.solve());

    This prints:


    4. Building triangular matrices

    Say you have defined a matrix M as in past examples, to decompose it into a triangular matrix, do:

     MathExpression expr = new MathExpression("tri_mat(M)");

    For the matrix above, this would give:

    1.0  ,1.3333333333333333  ,0.3333333333333333            
    0.0  ,    1.0  ,4.749999999999999            
    0.0  ,    0.0  ,    1.0            

    5. Echelon form of a matrix

    To find the echelon of the matrix M defined in 1. do,

     MathExpression expr = new MathExpression("echelon(M)");

    This would give:

     3.0  ,    4.0  ,    1.0            
     0.0  ,    4.0  ,   19.0            
     0.0  ,    0.0  ,  567.0     

    6. Matrix multiplication

    ParserNG of course allows matrix multiplication with ease.

    To multiply 2 matrices in 1 step: Do,

    MathExpression mulExpr = new MathExpression("M=@(3,3)(3,4,1,2,4,7,9,1,-2);N=@(3,3)(4,1,8,2,1,3,5,1,9);
    System.out.println("soln: "+mulExpr.solve());


    MathExpression mulExpr = new MathExpression("M=@(3,3)(3,4,1,2,4,7,9,1,-2);N=@(3,3)(4,1,8,2,1,3,5,1,9);
    System.out.println("soln: "+mulExpr.solve());

    This would give:

    25.0  ,    8.0  ,   45.0            
    51.0  ,   13.0  ,   91.0            
    28.0  ,    8.0  ,   57.0   

    7. Matrix addition

    ParserNG allows easy addition of matrices.

    To add 2 matrices in 1 step: Do,

    MathExpression addMat = new MathExpression("M=@(3,3)(3,4,1,2,4,7,9,1,-2);N=@(3,3)(4,1,8,2,1,3,5,1,9);
    System.out.println("soln: "+ addMat.solve());


    MathExpression addMat = new MathExpression("M=@(3,3)(3,4,1,2,4,7,9,1,-2);N=@(3,3)(4,1,8,2,1,3,5,1,9);
    System.out.println("soln: "+addMat.solve());

    This would give:

    7.0  ,    5.0  ,    9.0            
    4.0  ,    5.0  ,   10.0            
    14.0  ,    2.0  ,    7.0   

    8. Matrix subtraction

    ParserNG also allows matrix subtraction.

    To find the difference of 2 matrices in 1 step: Do,

    MathExpression subMat = new MathExpression("M=@(3,3)(3,4,1,2,4,7,9,1,-2);N=@(3,3)(4,1,8,2,1,3,5,1,9);
    System.out.println("soln: "+ subMat.solve());


    MathExpression subMat = new MathExpression("M=@(3,3)(3,4,1,2,4,7,9,1,-2);N=@(3,3)(4,1,8,2,1,3,5,1,9);
    System.out.println("soln: "+ subMat.solve());

    This would give:

    -1.0  ,    3.0  ,   -7.0            
     0.0  ,    3.0  ,    4.0            
     4.0  ,    0.0  ,  -11.0 

    9. Powers of a Matrix

    ParserNG also allows quick computation of powers of a matrix.

    Here, given a matrix M , M2 is defined as MxM and Mn is defined as MxMxM...(n times)

    To find the power of a matrix, say M4, do:

    MathExpression mpow = new MathExpression("M=@(3,3)(3,4,1,2,4,7,9,1,-2);N=@(3,3)(4,1,8,2,1,3,5,1,9);
    System.out.println("soln: "+mpow.solve());


    MathExpression mpow = new MathExpression("M=@(3,3)(3,4,1,2,4,7,9,1,-2);N=@(3,3)(4,1,8,2,1,3,5,1,9);
    System.out.println("soln: "+ mpow.solve());

    This would give:

    3228.0  , 2755.0  , 1798.0            
    4565.0  , 3802.0  , 3049.0            
    3432.0  , 2257.0  , 1327.0            

    10. Transpose of a Matrix

    ParserNG also allows quick computation of the transpose of a matrix.

    To find the transpose of a matrix, M, do:

    MathExpression trexp = new MathExpression("M=@(3,3)(3,4,1,2,4,7,9,1,-2);P=transpose(M);P;");
    System.out.println("soln: "+ trexp.solve());


    MathExpression trexp = new MathExpression("M=@(3,3)(3,4,1,2,4,7,9,1,-2);transpose(M);");
    System.out.println("soln: "+ trexp.solve());

    This would give:

    3.0  ,    2.0  ,    9.0            
    4.0  ,    4.0  ,    1.0            
    1.0  ,    7.0  ,   -2.0            

    11. Editing a Matrix

    ParserNG also allows the entries in a matrix to be edited.

    The command for this is: matrix_edit(M,2,2,-90)

    The first argument is the Matrix object which we wish to edit. The second and the third arguments respectively represent the row and column that we wish to edit in the Matrix.

    The last entry represents the value to store in the specified location(entry) in the Matrix.

    Editing a Matrix example

    To edit the contents of a matrix, M, do:

    MathExpression trexp = new MathExpression("M=@(3,3)(3,4,1,2,4,7,9,1,-2);P=matrix_edit(M,2,2,-90);P;");
    System.out.println("soln: "+ trexp.solve());


    MathExpression trexp = new MathExpression("M=@(3,3)(3,4,1,2,4,7,9,1,-2);matrix_edit(M,2,2,-90);");
    System.out.println("soln: "+ trexp.solve());

    This would give:

    3.0  ,    4.0  ,    1.0            
    2.0  ,    4.0  ,    7.0            
    9.0  ,    1.0  ,  -90.0           

    Note that matrix indexes in ParserNG are zero-based, so be advised accordingly as entering an invalid row/column combination will throw an error in your code.

    12. Finding the characteristic polynomial of a Matrix

    ParserNG allows the quick evaluation of the characteristic polynomial of a square matrix; this polynomial can then be solved to find the eigenvalues, and hence the eigenvector of the Matrix.

    The function is called eigpoly

    Actually, there is a function called `eigvec`, which in the future will allow the user to automatically generate the eigenvector from the Matrix; but at the moment, we cannot completely solve all generated polynomials completely, so the `eigvec` function is still in the works.

    To generate the characteristic polynomial, do:

    MathExpression expression = new MathExpression("eigpoly(@(3,3)(4,2,1,3,1,8,-5,6,12))");
    System.out.println("soln: "+ expression.solve());

    This will give:


    The anon2 may be anon anything.

    anon signifies an automatically generated anonymous function created to hold a function value that no variable was created for by the user.

    So the parser keeps records of them by using the prefixed variable name, anon, alongside a digit which indicates the position of the referenced anonymous function in memory.

    Note that the anonymous function is a valid function in n, and so if you do: anon2(12) it will evaluate the eigen polynomial (the characteristic polynomial) at n=12

    If you did:

    MathExpression expression = new MathExpression("eigpoly(@(5,5)(12,1,4,2,9,3,1,8,-5,6,13,9,7,3,5,7,3,5,4,9,13,2,4,8,6))");
    System.out.println("soln: "+ expression.solve());

    This would give:


    Logical Calculus

    The logical expressions in math engine have theirs intentional limitations. Thus allmighty logical expression parser was added around individually evaluated Mathematical expressions which results can be later compared, and logically grouped. The simplest way to evaluate an logical expression in ParserNG is to use the LogicalExpression class. LogicalExpression is the class responsible for basic comaprsions and logica expression parsing and evaluation. It calls MathExpression to ech of its basic non-logical parts. The default MathExpression can be repalced by any custom implementation of Solvable, but it is only for highly specialized usages. Highlight, where MathExpression is using () for mathematical bracketing, LogicalExpression - as () can be part of underlying comapred mathematical expressiosn uses [] brackets.

    In CLI, you can use -l/-L/--logic switch to work with LogicalExpression. Although it is fully compatible with MathExpression you may face unknown issue

    LogicalExpression expr = new LogicalExpression("[1+1 < (2+0)*1 impl [ [5 == 6 || 33<(22-20)*2 ]xor [ [ 5-3 < 2 or 7*(5+2)<=5 ] and 1+1 == 2]]] eq [ true && false ] ");
    System.out.println("result: " + expr.solve());

    What does this do? it will call new MathExpression(...) to each math expression, then comapre them all and then do logicla operations above resulting booleans

    brackets: [1+1 < (2+0)*1 impl [ [5 == 6 || 33<(22-20)*2 ]xor [ [  5-3 < 2 or 7*(5+2)<=5 ] and 1+1 == 2]]] eq [ true && false ] 
      brackets: 1+1 < (2+0)*1 impl [ [5 == 6 || 33<(22-20)*2 ]xor [ [  5-3 < 2 or 7*(5+2)<=5 ] and 1+1 == 2]]
        brackets:  [5 == 6 || 33<(22-20)*2 ]xor [ [  5-3 < 2 or 7*(5+2)<=5 ] and 1+1 == 2]
            evaluating: 5 == 6 || 33<(22-20)*2 
              evaluating: 5 == 6
                evaluating: 5
                is: 5
                evaluating: 6
                is: 6
              ... 5 == 6
              is: false
              evaluating: 33<(22-20)*2 
                evaluating: 33
                is: 33
                evaluating: (22-20)*2 
                is: 4.0
              ... 33 < 4.0
              is: false
            ... false | false
            is: false
        to:   false xor [ [  5-3 < 2 or 7*(5+2)<=5 ] and 1+1 == 2]
          brackets:  [  5-3 < 2 or 7*(5+2)<=5 ] and 1+1 == 2
              evaluating:   5-3 < 2 or 7*(5+2)<=5 
                evaluating:   5-3 < 2
                  evaluating:   5-3
                  is: 2.0
                  evaluating: 2
                  is: 2
                ... 2.0 < 2
                is: false
                evaluating: 7*(5+2)<=5 
                  evaluating: 7*(5+2)
                  is: 49.0
                  evaluating: 5 
                  is: 5
                ... 49.0 <= 5
                is: false
              ... false or false
              is: false
          to:   false  and 1+1 == 2
              evaluating:   false  and 1+1 == 2
                evaluating:   false
                is: false
                evaluating: 1+1 == 2
                  evaluating: 1+1
                  is: 2.0
                  evaluating: 2
                  is: 2
                ... 2.0 == 2
                is: true
              ... false and true
              is: false
        to:   false xor  false 
            evaluating:   false xor  false 
              evaluating:   false
              is: false
              evaluating: false 
              is: false
            ... false xor false
            is: false
      to: 1+1 < (2+0)*1 impl  false 
          evaluating: 1+1 < (2+0)*1 impl  false 
            evaluating: 1+1 < (2+0)*1
              evaluating: 1+1
              is: 2.0
              evaluating: (2+0)*1
              is: 2.0
            ... 2.0 < 2.0
            is: false
            evaluating: false 
            is: false
          ... false impl false
    to:  true  eq [ true && false ] 
        evaluating:  true && false 
          evaluating:  true
          is: true
          evaluating: false 
          is: false
        ... true & false
        is: false
    to:  true  eq  false  
        evaluating:  true  eq  false  
          evaluating:  true
          is: true
          evaluating: false  
          is: false
        ... true eq false
        is: false

    Note, that logical parsser's comparsions supports only dual operators, so where true|false|true is valid, 1<2<3 is invalid! Thus: [1<2]<3 is necessary and even [[true|false]|true]is recomeded to be used, For 1<2<3 exception is thrown. Single letter can logical operands can be used in row. So eg | have same meaning as ||. But also unluckily also eg < is same as << Negation can be done by single ! strictly close attached to [; eg ![true] is ... false. Some spaces like ! [ are actually ok to Note, that variables works, but must be included in first evaluated expression. Which is obvious for "r=3;r<r+1" But much less for [r=3;r<r+1 || [r<5]]", which fails and must be declared as "[r<r+1 || [r=3;r<5]]" To avoid this, you can declare all in first dummy expression: "[r=3;r<1] || [r<r+1 || [r<5]]" which ensure theirs allocation ahead of time and do not affect the rest If you modify the variables, in the subseqet calls, results maybe funny. Use verbose mode to debug order

    Expanding Calculus

    Very often an expressions, or CLI is called above known, huge (generated) array of values. Such can be processed via ExpandingExpression. Unlike other Expressins, this one have List as aditional parameters, where each member is a number. THose numbers can thenbe accessed as L0, L1...Ln. Size of the list is held in special MN variable. The index can be calucalted dynamically, like L{MN/2} - in example of four items, will expand to L2. Although {} and MN notations are powerfull, the main power is in slices:

    Instead of numbers, you can use literalls L0, L1...L99, which you can then call by:
    Ln - vlaue of Nth number
    L2..L4 - will expand to values of L2,L3,L4 - order is hnoured
    L2.. - will expand to values of L2,L3,..Ln-1,Ln
    ..L5 - will expand to values of  L0,L1...L4,L5
    where ..L5 or L2.. are order sensitive, the L{MN}..L0 or L0..L{MN} is not. But requires dynamic index evaluation
    When used as standalone, VALUES_PNG xor VALUES_IPNG  are used to pass in the space separated numbers (the I is inverted order)
    Assume VALUES_PNG='5 9 3 8', then it is the same as VALUES_IPNG='8 3 9 5'; BUt be aware, with I the L.. and ..L are a bit oposite then expected
    L0 then expand to 8; L2.. expands to 9,3,8; ' ..L2 expands to 5,9 
    L2..L4 expands to 9,5; L4..L2 expands to 5,9

    ExpandingExpression calls LogicalExpression inside, and yet again the underlying Math evaluator is - defaulting as MathExpression can be repalced by any custom implementation of Solvable. Highlight, where MathExpression is using () for mathematical bracketing, LogicalExpression ses [] brackets. The dynamic indexes in ExpandingExpression uses are wrapped in {}

    In CLI, you can use -e/-E/--expanding switch to work with Expanding expressions. The array of numbers goes in via VALUES_PNG xor VALUES_IPNG variable. Although it is fully compatible with MathExpression and LogicalExpression you may face unknown issue


    VALUES_PNG="1 8 5 2" java -jar target/parser-ng-0.1.9.jar -e "avg(..L{MN/2})*1.1-MN <  L0 | (L1+L{MN-1})*1.3 + MN<  L0" -v
    avg(..L{MN/2})*1.1-MN <  L0 | (L1+L{MN-1})*1.3 + MN<  L0 
    Expression : avg(..L{MN/2})*1.1-MN <L0 | (L1+L{MN-1})*1.3 + MN<L0 
    Upon       : 1,8,5,2
    As         : Ln...L1,L0
    MN         = 4
      L indexes brackets: avg(..L{4/2})*1.1-4 <  L0 | (L1+L{4-1})*1.3 + 4<  L0 
        Expression : 4/2
        Expanded as: 4/2
        is: 2.0
        4/2 = 2 (2.0)
      to: avg(..L 2 )*1.1-4 <  L0 | (L1+L{4-1})*1.3 + 4<  L0 
        Expression : 4-1
        Expanded as: 4-1
        is: 3.0
        4-1 = 3 (3.0)
      to: avg(..L 2 )*1.1-4 <  L0 | (L1+L 3 )*1.3 + 4<  L0 
    Expanded as: avg(1,8 )*1.1-4 <  2 | (5+1 )*1.3 + 4<  2 
    avg(1,8 )*1.1-4 <  2 | (5+1 )*1.3 + 4<  2 
      brackets: avg(1,8 )*1.1-4 <  2 | (5+1 )*1.3 + 4<  2 
          evaluating logical: avg(1,8 )*1.1-4 <  2 | (5+1 )*1.3 + 4<  2 
            evaluating comparison: avg(1,8 )*1.1-4 <  2
              evaluating math: avg(1,8 )*1.1-4
              is: 0.9500000000000002
              evaluating math: 2
              is: 2
            ... 0.9500000000000002 < 2
            is: true
            evaluating comparison: (5+1 )*1.3 + 4<  2 
              evaluating math: (5+1 )*1.3 + 4
              is: 11.8
              evaluating math: 2 
              is: 2
            ... 11.8 < 2
            is: false
          ... true | false
          is: true
    is: true

    See jenkins-report-generic-chart-column as real-world user of ExpandingParser


    And much more!