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  1. Name: ST7735
  2. Description: Library for TFT SPI LCD, ST7735 Driver.
  3. Author: Gavin Lyons
  4. STM32: STM32F070RB nucleo-64
  5. Toolchain: STM32cubeIDE, HAL, C.
  6. Note: this is a fork of PIC project at link



These two are the only type of ST7735 library tested on, but should work on other types in theory.

  1. TFT SPI LCD, ST7735 Driver, Red PCB v1.1, 1.44 , 128 x 128 pixels, "ST7735R Red Tab"
  2. TFT SPI LCD, ST7735 Driver, Red PCB v1.2, 1.8 , 128 x 160 pixels, "ST7735S Black Tab"

No support for built-in SD card holder (that some modules have) at present and backlight control is left to user.

Screen Size settings

In the setup() function in USER OPTION 1 Screen Setup. Select your PCB size and offsets. User can adjust pixel height, pixel width and screen offsets in the header file. When calling function TFTInitScreenSize(OFFSET_COL, OFFSET_ROW , TFT_PIXEL_WIDTH , TFT_PIXEL_HEIGHT).

PCB Version

There are 4 types of the ST7735 TFT display supported.. User picks the one they want when calling TFTInitPCBType() function See USER OPTION 2 PCB_TYPE in Setup() function in main.c

Number Description Enum label
1 ST7735B controller TFT_ST7735B
2 ST7735R Green Tab TFT_ST7735R_Green
3 ST7735R Red Tab TFT_ST7735R_Red
4 ST7735S Black Tab TFT_ST7735S_Black


12 fonts are included. Font data table:

num enum name Char size XbyY ASCII range Size bytes Size Scale-able
1 $_Default 5x8 0x20-0x7E, 470 Y
2 $_Thick 7x8 0x20-0x5A, no lowercase letters 406 Y
3 $_SevenSeg 4x8 0x20-0x7A 360 Y
4 $_Wide 8x8 0x20-0x5A, no lowercase letters 464 Y
5 $_Tiny 3x8 0x20-0x7E 285 Y
6 $_Homespun 7x8 0x20-0x7E 658 Y
7 $_Bignum 16x32 0x2D-0x3A ,0-10 - . / : 896 N
8 $_Mednum 16x16 0x2D-0x3A ,0-10 - . / : 448 N
9 $_ArialRound 16x24 0x20-0x7E 4608 N
10 $_ArialBold 16x16 0x20-0x7E 3072 N
11 $_Mia 8x16 0x20-0x7E 1520 N
12 $_Dedica 6x12 0x20-0x7E 1152 N
  1. $ = TFTFont
  2. Fonts 1-6 are byte high(at text size 1) scale-able fonts, columns of padding added by SW.
  3. Font 7-8 are large numerical fonts and cannot be scaled(just one size). All fonts are optional and can be removed from program by commenting out the relevant TFT_Font define in the ST7735_TFT_Font.h file Turn off unused fonts to save memory.

Font Methods:

Font num Method Size parameter Notes
1-6 drawChar Y draws single character
1-6 drawText Y draws character array
7-12 drawChar2 N draws single character
7-12 drawText2 N draws character array
1-12 TFTprint ~ Polymorphic, prints many types of data using vsprint

The TFTprint method included uses vsprint to print numerical data. In order to use floating point numbers you need to add -u _printf_float to project properties , C build , settings , MCU Gcc Linker , misc , other flags section.

These functions return a number in event of an error, such as wrong font chosen , ASCII character outside chosen fonts range, character out of screen bounds and invalid character array pointer object.


This library supports both Hardware SPI and software SPI. Change the define a top of header file to switch between the two. USER OPTION 4 SPI TYPE.



The Main.c contains tests showing library functions There is an TFT library (ST7735_TFT.c and ST7735_TFT.h), There are font files that contains ASCII pixel fonts. There are bitmap data files that contain the bitmap test data used by the main.c to test functions

fill Rectangles functions

Num Function Name Note
1 TFTfillRectangle ---
2 TFTfillRect uses TFTdrawFastVLine
3 TFTfillRectangleBuffer Uses buffered writes , ~5 times faster than #1 & #2
4 TFTfillScreen Wraps #1
5 TFTfillScreenBuffer Wraps #3


There are 4 functions to support drawing bitmaps. Full color bitmaps will take up a lot of memory on this device. In the bitmap data file you can switch off the tests in USER OPTION 5.

Num Function Name Colour support bitmap size Max Note
1 Icon bi-colour (8 x (0-Max_y)) useful to create icons or fill rows with patterns ,Data vertically addressed
2 Bitmap bi-colour 2048 bytes Data horizontally addressed
3 BitmapBuffer bi-colour 2048 bytes Data horizontally addressed , uses buffered writes , 25 times faster than #2
4 Bitmap1624Buffer 16 bit or 24 bit color 32768 or 49152 Data from Array 24 bit Converted by software to 16-bit color, uses buffered writes
  1. Bitmap size in kiloBytes = (screenWidth * screenHeight * bitsPerPixel)/(1024 * 8)
  2. Math in bitmap size column 2-4 assumes 128x128 pixel screen.
  3. The data array for 1 -3 is created from image files using file data conversion tool link
  4. The data array for 4 is created from BMP files using file data conversion tool link


TFT PinNum Pindesc STM32 SW SPI STM32 HW SPI
4 A0/DC PC1 PC1
  1. NOTE connect LED backlight pin 1 thru a 150R to 220R ohm resistor to 3.3V or 5V VCC.
  2. This is a 3.3V logic device do NOT connect the I/O logic lines to 5V.
  3. You can connect VCC to 5V if there is a 3.3 volt regulator on back of TFT module.


Output of some of the test routine's on a 128x128 TFT.

  1. Different defined colors at default font size 1. Full 16 bit colour 565 available
  2. Different sizes of default font: 2,3,4 & 5 . fonts 1-6 are scale-able
  3. Different Fonts at font size 2, Fonts 1-5 . font 6-12 not shown here.
  4. Shapes.
  5. MORE shapes!
  6. Bitmap (bi-color) A background and a foreground.
  7. 16 bit color bitmap 128x128 image included in test data
  8. 24 bit color bitmap 64x64 image included in test data

 ig p1 p2


Timer16 and Usart are included just for the Frames per second test, TestFPS. The FPS(frame per second) test is enabled by a boolean variable flag in main.c