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File metadata and controls

52 lines (45 loc) · 2.19 KB

Gcov launch example:

gcov Test.cpp -o build/Test.cpp.gcno

gcovr and lcov are just two diffrents tools to have coverage results in html.

gcovr version 3.3 keeped *.gcov files but version 4.x does not

$> gcovr ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/sources/ --root ${HOME_DIRECTORY}/sources/
   --html --html-details --output coverage/index.html
   --keep --object-directory coverage/reports

I then find a way to still get the .gcov files if the .gcda exists. The files are created in pwd

cd build/coverage-sonar
for file in $(find build -name "*.gcno"); do
  cpp_file_name=$(basename $file .gcno)
  cpp_file=$(find sources -name "$cpp_file_name")
  gcov -pb $cpp_file -o $file > /dev/null
rm -f build/coverage-sonar/\#usr\#*

lcov example, it generates a file in the end with all tests

$> lcov --directory build/sources/test --gcov-tool /bin/gcov --capture --output-file build/coverage/
$> lcov --extract build/coverage/ '*/sources/Solvers/Common/DYN*' --output-file build/coverage/
$> cat build/coverage/ >> build/coverage/

Instead of --gcov-tool /bin/gcov we can use llvm-cov

The you use genhtml to have the html output

$> genhtml --no-function-coverage -o build/coverage build/coverage/

Codecov working flow, either direclty in the CI env or through a Docker container and then you have to get the env variabkes defined by the CI frame through the container (very clever script using echo -n "-e VAR" to pass on docker run command line to pass env variables to container shell)

$> ci_env=`bash <(curl -s`
$> bash <(curl -s > /dev/null
$> docker exec $ci_env container_name bash -c "bash <(curl -s > /dev/null"

Coverall working flow

$> gem install coveralls-lcov
$> coveralls-lcov -t $COVERALLS_TOKEN build/
$> docker exec -e $COVERALLS_TOKEN dynawo_travis_container bash -c "coveralls-lcov -t $COVERALLS_TOKEN build/"