The Framebuffer Picker
tool using GPU frame picking technology, it can judge whether a certain model is clicked at the pixel level, and return information such as the material and mesh of the picked entity.
The Outline
is published on npm with full typing support. To install, use:
$ npm install @galacean/engine-toolkit-framebuffer-picker
This will allow you to import package entirely using:
import * as TOOLKIT from "@galacean/engine-toolkit-framebuffer-picker";
or individual classes using:
import { FramebufferPicker } from "@galacean/engine-toolkit-framebuffer-picker";
class ClickScript extends Script {
onUpdate(): void {
const inputManager = this.engine.inputManager;
const { pointers } = inputManager;
if (pointers && inputManager.isPointerDown(PointerButton.Primary)) {
if (pointers.length > 0) {
const pointerPosition = pointers[0].position;
framebufferPicker.pick(pointerPosition.x, pointerPosition.y).then((renderElement) => {
if (renderElement) {
// ... picked element
} else {
// ... no picked element
const framebufferPicker = rootNode.addComponent(FramebufferPicker); = camera;
The engine is released under the MIT license. See LICENSE file.