The challenge is to use a hash table to search the occurrences of a word in a text, making a program efficient in its CPU and memory usage. In addition to producing the software, the duo must develop a complete documentation on what was done to reach the final product.
> See original work instructions (PDF) <
- Hash table must use Open Adressing
- Each word must be assigned to a unique slot
- Ignore single character words
- Ignore UPPER and lower case differences
The program must to read two files
- input.txt
- pesquisa.txt
Random text with some limitations like described below.
Pedra, papel, tesoura, lagarto, Spock.
Eh muito simples! Olhe - tesoura corta papel, papel cobre pedra, pedra esmaga lagarto,
lagarto envenena Spock, Spock esmaga tesoura, tesoura decapita lagarto, lagarto come papel,
papel refuta Spock, Spock vaporiza pedra e como sempre, pedra quebra tesoura...
Sheldon Cooper
// Text Limitations
#define MAX_WORDS_INPUT 256
#define MAX_CHAR_PER_WORD 20
#define MAX_CHAR_PER_LINE 80
Random words to be searched in the input file, one per line. The first line contains the words quantity.
The result must be printed on console. Each line must have quantity, word and occurrences separated with spaces.
quantity word lines
5 lagarto 1 2 3
5 papel 1 2 3 4
5 pedra 1 2 4
5 spock 1 3 4
5 tesoura 1 2 3 4
2 esmaga 2 3