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File metadata and controls

165 lines (132 loc) · 14.5 KB

Message Format

Messages sent over MQTT adhering to the FIMP protocol are JSON messages which meet schema requirements outlined in this document.

Example message

The Following is an example of a FIMP message containing energy consumption report from an electricity meter. More examples can be found in particular services specifications.

  "serv": "meter_elec",
  "type": "",
  "val_t": "float",
  "val": 255.488998413086,
  "storage": {
    "sub_value": "kWh"
  "props": {
    "delta_t": "120",
    "prv_data": "255.488998",
    "direction": "import",
    "unit": "kWh"
  "tags": [],
  "uid": "e604e951-7afb-4f96-981b-62e905757686",
  "ctime": "2022-12-02T10:08:27.5+01:00",
  "src": "zwave-ad",
  "ver": "1",
  "topic": "pt:j1/mt:evt/rt:dev/rn:zw/ad:1/sv:meter_elec/ad:7_0"

Message Properties

The following is a list of message properties in accordance with FIMP version 1.

Property Type Example Required Description
serv String "out_bin_switch" Yes The name of the service the interface is part of. Service names should utilize snake_case.
type String "" Yes The name of the interface represented by the message. See the Interface Format section for more details.
val_t String "bool" Yes Type of the value stored in val property. See the list of Value Types section for more details.
val Any 3.33 Yes Payload of the message which type is defined in val_t property.
storage Object {"sub_value": "kWh"} No Defines optional storage policy for a device report. Parser must accept missing key or null value as an empty object. See storage policy for more information.
props String Map {"unit":"W"} No An optional map of properties. Please note that all properties including numeric ones must be encoded as strings. Parser must accept missing key or null value as an empty map.
tags String Array ["test"] No An optional list of tags. Parser must accept missing key or null value as an empty array.
resp_to String "pt:j1/mt:rsp/rt:app/rn:angry-dog/ad:1" No A topic where a response to the request will be expected. Does not apply to most of the broadcast type of events, especially asynchronous device events for which adapter ignores this property. Parser must accept the missing key.
corid String "e0749aaa-05b8-4983-89e1-f225b539cc40" No Response correlation identifier that is equal to the uid property of the request, used for request-response matching. Parser must accept missing key.
uid String "9bb1be75-35d7-4069-ac00-b974315f7ec3" Yes A unique message identifier in form of UUID. It is recommended to use Version 4.
ctime String "2022-12-02T10:08:27.5+01:00" Yes Message creation time in RFC3339 format. For compatibility reasons a message parser must treat a missing key as the current timestamp. See time format section for disambiguation.
src String "smarthome-app" Yes Name of the message publisher identifying a HUB or mobile application or a cloud service. For compatibility reasons a message parser must tolerate a missing key.
ver String "1" Yes Version of the message format. The current version is 1.
topic String "pt:j1/mt:evt/rt:app/rn:vinculum/ad:1" No The MQTT topic on which the message was originally received, required only when message is processed outside of MQTT context, for example in a Kafka stream.

Value Types

Since message val property can be of any type, val_t defines what type it is. Following is the list of supported value types:

val_t Example val Comments
string "Hello world!"
int 3
float 3.1415 As JSON lacks distinction between integers and floats, both 3.00 and 3 are valid payloads for this type.
bool true
null null
str_array ["Hello", "world"]
int_array [0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13]
float_array [3.14, 3, 2.71, 2.00]
int_map {"answer": 42}
str_map {"ip": ""}
float_map {"pi": 3.14}
bool_map {"enabled": true}
object {"nested": {"objects": "supported"}} Used for complex objects which cannot be mapped to primitive types. Structure is defined uniquely per service or interface.
bin "U28gbG9uZywgYW5kIHRoYW5rcyBmb3IgYWxsIHRoZSBmaXNoLg==" Used for base64 encoded binary payloads.

Time Format

The timestamp must be formatted in accordance to the RFC3339 format. A message parser must be able to read all the following timestamps as valid. When producing messages it is recommended to only use the first one.

Format Recommended
"2006-01-02T15:04:05.999999999Z07:00" Yes
"2006-01-02T15:04:05.999999999Z0700" No
"2006-01-02 15:04:05.999999999 Z0700" No
"2006-01-02 15:04:05.999999999 Z07:00" No

Interface Format

Each interface consists of three segments separated by a dot in accordance with this schema {type}.{attribute}.{action}:

Segment Example Description
type cmd Defines the type of the interface, either cmd for consumed incoming commands or evt for produced outgoing events.
attribute lvl Defines the attribute or a domain of the service. A service might have multiple attributes, while each attribute might have multiple interfaces. Must utilize snake_case.
action get_report Defines the action invoked by the command or reported data in the case of an event. Must utilize snake_case.

Typically, getter, setter and report interfaces are bundled by the common attribute. For example in case of out_lvl_switch service:

  • cmd.lvl.get_report is used to perform action of getting the report of the current lvl attribute value.
  • cmd.lvl.set is used to perform action of setting the lvl attribute value.
  • is used to report the current lvl attribute value.

All messages sent by a device which have interface type segment equal to evt while action segment is equal or ends with report suffix, will be recorded as a last known value in the Vinculum database under its attribute key. For example, a message with interface will have its value recorded under the lvl attribute. Therefore, in case of device services it is forbidden to use multiple reporting interfaces for the same attribute, unless a storage property is properly defined in the message.

Storage Policy

By default, only the last received device report per interface attribute will be stored in the Vinculum database. Storage policy contains an optional directive for the database which can alter this behavior for interfaces requiring special handling. See use cases below.

Storage Definition

Property Type Example Description
strategy String "aggregate" Defines the storage strategy, one of aggregate, skip, split. If not set but sub_value is present an aggregate strategy is assumed.
sub_value String "kWh" An arbitrary string by which the reports will be aggregated for the same attribute of the interface.

Storage Use Cases


Interface in meter_elec service is used to report various readings, such as power, energy, voltage or current. In order to avoid situation when the last known power report overrides the last known energy report, the storage property can be used to define the aggregate strategy. By defining different sub_value for each type of report, the database will be able to store all the reports separately.

  "storage": {
    "strategy": "aggregate",
    "sub_value": "kWh"


Interface in meter_elec is a float map which can be used to report a number of different readings. For some devices it is not feasible to report all the readings in a single message at the same time. This can lead to situation when the report containing power and energy is overridden by a newer report containing only current and voltage on each phase. To avoid this the storage property can be used to define split strategy, which will tell the database to store each map key separately.

  "storage": {
    "strategy": "split"


Interface evt.usercode.config_report in user_code service is used as a simple acknowledgement of the configuration change. As such it does not represent a meaningful state of the device and should not be stored in the database. A skip strategy can be used to prevent this.

  "storage": {
    "strategy": "skip"