Exposes a HTTP interface over Tokio's Named Pipes implementation through a Hyper Connection interface.
Add the following to your Cargo.toml
hyper-named-pipe = "*"
Ensure host's are hex-encoded when passed into HyperUri
as this will bypass validation.
let pipe_name = r"\\.\pipe\named-pipe";
let builder = Client::builder(TokioExecutor::new());
let client: Client<NamedPipeConnector, Full<Bytes>> = builder.build(NamedPipeConnector);
let host = hex::encode(pipe_name);
let uri_str = format!("{}://{}", NAMED_PIPE_SCHEME, host);
let url = uri_str.parse().expect("Invalid URI");
async move {
client.get(url).await.expect("Unable to fetch URL with Hyper client");
It's possible to run the unit test on a unix platform using the cross
cross test --target i686-pc-windows-gnu