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Group: Breakpoint and SV Tools

Collates pileups of reads over breakpoint events.


Two output files will be created:

  1. <output-prefix>.txt: a tab-delimited file describing SV pileups, one line per breakpoint event. The returned breakpoint will be canonicalized such that the "left" side of the breakpoint will have the lower (or equal to) position on the genome vs. the "right"s side. Positions in this file are 1-based inclusive positions.
  2. <output-prefix>.bam: a SAM/BAM file containing reads that contain SV breakpoint evidence annotated with SAM tag.

The be SAM tag contains a comma-delimited list of breakpoints to which a given alignment belongs. Each element is semi-colon delimited, with four fields:

  1. The unique breakpoint identifier (same identifier found in the tab-delimited output).
  2. Either "left" or "right, corresponding to whether the read shows evidence of the genomic left or right side of the breakpoint as found in the breakpoint file (i.e. left_pos or right_pos).
  3. Either "from" or "into", such that when traversing the breakpoint would read through "from" and then into "into" in the sequencing order of the read pair. For a split-read alignment, the "from" contains the aligned portion of the read that comes from earlier in the read in sequencing order. For an alignment of a read-pair spanning the breakpoint, then "from" should be read-one of the pair and "into" should be read-two of the pair.
  4. The type of breakpoint evidence: either "split_read" for observations of an aligned segment of a single read with split alignments, or "read_pair" for observations between reads in a read pair.

As described in the Algorithm Overview below, split-read evidence is favored over across-read-pair evidence. Therefore, if the template (alignments for a read pair) contain both types of evidence, then the be tag will only be added to the split-read alignments (i.e. the primary and supplementary alignments of the read in the pair that has split-read evidence), and will not be found in the mate's alignment.

Example output

The following shows two breakpoints:

id left_contig left_pos left_strand right_contig right_pos right_strand split_reads read_pairs total
 1        chr1      100           +         chr2       200            -           1          0     1
 2        chr2      150           -         chr3       500            +           1          0     1

Consider a single fragment read that maps across both the above two breakpoints, so has three split-read alignments. The first alignment maps on the left side of breakpoint #1, the second alignment maps to both the right side of breakpoint #1 and the left-side of breakpoint #2, and the third alignment maps to the right side of breakpoint #2. The SAM records would be as follows:

r1    0 chr1  50 60   50M100S ... be:Z:1;left;from;split_read
r1 2064 chr2 150 60 50S50M50S ... be:Z:1;right;into;split_read,2;left;from;split_read
r1 2048 chr3 500 60   100S50M ... be:Z:2;right;into;split_read

Algorithm Overview

Putative breakpoints are identified by examining the alignments for each template. The alignments are transformed into aligned segments in the order they were sequenced. Each aligned segment represents the full genomic span of the mapped bases. This is performed first for the primary alignments. Next, supplementary alignments are added only if they map read bases that have not been previously covered by other alignments (see --min-unique-bases-to-add). This is iteratively performed until supplementary alignments have been exhausted.

Next, aligned segments that have overlapping genomic mapped bases are merged into a single aligned segment. In this case, the two or more read mappings merged are associated with either the left side or right side of that aligned segment, controlled by examining how close to the end of the new aligned segment the given read mapping occurs (see --slop option). This used to identify which reads traverse "from" and "into" the breakpoint as described above.

Finally, pairs of adjacent aligned segments are examined for evidence of a breakpoint, such that genomic distance between them beyond either --max-read-pair-inner-distance for aligned segments from different read pairs, or --max-aligned-segment-inner-distance for aligned segments from the same read in a pair (i.e. split-read mapping). Split read evidence will be returned in favor of across-read-pair evidence when both are present.


Name Flag Type Description Required? Max # of Values Default Value(s)
input i PathToBam The input query sorted or grouped BAM Required 1
output o PathPrefix The output path prefix Required 1
max-read-pair-inner-distance d Int The maximum inner distance for normal read pair Optional 1 1000
max-aligned-segment-inner-distance D Int The maximum inner distance between two segments of a split read mapping Optional 1 100
min-primary-mapping-quality q Int The minimum mapping quality for primary alignments Optional 1 30
min-supplementary-mapping-quality Q Int The minimum mapping quality for supplementary alignments Optional 1 18
min-unique-bases-to-add b Int The minimum # of uncovered query bases needed to add a supplemental alignment Optional 1 20
slop s Int The number of bases of slop to allow when determining which records to track for the left or right side of an aligned segment when merging segments. Optional 1 5
targets-bed t FilePath Optional bed file of target regions Optional 1
targets-bed-requirement T Requirement Requirement on if each side of the breakpoint must overlap a target. Will always annotate each side of the breakpoint. Optional 1 AnnotateOnly