diff --git a/_modules/kerchunk/grib2.html b/_modules/kerchunk/grib2.html index 520629a..a63133c 100644 --- a/_modules/kerchunk/grib2.html +++ b/_modules/kerchunk/grib2.html @@ -88,14 +88,8 @@

Source code for kerchunk.grib2

 import io
 import logging
 from collections import defaultdict
-import warnings
-from typing import Iterable, List, Dict, Set, TYPE_CHECKING, Optional, Callable
+from typing import Iterable, List, Dict, Set
 import ujson
-import itertools
-    import pandas as pd
-    import datatree
 import fsspec
 import zarr
@@ -105,6 +99,7 @@ 

Source code for kerchunk.grib2

 from kerchunk.utils import class_factory, _encode_for_JSON
 from kerchunk.codecs import GRIBCodec
 from kerchunk.combine import MultiZarrToZarr, drop
+from kerchunk._grib_idx import parse_grib_idx, build_idx_grib_mapping, map_from_index
@@ -118,10 +113,6 @@ 

Source code for kerchunk.grib2

-class DynamicZarrStoreError(ValueError):
-    pass
 # cfgrib copies over certain GRIB attributes
 # but renames them to CF-compliant values
@@ -682,394 +673,15 @@ 

Source code for kerchunk.grib2

     return group
-def parse_grib_idx(
-    basename: str,
-    suffix: str = "idx",
-    storage_options: Optional[Dict] = None,
-    validate: bool = False,
-) -> "pd.DataFrame":
-    """
-    Parses per-message metadata from a grib2.idx file (text-type) to a dataframe of attributes
-    The function uses the idx file, extracts the metadata known as attrs (variables with
-    level and forecast time) from each idx entry and converts it into pandas
-    DataFrame. The dataframe is later to build the one-to-one mapping to the grib file metadata.
-    Parameters
-    ----------
-    basename : str
-        The base name is the full path to the grib file.
-    suffix : str
-        The suffix is the ending for the idx file.
-    storage_options: dict
-        For accessing the data, passed to filesystem
-    validate : bool
-        The validation if the metadata table has duplicate attrs.
-    Returns
-    -------
-    pandas.DataFrame : The data frame containing the results.
-    """
-    import pandas as pd
-    fs, _ = fsspec.core.url_to_fs(basename, **(storage_options or {}))
-    fname = f"{basename}.{suffix}"
-    baseinfo = fs.info(basename)
-    with fs.open(fname) as f:
-        result = pd.read_csv(f, header=None, names=["raw_data"])
-        result[["idx", "offset", "date", "attrs"]] = result["raw_data"].str.split(
-            ":", expand=True, n=3
-        )
-        result["offset"] = result["offset"].astype(int)
-        result["idx"] = result["idx"].astype(int)
-        # dropping the original single "raw_data" column after formatting
-        result.drop(columns=["raw_data"], inplace=True)
-    result = result.assign(
-        length=(
-            result.offset.shift(periods=-1, fill_value=baseinfo["size"]) - result.offset
-        ),
-        idx_uri=fname,
-        grib_uri=basename,
-    )
-    if validate and not result["attrs"].is_unique:
-        raise ValueError(f"Attribute mapping for grib file {basename} is not unique")
-    return result.set_index("idx")
-def build_path(path: Iterable[str | None], suffix: Optional[str] = None) -> str:
-    """
-    Returns the path to access the values in a zarr store without a leading "/"
-    Parameters
-    ----------
-    path : Iterable[str | None]
-        The path is the list of values to the element in zarr store
-    suffix : str
-        Last element if any
-    Returns
-    -------
-    str : returns the path as a string
-    """
-    return "/".join([val for val in [*path, suffix] if val is not None]).lstrip("/")
-def extract_dataset_chunk_index(
-    dset: "datatree.DataTree",
-    ref_store: Dict,
-    grib: bool = False,
-) -> list[dict]:
-    """
-    Process and extract a kerchunk index for an xarray dataset or datatree node.
-    The data_vars from the dataset will be indexed.
-    The coordinate vars for each dataset will be used for indexing.
-    Datatrees generated by grib_tree have some nice properties which allow a denser index.
-    Parameters
-    ----------
-    dset : datatree.DataTree
-        The datatree node from the datatree instance
-    ref_store : Dict
-        The zarr store dictionary backed by the gribtree
-    grib : bool
-        boolean for treating coordinates as grib levels
-    Returns
-    -------
-    list[dict] : returns the extracted grib metadata in the form of key-value pairs inside a list
-    """
-    import datatree
-    result: list[dict] = []
-    attributes = dset.attrs.copy()
-    dpath = None
-    if isinstance(dset, datatree.DataTree):
-        dpath = dset.path
-        walk_group = dset.parent
-        while walk_group:
-            attributes.update(walk_group.attrs)
-            walk_group = walk_group.parent
-    for dname, dvar in dset.data_vars.items():
-        # Get the chunk size - `chunks` property only works for xarray native
-        zarray = ujson.loads(ref_store[build_path([dpath, dname], suffix=".zarray")])
-        dchunk = zarray["chunks"]
-        dshape = dvar.shape
-        index_dims = {}
-        for ddim_nane, ddim_size, dchunk_size in zip(dvar.dims, dshape, dchunk):
-            if dchunk_size == 1:
-                index_dims[ddim_nane] = ddim_size
-            elif dchunk_size != ddim_size:
-                # Must be able to get a single coordinate value for each chunk to index it.
-                raise ValueError(
-                    "Can not extract chunk index for dimension %s with non singleton chunk dimensions"
-                    % ddim_nane
-                )
-            # Drop the dim where each chunk covers the whole dimension - no indexing needed!
-        for idx in itertools.product(*[range(v) for v in index_dims.values()]):
-            # Build an iterator over each of the single dimension chunks
-            dim_idx = {key: val for key, val in zip(index_dims.keys(), idx)}
-            coord_vals = {}
-            for cname, cvar in dvar.coords.items():
-                if grib:
-                    # Grib data has only one level coordinate
-                    cname = (
-                        cname
-                        if cname
-                        in ("valid_time", "time", "step", "latitude", "longitude")
-                        else "level"
-                    )
-                if all([dim_name in dim_idx for dim_name in cvar.dims]):
-                    coord_index = tuple([dim_idx[dim_name] for dim_name in cvar.dims])
-                    try:
-                        coord_vals[cname] = cvar.to_numpy()[coord_index]
-                    except Exception:
-                        raise DynamicZarrStoreError(
-                            f"Error reading coords for {dpath}/{dname} coord {cname} with index {coord_index}"
-                        )
-            whole_dim_cnt = len(dvar.dims) - len(dim_idx)
-            chunk_idx = map(str, [*idx, *[0] * whole_dim_cnt])
-            chunk_key = build_path([dpath, dname], suffix=".".join(chunk_idx))
-            chunk_ref = ref_store.get(chunk_key)
-            if chunk_ref is None:
-                logger.warning("Chunk not found: %s", chunk_key)
-                continue
-            elif isinstance(chunk_ref, list) and len(chunk_ref) == 3:
-                chunk_data = dict(
-                    uri=chunk_ref[0],
-                    offset=chunk_ref[1],
-                    length=chunk_ref[2],
-                    inline_value=None,
-                )
-            elif isinstance(chunk_ref, (bytes, str)):
-                chunk_data = dict(inline_value=chunk_ref, offset=-1, length=-1)
-            else:
-                raise ValueError(f"Key {chunk_key} has bad value '{chunk_ref}'")
-            result.append(dict(varname=dname, **attributes, **coord_vals, **chunk_data))
-    return result
-def extract_datatree_chunk_index(
-    dtree: "datatree.DataTree", kerchunk_store: dict, grib: bool = False
-) -> "pd.DataFrame":
-    """
-    Recursive method to iterate over the data tree and extract the data variable chunks with index metadata
-    Parameters
-    ----------
-    dtree : datatree.DataTree
-        The xarray datatree representation of the reference filesystem
-    kerchunk_store : dict
-        the grib_tree output for a single grib file
-    grib : bool
-        boolean for treating coordinates as grib levels
-    Returns
-    -------
-    pandas.Dataframe : The dataframe constructed from the grib metadata
-    """
-    import pandas as pd
-    result: list[dict] = []
-    for node in dtree.subtree:
-        if node.has_data:
-            result += extract_dataset_chunk_index(
-                node, kerchunk_store["refs"], grib=grib
-            )
-    return pd.DataFrame.from_records(result)
-def _map_grib_file_by_group(
-    fname: str,
-    mapper: Optional[Callable] = None,
-    storage_options: Optional[Dict] = None,
-) -> "pd.DataFrame":
-    """
-    Helper method used to read the cfgrib metadata associated with each message (group) in the grib file
-    This method does not add metadata
-    Parameters
-    ----------
-    fname : str
-        the file name to read with scan_grib
-    mapper : Optional[Callable]
-        the mapper if any to apply (used for hrrr subhf)
-    Returns
-    -------
-    pandas.Dataframe : The intermediate dataframe constructed from the grib metadata
-    """
-    import pandas as pd
-    mapper = (lambda x: x) if mapper is None else mapper
-    references = scan_grib(fname, storage_options=storage_options)
-    with warnings.catch_warnings():
-        warnings.simplefilter("ignore")
-        return pd.concat(
-            # grib idx is fortran indexed (from one not zero)
-            list(
-                filter(
-                    # filtering out the cfgrib metadata dataframe in case it is None
-                    lambda item: item is not None,
-                    [
-                        # extracting the metadata from a single message
-                        _extract_single_group(mapper(group), i, storage_options)
-                        for i, group in enumerate(references, start=1)
-                    ],
-                )
-            )
-        ).set_index("idx")
-def _extract_single_group(grib_group: dict, idx: int, storage_options: Dict):
-    import datatree
-    grib_tree_store = grib_tree(
-        [
-            grib_group,
-        ],
-        storage_options,
-    )
-    if len(grib_tree_store["refs"]) <= 1:
-        logger.info("Empty DT: %s", grib_tree_store)
-        return None
-    dt = datatree.open_datatree(
-        fsspec.filesystem("reference", fo=grib_tree_store).get_mapper(""),
-        engine="zarr",
-        consolidated=False,
-    )
-    k_ind = extract_datatree_chunk_index(dt, grib_tree_store, grib=True)
-    if k_ind.empty:
-        logger.warning("Empty Kind: %s", grib_tree_store)
-        return None
-    assert (
-        len(k_ind) == 1
-    ), f"expected a single variable grib group but produced: {k_ind}"
-    k_ind.loc[:, "idx"] = idx
-    return k_ind
-def build_idx_grib_mapping(
-    basename: str,
-    storage_options: Optional[Dict] = None,
-    suffix: str = "idx",
-    mapper: Optional[Callable] = None,
-    validate: bool = True,
-) -> "pd.DataFrame":
-    """
-    Mapping method combines the idx and grib metadata to make a mapping from
-    one to the other for a particular model horizon file. This should be generally
-    applicable to all forecasts for the given horizon.
-    Parameters
-    ----------
-    basename : str
-        the full path for the grib2 file
-    storage_options: dict
-        For accessing the data, passed to filesystem
-    suffix : str
-        The suffix is the ending for the idx file.
-    mapper : Optional[Callable]
-        the mapper if any to apply (used for hrrr subhf)
-    validate : bool
-        to assert the mapping is correct or fail before returning
-    Returns
-    -------
-    pandas.Dataframe : The merged dataframe with the results of the two operations
-    joined on the grib message (group) number
-    """
-    import pandas as pd
-    grib_file_index = _map_grib_file_by_group(
-        fname=basename,
-        mapper=mapper,
-        storage_options=storage_options,
-    )
-    idx_file_index = parse_grib_idx(
-        basename=basename, suffix=suffix, storage_options=storage_options
-    )
-    result = idx_file_index.merge(
-        # Left merge because the idx file should be authoritative - one record per grib message
-        grib_file_index,
-        on="idx",
-        how="left",
-        suffixes=("_idx", "_grib"),
-    )
-    if validate:
-        # If any of these conditions fail - inspect the result manually on colab.
-        all_match_offset = (
-            (result.loc[:, "offset_idx"] == result.loc[:, "offset_grib"])
-            | pd.isna(result.loc[:, "offset_grib"])
-            | ~pd.isna(result.loc[:, "inline_value"])
-        )
-        all_match_length = (
-            (result.loc[:, "length_idx"] == result.loc[:, "length_grib"])
-            | pd.isna(result.loc[:, "length_grib"])
-            | ~pd.isna(result.loc[:, "inline_value"])
-        )
-        if not all_match_offset.all():
-            vcs = all_match_offset.value_counts()
-            raise ValueError(
-                f"Failed to match message offset mapping for grib file {basename}: "
-                f"{vcs[True]} matched, {vcs[False]} didn't"
-            )
-        if not all_match_length.all():
-            vcs = all_match_length.value_counts()
-            raise ValueError(
-                f"Failed to match message offset mapping for grib file {basename}: "
-                f"{vcs[True]} matched, {vcs[False]} didn't"
-            )
-        if not result["attrs"].is_unique:
-            dups = result.loc[result["attrs"].duplicated(keep=False), :]
-            logger.warning(
-                "The idx attribute mapping for %s is not unique for %d variables: %s",
-                basename,
-                len(dups),
-                dups.varname.tolist(),
-            )
-        r_index = result.set_index(
-            ["varname", "typeOfLevel", "stepType", "level", "valid_time"]
-        )
-        if not r_index.index.is_unique:
-            dups = r_index.loc[r_index.index.duplicated(keep=False), :]
-            logger.warning(
-                "The grib hierarchy in %s is not unique for %d variables: %s",
-                basename,
-                len(dups),
-                dups.index.get_level_values("varname").tolist(),
-            )
-    return result
+__all__ = [
+    "scan_grib",
+    "grib_tree",
+    "correct_hrrr_subhf_step",
+    "example_combine",
+    "parse_grib_idx",
+    "build_idx_grib_mapping",
+    "map_from_index",