Releases: frozn/TipTac
Releases · frozn/TipTac
v25.02.16 [TWW] [CataC] [Classic Era]
- fixed lua error regarding empty playerGuildClubMemberInfo to display player guild member/officer note
- considered that enabled option "Anchors->(Guild & Community) ChatFrame" to override anchor for (Guild & Community, addon WIM) ChatFrame will also be applied for battle pet (abilities) tooltips
- classic: fixed lua error regarding missing function BattlePetToolTip_ShowLink() if hovering over battle pet links
v25.02.12 [TWW] [CataC] [Classic Era]
- added option "General->Show Player Guild Member/Officer note"
- added option "ItemRef->Show Item Enchant ID/Info"
v25.01.29 [TWW] [CataC] [Classic Era]
- fixed anchoring of tooltips for "World Unit/Tip Type" in cases when there is a fullscreen frame above the world frame, e.g. from addon "OPie".
- classic era: bumped TOC to 1.15.6
v25.01.26 [TWW] [CataC] [Classic Era]
- don't set scale for tooltip from addon "SavedInstances" because scaling is handled by it's own.
v25.01.17 [TWW] [CataC] [Classic Era]
- check if function tip:SetBackdropBorderColor() exists before setting the backdrop border color to tip
- don't reduce scale if frame belongs to LibQTip-1.0, because tip:UpdateScrolling() from LibQTip-1.0 will resize the tooltip to fit the screen and show a scrollbar if needed.
- added a workaround for addon "Bulk Mail Inbox" to adjust the inbox GUI to the overriden scale
v24.12.19 [TWW] [CataC] [Classic Era]
- bumped TOC to 11.0.7
- classic era: adjust padding for close button in item tooltip if needed
v24.11.23 [TWW] [CataC] [Classic Era]
- classic: bumped TOC to 4.4.1
- classic era: bumped TOC to 1.15.5
v24.10.29 [TWW] [CataC] [Classic Era]
- fixed lua error if unit's class name is missing
- replaced deprecated function GetNumSpecializationsForClassID() with C_SpecializationInfo.GetNumSpecializationsForClassID() after patch 11.0.5
- bumped TOC to 11.0.5
- classic era: removed the workaround for blizzard bug in classic era 1.15.4: the UISliderTemplateWithLabels template defined in "SliderTemplates.xml" is missing. fixed with WoW build
- classic era: removed the worarkound for blizzard bug in classic era 1.15.4: GetSpellSubtext() causes an ACCESS_VIOLATION exception when the spell doesn't exist in the local cache. fixed with WoW build
v24.10.01 [TWW] [CataC] [Classic Era]
- classic era: added a workaround for blizzard bug in classic era 1.15.4: the UISliderTemplateWithLabels template defined in "SliderTemplates.xml" is missing.
v24.09.30 [TWW] [CataC] [Classic Era]
- classic era: added a workaround for blizzard bug in classic era 1.15.4. GetSpellSubtext() causes an ACCESS_VIOLATION exception when the spell doesn't exist in the local cache.