You should have a look at next-i18next which extends react-i18next to bring it to next.js the easiest way.
To learn more you should have a look at our samples:
{% hint style="info" %}
The usage of the reactI18nextModule
for holding the i18n instance is not a valid option (the instance would be set globally). Always use the I18nextProvider like done in the samples above.
{% endhint %}
For futher information see this issue.
Both the i18nextProvider and translate hoc allows to pass in initialI18nStore
and initialLanguage
. By doing so the translations won't be loaded and initial clientside render will avoid any flickering or rerender by checksum mismatch.
For details check the docs of those components or have a look at the examples above.
loadNamespaces: Function that will pre-load all namespaces used by your components. Works well with react-router
- components: Components that need to have namespaces loaded.
- i18n: the i18n instance to load translations into
import { I18nextProvider, loadNamespaces } from 'react-i18next';
import { match } from 'react-router';
match({...matchArguments}, (error, redirectLocation, renderProps) => {
loadNamespaces({ ...renderProps, i18n: i18nInstance })
// All i18n namespaces required to render this route are loaded
When using i18next-express-middleware, you can use req.i18n
as the i18next
instance for I18nextProvider
it will assert no request conflicts happen (each request gets it's cloned instance of i18next):
import { I18nextProvider } from 'react-i18next';
import i18n from './i18next'; // your own initialized i18next instance
import App from './app';
app.use((req, res) => {
const component = (
<I18nextProvider i18n={req.i18n}>
<App />
// render as desired now ...