Installation of Shuffle is currently available for docker and kubernetes.
- Looking to run workflows onprem, but don't want to run the entire stack? Looks into Environments & Orborus hosting Onprem
- Looking for how to update Shuffle? Check the updating guide
This document outlines an introduction environment which is not scalable. Read here for information on production readiness and scalability. This also includes system requirements and configurations for Docker Swarm or Kubernetes.
The Docker setup is the default setup, and is ran with docker compose. This is NOT a scalable build without changes.
PS: if you're setting up Shuffle on Windows, go to the next step (Windows Docker setup)
- Make sure you have Docker installed, and that you have a minimum of 2Gb of RAM available.
- Download Shuffle
git clone
cd Shuffle
- Fix prerequisites for the Opensearch database (Elasticsearch):
mkdir shuffle-database # Create a database folder
sudo chown -R 1000:1000 shuffle-database # IF you get an error using 'chown', add the user first with 'sudo useradd opensearch'
sudo swapoff -a # Disable swap
- Run docker-compose.
docker-compose up -d
- Recommended for Opensearch to work well
sudo sysctl -w vm.max_map_count=262144 #
When you're done, go to the After installation step below.
This step is for setting up with Docker on windows from scratch.
Make sure you have Docker and docker-compose installed. WSL2 may be required.
Go to and download the latest .zip release (or install git)
Unzip the folder and enter it
Open the .env file and change the line with "OUTER_HOSTNAME" to contain your IP:
- Run docker compose
docker compose up -d
- After installation, go to http://localhost:3001 (or your servername - https is on port 3443)
- Now set up your admin account (username & password). Shuffle doesn't have a default username and password.
- Sign in with the same Username & Password! Go to /apps and see if you have any apps yet. If not - you may need to configure proxies
- Check out as it has a lot of useful information to get started
- Check out getting started
- The default state of Shuffle is NOT scalable. See production setup for more info
- The server is available on http://localhost:3001 (or your servername)
- Further configurations can be done in docker-compose.yml and .env.
- Default database location is in the same folder: ./shuffle-database
Local development is pretty straight forward with ReactJS and Golang. This part is intended to help you run the code for development purposes. We recommend having Shuffle running with the Docker-compose, then manually running the portion that you want to test and/or edit.
PS: You have to stop the Backend Docker container to get this one working
PPS: Use the "main" branch when developing to get it set up easier
http://localhost:3000 - Requires npm/yarn/your preferred manager. Runs independently from backend.
cd frontend
yarn install
yarn start
http://localhost:5001 - REST API - requires >=go1.13
export SHUFFLE_OPENSEARCH_URL="https://localhost:9200"
export SHUFFLE_OPENSEARCH_PASSWORD=StrongShufflePassword321!
cd backend/go-app
go run main.go walkoff.go docker.go
WINDOWS USERS: Follow this guide to add environment variables in your machine.
Large portions of the backend is written in another repository - shuffle-shared. If you want to update any of this code and test in realtime, we recommend following these steps:
- Clone shuffle-shared to a local repository
- Open the Shuffle backend's go.mod file (./shuffle/backend/go.mod) (NOT in shuffle-shared)
- Change the following line to point to your directory AFTER the =>
//replace => ../../shuffle-shared
- Make the changes you want, then restart the backend server!
- With your changes made, make a pull request 🔥
Make sure this is running through the docker-compose, and that the backend points to it with SHUFFLE_OPENSEARCH_URL defined.
What it means:
- Make sure you have docker compose installed
- Make sure you have the docker-compose.yml file from this repository
- Run
docker-compose up opensearch -d
Execution of Workflows: PS: This requires some specific environment variables
cd functions/onprem/orborus
go run orborus.go
Environments (modify for Windows):
export ORG_ID=Shuffle
export BASE_URL=http://YOUR-IP:5001
AND THAT's it - hopefully it worked. If it didn't please email