Recognize drawn shapes based on their point clouds.
npm install outlines
var outlines = require('outlines'),
recognizer = outlines.Recognizer(),
Point = outlines.Point,
gesture = [];
// Create an array of the points making up a gesture you want to find
// a match for.
// new Point(x, y, strokeId)
// strokeId should be incremented for each new stroke. Ie. If a user lifts and
// touches/mouses down again each subsequent stream of points is a separate stroke
gesture.push(new Point(0, 0, 0))
gesture.push(new Point(10, 10, 0))
gesture.push(new Point(20, 20, 0));
gesture.push(new Point(40, 40, 1));
gesture.push(new Point(50, 50, 1));
gesture.push(new Point(60, 60, 1));
// Get a list in ranked (closest to furthest match)
// Note: For now there is a built in set of symbols. You could replace a recognizers
// set of symbols though, see the implementation to figure out how:
var matches = recognizer.Rank(gesture);
git clone
cd outlines
npm install
npm start
- Based on the $P Point-Cloud Recognizer research paper
Support for more recognizers will be added soonish. Here's a sneak peak:
- Work in progress: Unistroke Recognizer.
- Want to add the GRAIL system to this as well
- See Video for motivation
- Talk to Ken Perlin and ask what he's using for Chalktalk
- Some notes related to the history of hand writing recognition
Experiments I'd like to make:
- Try reusing icon sets such as FontAwesome, as starting points.
- Related: Allow SVG and fonts as potential sources?