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IAM Roles Anywhere Demo

This repository provides a demonstration of IAM Roles Anywhere, a solution for using X.509 certificates to assume IAM roles in AWS environments. The demo showcases the process of creating a Certificate Authority (CA), generating credentials, and utilizing them to assume roles.

Creating the CA

The following commands explain how to create a CA for testing purposes. Please note that this CA is not suitable for production use, where you should use ACM Private Certificate Authority or a fully-implemented, reliably secure private CA.

  1. Generate the CA private key: Run the following command to generate a private key for your CA:

    openssl ecparam -genkey -name secp384r1 -out ca.key

    This command will generate a private key and save it in the file ca.key.

  2. Edit root_ca_request.config and customize: Make any necessary customizations to the root_ca_request.config file, which contains the configuration for the CA request.

  3. Generate the CA request: Execute the following command to generate the CA request using the private key and configuration:

    openssl req -new -key ca.key -out ca.req -nodes -config root_ca_request.config

    This will generate the CA request and save it in the file ca.req.

  4. Edit root_cert.config and customize: Customize the root_cert.config file according to your requirements.

  5. Generate the CA certificate: Use the following command to generate the CA certificate by self-signing the CA request:

    openssl ca -out ca.pem -keyfile ca.key -selfsign -config root_cert.config -in ca.req

    The CA certificate will be generated and saved in the file ca.pem.

  6. Create the client key: Generate a private key for the client using the following command:

    openssl ecparam -genkey -name secp384r1 -out client.key

    The client private key will be generated and saved in the file client.key.

  7. Edit and customize the basic CSR config file (client_request.config): Make any necessary modifications to the client_request.config file, which contains the configuration for the client's Certificate Signing Request (CSR).

  8. Generate the client CSR: Run the following command to generate the client's CSR using the client private key and CSR configuration:

    openssl req -new -sha512 -nodes -key client.key -out client.csr -config client_request.config

    The client CSR will be generated and saved in the file client.csr.

  9. Edit and customize client_cert.config: Customize the client_cert.config file based on your preferences and requirements.

  10. Generate the client certificate: Use the following command to generate the client certificate by signing the client CSR with the CA:

    openssl x509 -req -sha512 -days 30 -in client.csr -CA ca.pem -CAkey ca.key -CAcreateserial -out client.pem -extfile client_cert.config

    The client certificate will be generated and saved in the file client.pem.

Create a Roles Anywhere Trust Anchor, Role, and Profile

To create a Roles Anywhere Trust Anchor, Role, and Profile in AWS, execute the following command:

aws cloudformation deploy --template template.yaml --stack-name roles-anywhere-demo --parameter-overrides OU=IT X509CertificateData="$(cat ca.pem)" --capabilities CAPABILITY_NAMED_IAM --disable-rollback

This command deploys an AWS Cloud

Formation stack using the template.yaml file. The stack creates the necessary resources for the Roles Anywhere demo, including the Trust Anchor, IAM Role, and IAM Profile. The OU parameter specifies the Organizational Unit for the role, and X509CertificateData is the content of the CA certificate (ca.pem).

Generate credentials using the certificate and the IAM Roles Anywhere Trust Anchor, Role, and Profile

To generate credentials using the client certificate and the IAM Roles Anywhere Trust Anchor, Role, and Profile, run the following command:


This command executes the script, which performs the necessary steps to obtain temporary AWS credentials using the client certificate and the created IAM resources. The script facilitates the process of assuming the IAM role and setting the appropriate environment variables for subsequent AWS operations.

Feel free to explore and modify the provided scripts and configuration files to adapt the demo to your specific use cases and requirements.


This demo is provided under the MIT License. Feel free to use, modify, and distribute it according to the terms of the license.