CircleCI is tool for contineous integration (CI) of your project modules developed. CircleCI controls your deployement acting as gateway to pass, hence helps to automates the software development process.
Signup to CircleCI with your existing github/bitbucket account. Choose as per the project repo you have. Note: We use github because heroku gives option to connect with github. If already has an account then login.
You need to setup new project on circleCI for your app:
- Login to Circle Account.
- Click on
from left side main nav. It will open list of all repos you have in your github/bitbucket account. - Choose the repo of your project and Click on button
Set Up Project
in front of your project repo.
- Select the operating system on which you are actually deploying your project(same should be used to on CircleCI) from
- Select programing language of your app project. If not given in options, select Others and submit
Request a language
. Below this you can find guide for next steps. - Create Configuration file (you can copy sample file) OR can copy from any exiting project and edit it as per your project requirements.
- Click on
Start Building
to finilise Project setup. - Now your project will show in Workflows.
Note : before clicking on Start Building
you should add and push config.yml
to github repo. Otherwise your first build will show as failed.
CiclCI is configured using config.yml
file generally kept in folder .cirlceci
in root directory of app/project. complete file relative path is .circleci/config.yml
Sample .circleci/config.yml for laravel project.
Know more about format of config.yml Sample config.yml Files
CircleCI env variables can be used in configuration file to supply credentials or other secret values(can't write on config file directly and push to github). Variables can be added to KEY, VALUE pairs and KEY can be used in config file with prefix $ i.e. $KEY.
You can add ENV variables to CircleCI as below:
- Goto
from left side Nav. - Click on setting icon in front of your project. It will take you to project settings for circle CI.
- Click on
Environment Variables
under Build Settings from secondary left side nav.
- You can add ENV variable in 2 ways. You can import from other project or can add own new ENV variable using
Add Variable