#Installation of Engelsystem
1.Setup LAMP
1.1 PHP 5.4.x (cgi-fcgi)
1.2 MySQL-Server 5.5.x pr MariaDB
1.3 Webserver ( Apache/Nginx/lighttpd)
2.Install GIT
clone the repository (the recursive parameter allows us to clone the submodules): git clone --recursive https://github.com/fossasia/engelsystem.git
Next, configure your MySQL Engelsystem database:
** mysql -u root -p**
** [Enter your password]**
** CREATE DATABASE engelsystem;**
** exit;**
Go to engelsystem/config and copy MySQL-Connection Settings from default config-sample into config.php. Modify the new file to match your MySQL credentials so that the system could access the database on the localserver.
Move the app to your /var/www/html/ directory by typing mv ./engelsystem /var/www/html
To login, type use the following credentials:
Username: admin
Password: asdfasdf
- We must make sure to point our apache2 document root to the Engelsystem directory to prevent any user from accessing anything other than the public/ directory for security reasons. Do this by modifying the apache2 configuration file:
apt-get install nano -y
nano /etc/apache2/sites-available/000-default.conf
- Change DocumentRoot /var/www/html into DocumentRoot /var/www/html/engelsystem/public. Restart apache by,
service apache2 restart
- For setting up captcha for the online server, we need to signup for reCaptcha API keys. The keys are unique to the domain or domains you specify, and their respective sub-domains. Specifying more than one domain could come in handy in the case that you serve your website from multiple top level domains (for example: yoursite.com, yoursite.net). By default, all keys work on "localhost" (or ""), so you can always develop and test on your local machine.
##Session Settings:
Make sure the config allows for sessions.
Both Apache and Nginx allow for different VirtualHost configurations.
For more information on deploying the system please visit, https://codefungsoc2k16.wordpress.com/2016/05/20/deploy-engelsystem-on-your-localserver/