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Plot performance profiles for all, single and quadruple #101

Plot performance profiles for all, single and quadruple

Plot performance profiles for all, single and quadruple #101

name: Plot performance profiles for all, single and quadruple
# Trigger the workflow on push or pull request
#pull_request: # DANGEROUS! MUST be disabled for self-hosted runners!
# Trigger the workflow by cron. The default time zone of GitHub Actions is UTC.
- cron: '0 17 * * *'
# Trigger the workflow manually
description: Git Ref (Optional)
required: false
# Show the git ref in the workflow name if it is invoked manually.
run-name: ${{ github.event_name == 'workflow_dispatch' && format('Manual run {0}', inputs.git-ref) || '' }}
name: Profile PRIMA.
runs-on: ${{ matrix.os }}
fail-fast: false
os: [ubuntu-latest]
matlab: [latest]
dim: [all]
solver: [cobylal, cobylan, uobyqa, newuoa, bobyqa, lincoa] # prima is too expensive
competitor: [classical, archiva, norma]
precision: [single, quadruple, double]
ctol_indicator: [0, 1, 2]
- solver: uobyqa
ctol_indicator: 1
- solver: uobyqa
ctol_indicator: 2
- solver: newuoa
ctol_indicator: 1
- solver: newuoa
ctol_indicator: 2
- solver: bobyqa
ctol_indicator: 1
- solver: bobyqa
ctol_indicator: 2
- solver: uobyqa # See
competitor: classical
precision: single
- name: Get the solver name
run: echo "SOLNAME=$(echo ${{ matrix.solver }} | cut -c1-6)" >> $GITHUB_ENV
- name: Run `sudo apt update`
run: sudo apt update # Otherwise, free-disk-space or other actions relying on `apt` may fail
- name: Free disk space
uses: jlumbroso/free-disk-space@main
# all of these default to true, but feel free to set to "false" if necessary for your workflow
android: true
dotnet: true
haskell: true
large-packages: true
docker-images: true
swap-storage: false # Important, or the runner may be shut down due to memory starvation.
- name: Clone Repository (Latest)
uses: actions/checkout@v4
if: github.event.inputs.git-ref == ''
fetch-depth: 2 # checkout fetches only one commit by default. Set it to two for the `norma` test
ssh-key: ${{ secrets.SSH_PRIVATE_KEY_ACT }} # This forces checkout to use SSH, not HTTPS
submodules: recursive
- name: Clone Repository (Custom Ref)
uses: actions/checkout@v4
if: github.event.inputs.git-ref != ''
fetch-depth: 2 # checkout fetches only one commit by default. Set it to two for the `norma` test
ref: ${{ github.event.inputs.git-ref }}
ssh-key: ${{ secrets.SSH_PRIVATE_KEY_ACT }} # This forces checkout to use SSH, not HTTPS
submodules: recursive
- name: Set norma to the last commit to prepare for profiling
if: ${{ matrix.competitor == 'norma' }}
run: git checkout HEAD^ && cd .development && bash ./archnorma && cd ../ && git checkout -
- name: Miscellaneous setup
run: bash .github/scripts/misc_setup
- name: Clone MatCUTEst
uses: actions/checkout@v4
ssh-key: ${{ secrets.SSH_PRIVATE_KEY_ACT }} # This forces checkout to use SSH, not HTTPS
repository: matcutest/matcutest_compiled
path: matcutest
- name: Link gfortran for MATLAB on Linux
if: startsWith(matrix.os, 'ubuntu')
run: bash .github/scripts/link_gfortran ${{ env.GFORTRAN_VERSION }}
- name: Install epstopdf and ghostscript
if: startsWith(matrix.os, 'ubuntu')
run: bash .github/scripts/install_epstopdf && bash .github/scripts/install_ghostscript
- name: Check MATLAB
id: check_matlab
run: if type 'matlab' &> /dev/null ; then echo "::set-output name=has_matlab::true" ; fi
- name: Cache MATLAB # N.B.: Clear the cache when the `latest` version of MATLAB changes in March and September
uses: actions/cache@v3.3.2
path: ${{ runner.tool_cache }}/MATLAB
key: ${{ matrix.os }}-${{ matrix.matlab }}-yes
- name: Set up MATLAB with optimization toolbox
if: ${{ steps.check_matlab.outputs.has_matlab != 'true' }}
uses: matlab-actions/setup-matlab@v2-beta
release: ${{ matrix.matlab }}
products: Optimization_Toolbox
- name: Conduct the test
uses: matlab-actions/run-command@v1.2.3
command: |
blacklist = {};
blacklist = [blacklist, {'HYDCAR6LS', 'JENSMP', 'METHANL8LS', 'MEXHAT', 'TOINTQOR'}]; % uobyqa
blacklist = [blacklist, {'ARGLINA', 'ARGLINB', 'ARGLINC', 'BA-L1SPLS', 'CHNRSNBM', 'CHWIRUT1LS', 'LSC1LS', 'LUKSAN11LS', 'LUKSAN13LS', 'LUKSAN16LS', 'SPIN2LS', 'TOINTPSP', 'QING'}]; % newuoa
blacklist = [blacklist, {'CHEBYQAD', 'DECONVU', 'HOLMES'}]; % bobyqa
blacklist = [blacklist, {'AGG', 'ARGLALE', 'AVION2', 'CVXQP1', 'DALLASS', 'DUALC1', 'DUAL1', 'DUAL3', 'DUAL4', 'GMNCASE1', 'GMNCASE2', 'GMNCASE3', 'HIMMELBI', 'HYDROELS', 'KSIP', 'QPNBLEND', 'SMBANK', 'SSEBLIN', 'ZECEVIC2'}]; % lincoa
root_dir = pwd();
cd(fullfile(root_dir, 'matcutest')); install(); which macup
cd(fullfile(root_dir, 'matlab/tests'));
options = struct();
options.blacklist = blacklist; = 1;
options.precision = '${{ matrix.precision }}';
options.ctol_multiple = 10^(2*str2num('${{ matrix.ctol_indicator }}'));
if strcmp('${{ matrix.solver }}', 'cobylal')
prof('cobyla', '${{ matrix.dim }}', 'l', '${{ matrix.competitor }}', options);
elseif strcmp('${{ matrix.solver }}', 'cobylan')
prof('cobyla', '${{ matrix.dim }}', 'n', '${{ matrix.competitor }}', options);
elseif strcmp('${{ matrix.solver }}', 'lincoa')
prof('${{ matrix.solver }}', '${{ matrix.dim }}', 'l', '${{ matrix.competitor }}', options);
elseif strcmp('${{ matrix.solver }}', 'bobyqa')
prof('${{ matrix.solver }}', '${{ matrix.dim }}', 'b', '${{ matrix.competitor }}', options);
prof('${{ matrix.solver }}', '${{ matrix.dim }}', '${{ matrix.competitor }}', options);
% Move the files to prepare for uploading artifacts
solver = '${{ env.SOLNAME }}';
cd(fullfile(cd(), 'testdata'));
files = dir([solver, '*.summary.*.pdf'])
for ifile = 1 : length(files)
file = fullfile(files(ifile).folder, files(ifile).name)
newfile = fullfile(files(ifile).folder, ['ctol', '${{ matrix.ctol_indicator }}_', 'yes', '_optool_', files(ifile).name])
movefile(file, newfile);
movefile(fullfile(cd(), '*summary*.pdf'), ['/tmp/', solver, '_profile_prima/']);
movefile(fullfile(cd(), '*.txt'), ['/tmp/', solver, '_profile_prima/']);
files = [dir(['/tmp/', solver, '_profile_prima/*start*']); dir(['/tmp/', solver, '_profile_prima/*end*'])]
for ifile = 1 : length(files)
file = fullfile(files(ifile).folder, files(ifile).name)
newfile = fullfile(files(ifile).folder, ['ctol', '${{ matrix.ctol_indicator }}_', 'yes', '_optool_', files(ifile).name])
movefile(file, newfile);
- name: Store artifacts
uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4.0.0
if: always() # Always run even if the workflow is canceled manually or due to overtime.
name: ${{ matrix.solver }}-${{ matrix.dim }}-${{ matrix.competitor }}-${{ matrix.precision }}-${{ matrix.ctol_indicator }}
path: |
/tmp/${{ env.SOLNAME }}_profile_prima/*summary*.pdf
/tmp/${{ env.SOLNAME }}_profile_prima/*.txt
/tmp/${{ env.SOLNAME }}_profile_prima/*start*
/tmp/${{ env.SOLNAME }}_profile_prima/*end*
- name: Remove the test data
if: always() # Always run even if the workflow is canceled manually or due to overtime.
run: rm -rf ./matlab/tests/testdata && rm -rf /tmp/${{ env.SOLNAME }}_profile_prima
# merge_artifacts:
# runs-on: ubuntu-latest
# if: always()
# needs: test
# steps:
# - name: Download all workflow run artifacts
# uses: actions/download-artifact@v4.0.0
# - name: Move all artifacts to the current directory
# run: ls -al && mv */* ./ && ls -al
# - name: Upload all files
# uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4.0.0
# with:
# name: all
# path: ./*
# - name: Remove all files
# run: ls -al && rm -rf ./*