Evaluating self-supervised video representation models for the task of action detection and multi-label action classification.
This sub-repo is based on Facebook's official SlowFast repo for short-term action detection on AVA and multi-label action classification on Charades dataset. We extend it to experiment with Slowy-only R(2+1)D-18 backbone that is pretrained on Kinetics-400 via various video self-supervised learning methods.
We use conda
to manage dependencies. If you have not installed anaconda3
or miniconda3
, please install it before following the steps below.
Clone the repository (if not already done)
git clone https://github.com/fmthoker/SEVERE_BENCHMARK.git
Go to the experiment folder for AVA and Charades.
cd SlowFast-ssl-vssl/
Create conda environment and install dependencies:
bash setup/create_env.sh slowfast
This will create and activate a conda environment called
.⚠️ We usetorch==1.9.0
with CUDA 11.1. If you have a CUDA with a different version, kindly use an apt PyTorch version. You will need to follow the steps insetup/create_env.sh
manually to install different versions of dependencies.Please activate the environment for further steps.
conda activate slowfast
- To evaluate video self-supervised pre-training methods used in the paper, you need the pre-trained checkpoints for each method. We assume that these models are downloaded as instructed in the main README.
- Symlink the pre-trained models for initialization. Suppose all your VSSL pre-trained checkpoints are at
ls -s ../checkpoints_pretraining/ checkpoints_pretraining
For this task, we use the AVA dataset.
The data processing steps for AVA dataset is quite tedious. The steps for each of them are listed below.
First, you need to create a symlink to the root dataset folder into the repo. For e.g., if you store all your datasets at /path/to/datasets/
, then,
# make sure you are inside the `SlowFast-ssl-vssl/` folder in the repo
ln -s /path/to/datasets/ data
⌛ Overall, the data preparation for AVA takes about 20 hours.
These steps are based on the ones in original repo.
- Download: This step takes about 3.5 hours.
cd scripts/prepare-ava/
bash download_data.sh
- Cut each video from its 15th to 30th minute: This step takes about 14 hours.
bash cut_videos.sh
- Extract frames: This step takes about 1 hour.
bash extract_frames.sh
- Download annotations: This step takes about 30 minutes.
bash download_annotations.sh
- Setup exception videos that may have failed the first time. For me, there was this video
that failed the first time. Seescripts/prepare-ava/exception.sh
to re-run the steps for such videos.
First, configure an output folder where all logs/checkpoints should be stored. For e.g., if you want to store all outputs at /path/to/outputs/
, then symlink it:
ln -s /path/to/outputs/ outputs
We run all our experiments on AVA 2.2. To run fine-tuning on AVA, using r2plus1d_18
backbone initialized from Kinetics-400 supervised pretraining, we use the following command(s):
bash scripts/jobs/train_on_ava.sh -c $cfg
(Optional) W&B logging: If you want to enable logging training curves on Weights and Biases, use the following command:
bash scripts/jobs/train_on_ava.sh -c $cfg -w True -e <wandb_entity>
where replace <wandb_entity>
by your W&B username. Note that you first need to create an account on Weights and Biases and then login in your terminal via wandb login
You can check out other configs for fine-tuning with other video self-supervised methods. The configs for all pre-training methods is provided below:
Model | Config |
No pre-training | 32x2_112x112_R18_v2.2_scratch.yaml |
SeLaVi | 32x2_112x112_R18_v2.2_selavi.yaml |
MoCo | 32x2_112x112_R18_v2.2_moco.yaml |
VideoMoCo | 32x2_112x112_R18_v2.2_video_moco.yaml |
Pretext-Contrast | 32x2_112x112_R18_v2.2_pretext_contrast.yaml |
RSPNet | 32x2_112x112_R18_v2.2_rspnet.yaml |
AVID-CMA | 32x2_112x112_R18_v2.2_avid_cma.yaml |
CtP | 32x2_112x112_R18_v2.2_ctp.yaml |
TCLR | 32x2_112x112_R18_v2.2_tclr.yaml |
GDT | 32x2_112x112_R18_v2.2_gdt.yaml |
Supervised | 32x2_112x112_R18_v2.2_supervised.yaml |
The training is followed by an evaluation on the test set. Thus, the numbers will be displayed in logs at the end of the run.
⌛ Each experiment takes about 8 hours to run on the suggested configuration.
For this task, we use the Charades dataset.
⌛ This, overall, takes about 2 hours.
- Download and unzip RGB frames
cd scripts/prepare-charades/
bash download_data.sh
- Download the split files
bash download_annotations.sh
First, configure an output folder where all logs/checkpoints should be stored. For e.g., if you want to store all outputs at /path/to/outputs/
, then symlink it:
ln -s /path/to/outputs/ outputs
To run fine-tuning on Charades, using r2plus1d_18
backbone initialized from Kinetics-400 supervised pretraining, we use the following command(s):
# activate the environment
conda activate slowfast
# make sure you are inside the `SlowFast-ssl-vssl/` folder in the repo
bash scripts/jobs/train_on_charades.sh -c $cfg -n 1 -b 16
This assumes that you have setup data folders symlinked into the repo. This shall save outputs in ./outputs/
folder. You can check ./outputs/<expt-folder-name>/logs/train_logs.txt
to see the training progress.
For other VSSL models, please check other configs in configs/Charades/VSSL/
⌛ Each experiment takes about 8 hours to run on the suggested configuration.
- I want to evaluate on the validation set after each training epoch. How do I do that?
A. In the config file, under theTRAIN
section, change the value toEVAL_EPOCH: 1