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Step22 - Gatemate RISC-V Tutorial


This folder is step22 of the popular FPGA tutorial "From Blinker to RISCV" by BrunoLevy.

Step22 loads the ST-NICCC megademo 'C' program into BRAM, and introduces data read from the FPGA flash storage. The ST-NICCC megademo data file scene1.dat gets stored into the Gatemate FPGA flash at 1M offset (above the FPGA bitstream) during programming. The FPA code runs the ST-NICCC megademo program that reads the scene data from flash, and outputs it as ASCII pseudo-graphic to the UART.

A big "Thank You" goes to g3grau for taking the time to troubleshoot and solve the initial SPI flash access problems I had in issue2.

Module design:

A new module spi_flash.v is added to read data from the Gatemate E1 onboard flash memory.

Build FPGA Bitstream

fm@nuc7fpga:~/fpga/projects/git/gatemate-riscv/step22$ make
make -C src
make[1]: Entering directory '/mnt/hgfs/fpga/projects/git/gatemate-riscv/step22/src'
/home/fm/fpga/projects/git/gatemate-riscv/riscv-toolchain/firmware_words/firmware_words ST_NICCC.bram.elf -ram 6144 -max_addr 6144 -out firmware.hex
   RAM SIZE=6144
   LOAD ELF: ST_NICCC.bram.elf
       max address=5723
Code size: 1430 words ( total RAM size: 1536 words )
Occupancy: 93%
testing MAX_ADDR limit: 6144
   max_addr OK
   SAVE HEX: firmware.hex
make[1]: Leaving directory '/mnt/hgfs/fpga/projects/git/gatemate-riscv/step22/src'
cp src/firmware.hex .
/home/fm/cc-toolchain-linux/bin/yosys/yosys -p 'read -sv SOC.v ../rtl-shared/clockworks.v ../rtl-shared/pll_gatemate.v ../rtl-shared/emmitter_uart.v ../rtl-shared/spi_flash.v; synth_gatemate -top SOC -vlog SOC_synth.v'

 |                                                                            |
 |  yosys -- Yosys Open SYnthesis Suite                                       |
 |                                                                            |
 |  Copyright (C) 2012 - 2020  Claire Xenia Wolf <>         |
=== SOC ===

   Number of wires:                640
   Number of wire bits:           3339
   Number of public wires:          83
   Number of public wire bits:    1217
   Number of memories:               0
   Number of memory bits:            0
   Number of processes:              0
   Number of cells:               1301
     CC_ADDF                       167
     CC_BRAM_20K                     5
     CC_BUFG                         1
     CC_DFF                        172
     CC_IBUF                         4
     CC_LUT1                        32
     CC_LUT2                        52
     CC_LUT3                       407
     CC_LUT4                       416
     CC_MX4                         32
     CC_OBUF                        12
     CC_PLL                          1
End of script. Logfile hash: 2c6ae4eb7a, CPU: user 0.93s system 0.90s, MEM: 30.13 MB peak
Yosys 0.29+42 (git sha1 2004a9ff4, g++ 12.2.1 -Os)
Time spent: 27% 1x abc (0 sec), 14% 28x opt_expr (0 sec), ...
test -e ../gatemate-e1.ccf || exit
/home/fm/cc-toolchain-linux/bin/p_r/p_r -i SOC_synth.v -o SOC -ccf ../gatemate-e1.ccf +uCIO > SOC_pr.log

Board Programming

fm@nuc7fpga:~/fpga/projects/git/gatemate-riscv/step22$ make prog
Programming scene data at 1M offset:
/home/fm/cc-toolchain-linux/bin/openFPGALoader/openFPGALoader -b gatemate_evb_spi -o 1048576 data/scene1.dat -f
write to flash
Jtag frequency : requested 6.00MHz   -> real 6.00MHz  
Jedec ID          : c2
memory type       : 28
memory capacity   : 17
EDID + CFD length : c2
EDID              : 1728
CFD               : 
Jedec ID          : c2
memory type       : 28
memory capacity   : 17
EDID + CFD length : c2
EDID              : 1728
CFD               : 
flash chip unknown: use basic protection detection
Erasing: [==================================================] 100.00%
Writing: [==================================================] 100.00%
Programming E1 SPI Config:
/home/fm/cc-toolchain-linux/bin/openFPGALoader/openFPGALoader -b gatemate_evb_spi -f SOC_00.cfg.bit
write to flash
Jtag frequency : requested 6.00MHz   -> real 6.00MHz  
Jedec ID          : c2
memory type       : 28
memory capacity   : 17
EDID + CFD length : c2
EDID              : 1728
CFD               : 
Jedec ID          : c2
memory type       : 28
memory capacity   : 17
EDID + CFD length : c2
EDID              : 1728
CFD               : 
flash chip unknown: use basic protection detection
Erasing: [==================================================] 100.00%
Writing: [==================================================] 100.00%


With the UART assigned to the E1 boards PMODB connector pins, the Digilent PMOD-UART converter receives the RISC-V program output, and we can display it in a terminal window. The terminal output runs at a bitrate of 833.333, falling short of the UART target speed of 1Mbaud (1.000.000). The root cause is discussed in Issue #3.

This screenshot shows the GTKTERM output, and the first 4 bytes of the SPI flash read operation as seen by the protocol analyzer which I connected to the Gatemate J3 header. The SPI clock speed = CPU clock speed: 10Mhz. Currently the flash data is read by using the slowest SPI read mode. With additional work, we can optimize clock speed and use more efficient SPI read modes.

Gatemate E1 Flash Operation

During troubleshooting of the SPI flash access I checked the Gatemate flash programming and boot operation with a protocol analyzer. I saved my notes in this gist: