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Shader-code-generator for sokol_gfx.h

Table of Content

Feature Overview

sokol-shdc is a shader-cross-compiler and -code-generator command line tool which translates an 'annotated GLSL' source file into a C header (or other output formats) for use with sokol-gfx.

Shaders are written in 'Vulkan-style GLSL' (version 450 with separate texture and sampler uniforms) and translated into the following shader dialects:

  • GLSL v300es (for GLES3 and WebGL2)
  • GLSL v410 (for desktop GL without storage buffer support)
  • GLSL v430 (for desktop GL with storage buffer support)
  • HLSL4 or HLSL5 (for D3D11), optionally as bytecode
  • Metal (for macOS and iOS), optionally as bytecode
  • WGSL (for WebGPU)

This cross-compilation happens via existing Khronos and Google open source projects:

  • glslang: for compiling GLSL to SPIR-V
  • SPIRV-Tools: the SPIR-V optimizer is used to run optimization passes on the intermediate SPIRV (mainly for dead-code elimination)
  • SPIRV-Cross: for translating the SPIRV bytecode to GLSL dialects, HLSL and Metal
  • Tint: for translating SPIR-V to WGSL

sokol-shdc supports the following output formats:

  • C for integration with sokol_gfx.h
  • Zig for integration with sokol-zig
  • Rust for integration with sokol-rust
  • Odin for integration with sokol-odin
  • Nim for integration with sokol-nim
  • D for integration with sokol-d
  • Jai (without separate sokol header bindings)
  • 'raw' output files in GLSL, MSL and HLSL along with reflection data in YAML files

Error messages from glslang are mapped back to the original annotated source file and converted into GCC or MSVC error formats for integration with IDEs like Visual Studio, Xcode or VSCode:

errors in IDE

Input shader files are 'annotated' with custom @-tags which add meta-information to the GLSL source files. This is used for packing vertex- and fragment-shaders into the same source file, wrap and include reusable code blocks, and provide additional information for the C code-generation (note the @vs, @fs, @end and @program tags):

@vs vs
uniform vs_params {
    mat4 mvp;

in vec4 position;
in vec2 texcoord0;

out vec2 uv;

void main() {
    gl_Position = mvp * position;
    uv = texcoord0;

@fs fs
uniform texture2D tex;
uniform sampler smp;

in vec2 uv;
out vec4 frag_color;

void main() {
    frag_color = texture(sampler2D(tex,smp), uv);

@program texcube vs fs

Note: For compatibility with other tools which parse GLSL, #pragma sokol may be used to prefix the tags. For example, the final line above could have also been written as:

#pragma sokol @program texcube vs fs

A generated C header contains (similar information is generated for the other output languages):

  • human-readable reflection info in a comment block
  • a C struct for each shader uniform block
  • for each shader program, a C function which returns a pointer to a sg_shader_desc for a specific sokol-gfx backend which can be passed directly into sg_make_shader()
  • constants for vertex attribute locations, uniform-block- and image-bind-slots
  • optionally a set of C functions for runtime inspection of the generated vertex attributes, image bind slots and uniform-block structs

For instance, creating a shader and pipeline object for the above simple texcube shader program looks like this:

// create a shader object from generated sg_shader_desc:
sg_shader shd = sg_make_shader(texcube_shader_desc(sg_query_backend()));

// create a pipeline object with this shader, and
// code-generated vertex attribute location constants
// (ATTR_vs_position and ATTR_vs_color0)
pip = sg_make_pipeline(&(sg_pipeline_desc){
    .shader = shd,
    .layout = {
        .attrs = {
            [ATTR_vs_position].format = SG_VERTEXFORMAT_FLOAT3,
            [ATTR_vs_texcoord0].format = SG_VERTEXFORMAT_FLOAT2,

Build Process Integration with fips

sokol-shdc can be used standalone as offline-tool from the command line, but it's much more convenient when integrated right into the build process. That way the edit-compile-test loop for shader programming is the same as for regular C or C++ code.

Support for fips projects comes out-of-the box. For other build systems, sokol-shdc must be called from a custom build job, or a custom rule to build .h files from .glsl files.

For fips projects, first add a new dependency to the fips.yml file of your project:


The sokol-tools-bin repository contains precompiled 64-bit executables for macOS, Linux and Windows, and the necessary fips-files to hook the shader compiler into the build project.

After adding the new dependency to fips.yml, fetch and update the dependencies of your project:

> ./fips fetch
> ./fips update

Finally, for each GLSL shader file, add the cmake macro sokol_shader() to your application- or library targets:

fips_begin_app(triangle windowed)
    sokol_shader(triangle.glsl ${slang})

The ${slang} variable (short for shader-language, but you can call it any way you want) must resolve to a string with the shader dialects you want to generate.

There are also other versions of the sokol_shader() macro:

  • sokoL_shader_debuggable([filename] [slang]): same as sokol_shader() but doesn't create binary blobs for HLSL and MSL. This allows source-level debugging in graphics debuggers.
  • sokol_shader_with_reflection([filename] [slang]): same as sokol_shader() but calls sokol-shdc with the --reflection command line option, which generates additional runtime inspection functions
  • sokol_shader_variant([filename] [slang] [module] [defines]): this macro additionally passed the --module and -defines command line arguments and allows to create a conditionally compiled variant of the GLSL input file, the output file will be called [filename].[module].h
  • sokol_shader_variant_with_reflection([filename] [slang] [module] [defines]): same as sokol_shader_variant(), but additionally adds the --reflection command line argument for generating runtime inspection functions

I recommend to initialize the ${slang} variable together with the target-platform defines for sokol_gfx.h For instance, the sokol-app samples have the following block in their CMakeLists.txt file:

    set(slang "glsl300es")
    set(slang "glsl300es")
elseif (SOKOL_USE_D3D11)
    set(slang "hlsl5")
    if (FIPS_IOS)
        set(slang "metal_ios:metal_sim")
        set(slang "metal_macos")
    if (FIPS_IOS)
        set(slang "glsl300es")
        if (FIPS_MACOS)
            set(slang "glsl410")
            set(slang "glsl410")

After preparing the CMakeLists.txt files like this, run fips gen, followed by fips build or fips open as usual.

The output C header files will be generated out of source in the build directory (not the project directory where the source code under version control resides). This is because sokol-shdc only generates the shader dialects needed for the platform the code is compiled for, so the generated files look different on each platform, or even build config.

Standalone Usage

sokol-shdc can be invoked from the command line to convert one annotated-GLSL source file into one C header file.

Precompiled 64-bit executables for Windows, Linux and macOS are here:

Run sokol-shdc --help to see a short help text and the list of available options.

For a quick test, copy the following into a file named shd.glsl:

@vs vs
in vec4 pos;
void main() {
    gl_Position = pos;

@fs fs
out vec4 frag_color;
void main() {
    frag_color = vec4(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);

@program shd vs fs

...and then run:

> ./sokol-shdc --input shd.glsl --output shd.h --slang glsl430:hlsl5:metal_macos

...this should generate a C header named shd.h in the current directory.

Command Line Reference

  • -h --help: Print usage information and exit

  • -i --input=[GLSL file]: The path to the input shader file in 'annotated GLSL' format, this must be either relative to the current working directory, or an absolute path.

  • -o --output=[path]: The path to the generated output source file, either relative to the current working directory, or as absolute path. The target directory must exist, note that some output generators may generate more than one output file, in that case the -o argument is used as the base path

  • -t --tmpdir=[path]: Optional path to a directory used for storing intermediate files when generating Metal bytecode. If no separate temporary directory is provided, intermediate files will be written to the same directory as the generated C header defined via --output. In both cases, the target directory must exist.

  • -l --slang=[shader languages]: One or multiple output shader languages. If multiple languages are provided, they must be separated by a colon. Valid shader language names are:

    • glsl410: desktop GL 4.1 (e.g. macOS: no SSBOs and compute shaders)
    • glsl430: desktop GL 4.3
    • glsl300es: GLES3 / WebGL2
    • hlsl4: D3D11
    • hlsl5: D3D11
    • metal_macos: Metal on macOS
    • metal_ios: Metal on iOS device
    • metal_sim: Metal on iOS simulator
    • wgsl: WebGPU

    For instance, to generate header with support for Metal on macOS and desktop GL:

    --slang glsl430:metal_macos
  • -b --bytecode: If possible, compile shaders to bytecode instead of embedding source code. The restrictions to generate shader bytecode are as follows:

    • target language must be hlsl4, hlsl5, metal_macos or metal_ios
    • sokol-shdc must run on the respective platforms:
      • hlsl4, hlsl5: only possible when sokol-shdc is running on Windows
      • metal_macos, metal_ios: only possible when sokol-shdc is running on macOS

    ...if these restrictions are not met, sokol-shdc will fall back to generating shader source code without returning an error. Note that the metal_sim target for the iOS simulator doesn't support generating bytecode, this will always emit Metal source code.

  • -f --format=[sokol,sokol_impl,...]: set output backend (default: sokol)

    • sokol: Generate a C header where data is declared as static and functions are declared as static inline. If this header is included multiple times, you should be aware that the executable may contain duplicate data.
    • sokol_impl: This generates an STB-style header. In exactly one place where the header is included, the define SOKOL_SHDC_IMPL must be defined to compile the implementation, all other places, only the declarations will be included.
    • sokol_decl: This is a special backward-compatible mode and shouldn't be used. In this mode, data is declared static and functions are declared static inline, and the implementation is included when the SOKOL_SHDC_DECL is not defined
    • bare: compiled shader code is written as plain text or binary files. For each combination of shader program and target language, a file name based on --output is constructed as follows:
      • glsl: *.frag.glsl and *.vert.glsl
      • hlsl: *.frag.hlsl and *.vert.hlsl, or *.fxc for bytecode
      • metal: *.frag.metal and *.vert.metal, or *.metallib for bytecode
    • bare_yaml: like bare, but also creates a YAML file with shader reflection information.
    • sokol_zig: generates output for the sokol-zig bindings
    • sokol_odin: generates output for the sokol-odin bindings
    • sokol_nim: generates output for the sokol-nim bindings
    • sokol_rust: generates output for the sokol-rust bindings
    • sokol_jai: generates output for the Jai language (note that there are currently no auto-generated Jai bindings for the sokol headers)

    Note that some options and features of sokol-shdc can be contradictory to (and thus, ignored by) backends. For example, the bare backend only writes shader code, and disregards all other information.

  • -e --errfmt=[gcc,msvc]: set the error message format to be either GCC-compatible or Visual-Studio-compatible, the default is gcc

  • -g --genver=[integer]: set a version number to embed in the generated header, this is useful to detect whether all shader files need to be recompiled because the tooling has been updated (sokol-shdc will not check this though, this must be done in the build-system-integration)

  • --ifdef: this tells the code generator to wrap 3D-backend-specific code into #ifdef/#endif pairs using the sokol-gfx backend-selection defines:

    • SOKOL_D3D11
  • -d --dump: Enable verbose debug output, this basically dumps all internal information to stdout. Useful for debugging and understanding how sokol-shdc works, but not much else :)

  • --defines=[define1:define2:define3]: a colon-separated list of preprocessor defines for the initial GLSL-to-SPIRV compilation pass

  • --module=[name]: a command-line override for the @module keyword

  • --reflection: if present, code-generate additional runtime-inspection functions

  • --save-intermediate-spirv: debug feature to save out the intermediate SPIRV blob, useful for debug inspection

Shader Tags Reference

The following @-tags can be used in annotated GLSL source files:

@vs [name]

Starts a named vertex shader code block. The code between the @vs and the next @end will be compiled as a vertex shader.


@vs my_vertex_shader
uniform vs_params {
    mat4 mvp;

in vec4 position;
in vec4 color0;

out vec4 color;

void main() {
    gl_Position = mvp * position;
    color = color0;

@fs [name]

Starts a named fragment shader code block. The code between the @fs and the next @end will be compiled as a fragment shader:


@fs my_fragment_shader
in vec4 color;
out vec4 frag_color;

void main() {
    frag_color = color;

@program [name] [vs] [fs]

The @program tag links a vertex- and fragment-shader into a named shader program. The program name will be used for naming the generated sg_shader_desc C struct and a C function to get a pointer to the generated shader desc.

At least one @program tag must exist in an annotated GLSL source file.

Example for the above vertex- and fragment-shader snippets:

@program my_program my_vertex_shader my_fragment_shader

This will generate a C function:

static const sg_shader_desc* my_program_shader_desc(void);

@block [name]

The @block tag starts a named code block which can be included in other @vs, @fs or @block code blocks. This is useful for sharing code between shaders.

Example for having a common lighting function shared between two fragment shaders:

@block lighting
vec3 light(vec3 base_color, vec3 eye_vec, vec3 normal, vec3 light_vec) {

@fs fs_1
@include_block lighting

out vec4 frag_color;
void main() {
    frag_color = vec4(light(...), 1.0);

@fs fs_2
@include_block lighting

out vec4 frag_color;
void main() {
    frag_color = vec4(0.5 * light(...), 1.0);


The @end tag closes a @vs, @fs or @block code block.

@include_block [name]

@include_block includes a @block into another code block. This is useful for sharing code snippets between different shaders.

@include [path]

Include a file from the files system. @include takes one argument: the path of the file to be included. The path must be relative to the directory where the top-level source file is located and must not contain whitespace or quotes. The @include tag can appear inside or outside a code block:

@ctype mat4 hmm_mat4

@vs vs
@include bla/vs.glsl

@include fs.glsl

@program cube vs fs

@ctype [glsl_type] [c_type]

The @ctype tag defines a type-mapping from GLSL to C or C++ in uniform blocks for the GLSL types float, vec2, vec3, vec4, int, int2, int3, int4, and mat4 (these are the currently valid types for use in GLSL uniform blocks).

Consider the following GLSL uniform block without @ctype tags:

@vs my_vs
uniform shape_uniforms {
    mat4 mvp;
    mat4 model;
    vec4 shape_color;
    vec4 light_dir;
    vec4 eye_pos;

On the C side, this will be turned into a C struct like this:

typedef struct shape_uniforms_t {
    float mvp[16];
    float model[16];
    float shape_color[4];
    float light_dir[4];
    float eye_pos[4];
} shape_uniforms_t;

But what if your C/C++ code uses a math library like HandmadeMath.h or GLM?

That's where the @ctype tag comes in. For instance, with HandmadeMath.h you would add the following two @ctypes at the top of the GLSL file to map the GLSL types to their matching hmm_* types:

@ctype mat4 hmm_mat4
@ctype vec4 hmm_vec4

@vs my_vs
uniform shape_uniforms {
    mat4 mvp;
    mat4 model;
    vec4 shape_color;
    vec4 light_dir;
    vec4 eye_pos;

With this change, the uniform block struct on the C side is generated like this now:

typedef struct shape_uniforms_t {
    hmm_mat4 mvp;
    hmm_mat4 model;
    hmm_vec4 shape_color;
    hmm_vec4 light_dir;
    hmm_vec4 eye_pos;
} shape_uniforms_t;

Note that the mapped C/C++ types must have the following byte sizes:

  • mat4: 64 bytes
  • vec4, int4: 16 bytes
  • vec3, int3: 12 bytes
  • vec2, int2: 8 bytes
  • float, int: 4 bytes

Explicit padding bytes will be included as needed by the code generator.

@header ...

The @header tag allows to inject target-language specific statements before the generated code. This is for instance useful to include any required dependencies.

For instance to add a C header include:

@header #include "path/to/header.h"
@header #include "path/to/other_header.h"

This will result in the following generated C code:

#include "path/to/header.h"
#include "path/to/other_header.h"

@module [name]

The optional @module tag defines a 'namespace prefix' for all generated C types, values, defines and functions.

For instance, when adding a @module tag to the above @ctype-example:

@module bla

@ctype mat4 hmm_mat4
@ctype vec4 hmm_vec4

@vs my_vs
uniform shape_uniforms {
    mat4 mvp;
    mat4 model;
    vec4 shape_color;
    vec4 light_dir;
    vec4 eye_pos;

...the generated C uniform block struct (allong with all other identifiers) would get a prefix bla_:

typedef struct bla_shape_uniforms_t {
    hmm_mat4 mvp;
    hmm_mat4 model;
    hmm_vec4 shape_color;
    hmm_vec4 light_dir;
    hmm_vec4 eye_pos;
} bla_shape_uniforms_t;

@glsl_options, @hlsl_options, @msl_options

These tags can be used to define per-shader/per-language options for SPIRV-Cross when compiling SPIR-V to GLSL, HLSL or MSL.

GL, D3D and Metal have different opinions where the origin of an image is, or whether clipspace-z goes from 0..+1 or from -1..+1, and the option-tags allow fine-control over those aspects with the following arguments:

  • fixup_clipspace:
    • GLSL: In vertex shaders, rewrite [0, w] depth (Vulkan/D3D style) to [-w, w] depth (GL style).
    • HLSL: In vertex shaders, rewrite [-w, w] depth (GL style) to [0, w] depth.
    • MSL: In vertex shaders, rewrite [-w, w] depth (GL style) to [0, w] depth.
  • flip_vert_y: Inverts gl_Position.y or equivalent. (all shader languages)

Currently, @glsl_options, @hlsl_options and @msl_options are only allowed inside @vs, @end blocks.

Example from the mrt-sapp sample, this renders a fullscreen-quad to blit an offscreen-render-target image to screen, which should be flipped vertically for GLSL targets:

@vs vs_fsq
@glsl_options flip_vert_y

@image_sample_type [texture] [type]

Allows to provide a hint to the reflection code generator about the 'image sample type' of a texture This corresponds to the sokol-gfx enum sg_image_sample_type, and the WebGPU type GPUTextureSampleType.

Valid values for type are:

  • float
  • unfilterable-float
  • sint
  • uint
  • depth

Note that the annotation is usually only required for the unfilterable-float type, since all other types can be inferred from the shader code.

The unfilterable_float annotation is required for floating point texture formats which can not be filtered (like RGBA32F).

Example from

@image_sample_type joint_tex unfilterable_float
uniform texture2D joint_tex;

@sampler_type [sampler] [type]

Similar to @image_sample_type, the tag @sampler_type allows to provide a hint to the code generator about the sampler type of a GLSL sampler object. This corresponds to the sokol-gfx enum sg_sampler_type, and the WebGPU type GPUSamplerBindingType.

Valid values for type are:

  • filtering
  • nonfiltering
  • comparison

The annotation is usually only required for the non-filtering type, since all other types can be inferred from the shader code.

The non-filtering annoation is required for samplers that used together with unfilterable-float textures.

Example from

@sampler_type smp nonfiltering
uniform sampler smp;

Programming Considerations

Target Shader Language Defines

In the input GLSL source, use the following checks to conditionally compile code for the different target shader languages:

    // target shader language is a GLSL dialect

    // target shader language is HLSL

    // target shader language is MetalSL

    // target shader language is WGSL

Normally, SPIRV-Cross does its best to 'normalize' the differences between GLSL, HLSL and MSL, but sometimes it's still necessary to write different code for different target languages.

These checks are evaluated by the initial compiler pass which compiles GLSL v450 to SPIR-V, and only make sense inside @vs, @fs and @block code-blocks.

Creating shaders and pipeline objects

The generated C header will contain one function for each shader program which returns a pointer to a completely initialized static sg_shader_desc structure, so creating a shader object becomes a one-liner.

For instance, with the following @program in the GLSL file:

@program shape vs fs

The following code would be used to create the shader object:

sg_shader shd = sg_make_shader(shape_shader_desc(sg_query_backend()));

When creating a pipeline object, the shader code generator will provide integer constants for the vertex attribute locations.

Consider the following vertex shader inputs in the GLSL source code:

@vs vs
in vec4 position;
in vec3 normal;
in vec2 texcoords;

The vertex attribute description in the sg_pipeline_desc struct could look like this (note the attribute indices names ATTR_vs_position, etc...):

sg_pipeline pip = sg_make_pipeline(&(sg_pipeline_desc){
    .layout = {
        .attrs = {
            [ATTR_vs_position].format = SG_VERTEXFORMAT_FLOAT3,
            [ATTR_vs_normal].format = SG_VERTEXFORMAT_BYTE4N,
            [ATTR_vs_texcoords].format = SG_VERTEXFORMAT_SHORT2

It's also possible to provide explicit vertex attribute location in the shader code:

@vs vs
layout(location=0) in vec4 position;
layout(location=1) in vec3 normal;
layout(location=2) in vec2 texcoords;

When the shader code uses explicit location, the generated location constants can be ignored on the C side:

sg_pipeline pip = sg_make_pipeline(&(sg_pipeline_desc){
    .layout = {
        .attrs = {
            [0].format = SG_VERTEXFORMAT_FLOAT3,
            [1].format = SG_VERTEXFORMAT_BYTE4N,
            [2].format = SG_VERTEXFORMAT_SHORT2

Binding uniforms blocks

Similar to the vertex attribute location constants, the C code generator also provides bind slot constants for images and uniform blocks.

Consider the following uniform block in GLSL:

uniform vs_params {
    mat4 mvp;

The C header code generator will create a C struct and a 'bind slot' constant for the uniform block:

#define SLOT_vs_params (0)
typedef struct vs_params_t {
    hmm_mat4 mvp;
} vs_params_t;

...which both are used in the sg_apply_uniforms() call like this:

vs_params_t vs_params = {
    .mvp = ...
sg_apply_uniforms(SG_SHADERSTAGE_VS, SLOT_vs_params, &SG_RANGE(vs_params));

Note that you cannot use explicit bind locations for uniform blocks in the shader code (or rather: you can, but sokol-shdc will ignore those), instead sokol-shdc will automatically assign bind slots to uniform blocks.

To get the correct bind slot on the 'CPU side', either use the code generated SLOT_* constants, or the optionally generated runtime inspection functions which allow to lookup bind slots by name.

More on the optional runtime inspection function below in the section Runtime Inspection.

Binding images and samplers

Textures and samplers must be defined separately in the input GLSL (this is also known as 'Vulkan-style GLSL'):

uniform texture2D tex;
uniform sampler smp;

Shader in old 'GL-style GLSL' with combined image-samplers will now generate an error.

The resource binding slot for texture and sampler uniforms is available as code-generated constant:

#define SLOT_tex (0)
#define SLOT_smp (0)

This is used in the sg_bindings struct as index into the vs.images[], vs.samplers[], fs.images[] and fs.samplers[] arrays:

    .vertex_buffers[0] = vbuf,
    .fs = {
        .images[SLOT_tex] = img,
        .samplers[SLOT_smp] = smp,

Just as with uniform blocks, any explit bind slot definition in the shader is ignored, instead bind slots will be automatically assigned. The assigned bind slot is available either as constant as shown above, or can be looked up by name via the optional runtime inspection functions.

More on the optional runtime inspection function below in the section Runtime Inspection.

Binding storage buffers

Note the following restrictions:

  • storage buffers are not supported for the output formats glsl300es and glsl410
  • currently, only readonly storage buffers are supported

In the input GLSL, define a storage buffer like this:

struct sb_vertex {
    vec4 pos;
    vec4 color;

readonly buffer ssbo {
    sb_vertex vtx[];

The buffer content can be accessed in the a shader like this (for instance using gl_VertexIndex):

    vec4 pos = vtx[gl_VertexIndex].pos;
    vec4 color = vtx[gl_VertexIndex].color;

Only one flexible array member is allowed inside a buffer. Note that the name vertex cannot be used for a struct because it is a reserved keyword in MSL.

On the C side, sokol-shdc will create a C struct sb_vertex_t with the required alignment and padding (according to std430 layout) and a SLOT_ssbo define which can be used in the sg_bindings struct to index into the vs.storage_buffers or fs.storage_buffers arrays.

    .vs = {
        .storage_buffers[SLOT_ssbo] = img,

GLSL uniform blocks and C structs

There are a few caveats with uniform blocks:

  • The memory layout of uniform blocks on the CPU side must be compatible across all sokol-gfx backends. To achieve this, uniform block content is restricted to a subset of the std140 packing rule that's compatible with the glUniform() functions.

  • Uniform block member types are restricted to:

    • float
    • vec2
    • vec3
    • vec4
    • int
    • ivec2
    • ivec3
    • ivec4
    • mat4

    This restriction exists so that the uniform data is compatible with all sokol_gfx.h backends down to GLES2 and WebGL.

  • Arrays are only allowed for the following types:

    • vec4
    • int4
    • mat4

    This restriction exists because the element stride must be the same as the element width so that the uniform data is compatible both with the std140 layout and glUniformNfv() calls.

  • Uniform block member alignment is as follows (compatible with std140):

    • float, int: 4 bytes
    • vec2, ivec2: 8 bytes
    • vec3, ivec3: 16 bytes
    • vec4, ivec4: 16 bytes
    • mat4: 16 bytes
    • vec4[] 16 bytes
    • ivec4[] 16 bytes
    • mat4[] 16 bytes
  • For the GLSL outputs, uniform blocks will be flattened into a single vec4 arrays if all elements in the uniform block have the same 'base type' (float or int):

    • 'float' base type: float, vec2, vec3, vec4, mat4
    • 'int' base type: int, ivec2, ivec3, ivec4

    The advantage of flattened uniform blocks is that they can be updated with a single glUniform4fv() call.

    Mixed-base-type uniform blocks are allowed, but will not be flattened, this means that such mixed uniform blocks require multiple glUniform() calls.

    If the performance of uniform block updates matters in the GL backends, it may make sense to split complex uniform blocks into two separate blocks with the same base type (e.g. all 'float-y' members into one uniform block, and all 'int-y' members into another).

    In the non-GL sokol-gfx backends (D3D11, Metal, WebGPU), uniform block updates are always a a single operation.

Storage buffer content restrictions

  • currently, storage buffers must be declared as readonly: readonly buffer [name] { ... }
  • the storage buffer content must be a single flexible struct array member
  • structs used in storage buffers have fewer type restrictions than uniform blocks, but please note that a lot of type combinations are little tested, when in doubt stick to the same restrictions as in uniform blocks

Runtime Inspection

The hardwired uniform-block C structs and bind slot constants which are code-generated by default may be too inflexible for some use cases like high-level material system where different shaders must be fed from the same superset of vertex components, buffers, textures and uniformblocks, but each shader accepts a slightly different set of these inputs.

For such usage scenarios, sokol-shdc offers the --reflection command line option which code-generates additional functions for runtime inspection of vertex attributes, image, samplers, and uniform-blocks and their layout.

The functions are prefixed by the module name (defined with the @module tag or --module command line arg) and the shader program name:

Vertex Attribute Inspection

The function

int [mod]_[prog]_attr_slot(const char* attr_name)

returns the vertex-layout slot-index of a vertex attribute by name, or -1 if the shader program doesn't have a vertex attribute by this name.

Example code:

// setup a runtime-dynamic vertex layout
sg_layout_desc layout = {
    .buffers[0].stride = sizeof(my_vertex_t)

// inspect the shader what vertex attribute it actually needs
// this assumes that the shader's @module name is 'mod' and
// the @program name is 'prog':
const int pos_slot = mod_prog_attr_slot("position");
if (pos_slot >= 0) {
    layout.attrs[pos_slot] = { ... };
const int nrm_slot = mod_prog_attr_slot("normal");
if (nrm_slot >= 0) {
    layout.attrs[nrm_slot] = { ... };
const int uv_slot = mod_prog_attr_slot("texcoord");
if (uv_slot >= 0) {
    layout.attrs[uv_slot] = { ... };

// ...use the vertex layout in sg_pipeline_desc:
sg_pipeline_desc pip_desc = {
    .layout = layout,

Image and Sampler Bind Slot Inspection

The function

int [mod]_[prog]_image_slot(sg_shader_stage stage, const char* image_name) int [mod]_[prog]_sampler_slot(sg_shader_stage stage, const char* sampler_name)

returns the bind-slot of an image or sampler on the given shader stage, or -1 if the shader doesn't expect an image or sampler of that name on that shader stage.

Code example:

sg_image specular_texture = ...;
sg_bindings binds = { ... };

// check if the shader expects a specular texture on the fragment shader stage,
// if yes set it in the bindings struct at the expected slot index:
const int spec_tex_slot = mod_prog_image_slot(SG_SHADERSTAGE_FS, "spec_tex");
const int spec_smp_slot = mod_prog_sampler_slot(SG_SHADERSTAGE_FS, "spec_smp");
if ((spec_tex_slot >= 0) && (spec_smp_slot >= 0)) {
    bindings.fs.images[spec_tex_slot] = specular_texture;
    bindings.fs.samplers[spex_smp_slot] = specular_sampler;

// apply bindings

Uniform Block Inspection

The function

int [mod]_[prog]_uniformblock_slot(sg_shader_stage stage, const char* ub_name)

returns the bind slot of a shader's uniform block on the given shader stage, or -1 if the shader doesn't expect a uniform block of that name on that shader stage.

The function

size_t [mod]_[prog]_uniformblock_size(sg_shader_stage stage, const char* ub_name)

return the size in bytes of a shader's uniform block on the given shader stage, or 0 if the shader doesn't expect a uniform block of that name on that shader stage.

Use the return values in the sg_apply_uniform() call.

Code example:

// NOTE: in real-world code you'd probably want to lookup the uniform block
// slot and size upfront in initialization code, not in the hot path
const int ub_slot = prog_mod_uniformblock_slot(SG_SHADERSTAGE_VS, "vs_params");
if (ub_slot >= 0) {
    const size_t ub_size = prog_mod_uniformblock_size(SG_SHADERSTAGE_VS, "vs_params");
    sg_apply_uniforms(SG_SHADERSTAGE_VS, ub_slot, &(sg_range){
        .ptr = pointer_to_uniform_data,
        .size = ub_size

The function

int [mod]_[prog]_uniform_offset(sg_shader_stage stage, const char* ub_name, const char* u_name)

...allows to lookup the byte offset of a specific uniform within its uniform block. This makes it possible to compose uniform data expected by a shader without the hardwired uniform block C struct. The function returns -1 if the shader doesn't expect a uniform block of that name on that shader stage, or if the uniform block is expected but doesn't contain a uniform of that name.

It's also possible to query the sg_shader_uniform_desc struct of a given uniform, which provides additional type information with the following function:

sg_shader_uniform_desc [mod]_[prog]_uniform_desc(sg_shader_stage stage, const char* ub_name, const char* u_name)

The sg_shader_uniform_desc struct allows to inspect the uniform type (SG_UNIFORMTYPE_xxx), and the array count of the uniform (which is 1 for regular uniforms, or >1 for arrays).

Storage buffer inspection

Currently, only the bind slot can be inspected for storage buffers:

int [mod]_[prog]_storagebuffer_slot(sg_shader_stage stage, const char* sbuf_name)